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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. I'm perfectly happy in my lifeJeez guys, don't overreact. Piccadilly Circus is good for advertising other things, but there are more ways to market a ride and get an advert seen. This isn't exactly broad advertising. After all they spent on The Swarm advertising, they light it up in London. Billboards, app ads, website sponsors, that's how you reach the target. Try to better that, Holly.
  2. Just a few of my favourites; Millions have died, but our troops have advanced no further than an asthmatic ant carrying some heavy shopping! - Blackadder Goes Forth The Sultan of Brunei reads the Peckham Echo, does he?! What A Moby! - Del Boy Looks like I quit the wrong week to quit smoking/drinking/vitamins/sniffing glue - Airplane!
  3. Looks like RMT ran well. Just seen various photos on Facebook today, and the list of rides that opened. I'm beginning to wonder if it was worth it! If I was in reach I'd have gone in just to wander round to see a snowy park.
  4. Lame, desperate. They put in a £20m coaster and in its second year they promote it like this.P-lease!
  5. RideAddict


    What legends! I only got into them last year after the release of Greyhound and I've heard their other music too, but I will miss them bad! Just when I get into them they stop making music, but I've heard Axel is going solo.
  6. - It stands for On Ride Photo.
  7. A fresh rant - this should get tongues wagging (or car horns blasting in this case): Nobody likes paying for car parks, or on-street parking. But, picture this... A main road with double-yellow lines is resurfaced and made nice and smooth. After completion, the white lines are painted in. Job done? Hmm, not quite. No double yellow lines are repainted. So what happens? "Ooh no, yellow lines, I can park here!" - everyone decides to park on the main road, with cars parked on both sides right opposite each other. The main road becomes congested at times, the cars risking getting hit. Fair enough, they have a right to park there, it's the fault of the council for not putting repainting the yellow lines. But think where you park, please! Yes, we all want free parking, but it may cost you more than a 60p ticket if somone knocks your wingmirror off!
  8. RideAddict

    Pirates 4D

    Really do miss Pirates 4D, much better than Time Voyagers. It's a shame the building has been empty for so many seasons now, and I think something needs to be done with it sooner rather than later. Does anyone know it's current state?
  9. I haven't voted because I enjoy both - care to do another fix? Whenever I make a coffee, I always put in a spoonful of Coffee Mate, makes it more creamy and lovely! So, biscuits - dunker, dipper or neither?
  10. Comparing Storm Surge to Hex, you're playing a dangerous game there! I didn't lose my wallet. Good to see that people still managed to have a good day despite the cold weather. I was out yesterday for a short while and though "Glad I'm not there."
  11. The proof is in the pudding - they've acknowledged the comments and complaints and listened to us, this year they've come up trumps. Like I was saying last week, little things like getting small signs and making pathways etc cleaner are something they slip up on every year, but that compared to getting the rides ready is nothing.
  12. I was reading in FD magazine about the devastation that hurricane Sandy caused in the U.S, most notably to Casino Pier and Funtown Pier. I hadn't heard up until now about this, yet alone realised this could even happen. Reading this and generally online, there is some truly interesting information about it all which makes it sad really, even for the older coasters that aren't as thrilling as todays. I'm sure eventually it will get all back on track, even if it does take time.
  13. Well, I was pleased to see the Buddha rocks go. But no, removing the Angkor Wat faces for good is a step too far. Take too much away and it's not very mystic nor east. Sounds to me like you're doubting their investment, and you think it's all safe?
  14. Yes, you'd be right there. It does look like it's flowing faster but I've only seen it from as far away as Saw, so couldn't say 100%.
  15. Couldn't agree more with Mark. What's the story with Colossus and Saw then, have they opened at all or been closed half a day the last few days? They were running OK last Wednesday, although they did suffer downtime. Colossus' scrolling LED board at the entrance even showed it as unavailable before I had my ride. When the train came back into the station an engineer was waiting to do something, not sure what, I did happen to note that it didn't run or not even test for about 10 minutes after my ride.
  16. Last year or 2011 they had to close for the first time in its history.
  17. It's only a few degrees colder today than when I was there on Wednesday, and all rides were open then And to move briefly back onto ride roughness, Stealth's second-half of the launch and vertical section is like an off-road track!
  18. Actually, I'd forgot that. The next time I go over the top hat I must remember to look down to the side!
  19. So it's only gone for this year and will be back next year? Let's hope so. Jeez, they whipped the Angkor Wat faces off quick, surely it can't take them a year to put them back, unless new ones are being fabricated?I'll forever go on about the rocks by the lift hill and Buddha not coming back, but I think people forget the Golden Donuts stand that was in that corner before Pan For Gold was there. The size of that compared to it's predecessor is huge.
  20. Or it could fail the morning tests?
  21. They can keep calling but if I walk past and there's no queue, what's the point, you could be the first there and wait a while!
  22. Dragon Falls? How naked it looks now. If this is them improving the next 2 years then I wonder how much worse it can get. If it ain't broke don't fix it!
  23. I can bear Starbucks but Costa and Nero are better. I love my tea, but I am a coffee-holic lately, always grabbing one when in town! But it's very rare I make myself one.
  24. RideAddict


    It's a shame it's closing, but unfortunately we and the Beeb need to move forward with the times - something this country is sometimes afraid of doing. The building is an icon, a legend - call it whatever you want. Many celebrities have spoken about it's closure (Danny Baker this week was a tremendous example), and although the majority of us don't want it to go, it is. Shame, yes. I'm already missing those Live and Kicking titles, here's one from 1999: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyGakD1Gh_I
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