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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. Yet another bit of bad news for this year! As for the pills, do they come in different flavours?
  2. RideAddict


    Recently I got up about 1pm on a Sunday and went out for the day. I didn't bother going to bed that following night, so on the Monday I had about a half-hour kip and then went to bed as normal about 11pm that night The weird thing is I didn't feel my eyelids dropping once. I see people post here right through the night. When you see me post at those sort of hours, I'm wide awake and up when I shouldn't be!
  3. It doesn't help considering parts of the zoo were shifted to install the Sea Life Centre Yes, they still exist but aren't always used.
  4. Some reminders on Facebook today about the past Chocolate Towers event. I never went during it, but it looked wicked, and being Easter now, would like to see this return as an annual event.
  5. When I saw that picture on Facebook, I thought the bun on the left was a merangue with chocolate sprinklings on it for a few seconds, then I saw the lettuce! Why oh why are Merlin doing this to us this year?! The Smiler opening late, Dragon Falls ruined, Loggers changes, the list is endless. Everything they've touched this winter is a cock-up!
  6. Have you actually rode it yet? The giraffe's are so cute! Very young, and they're not scared by the trucks. This is probably the best thing about the ride Although it's a great addition, I'm a bit of sick this African direction the park are heading in. With the themed hotel, Zafari Bar and Grill, Wanyama reserve, Africa, Wild Asia and now this, it's clear to see that about 50% of the resort is themed along this general line. And it leaves me wondering what's next and what is the park's themed future? The World of Adventures is not so universal anymore! However, Simba would be proud!
  7. The only excitement left is smelling the cooking donuts as you ride past the back of the building!
  8. I've been to the park about 75 times since late 2004, since then I've paid for fastrack only twice. I always read it as "fast rack" even though I know what it means.
  9. I think a few years ago they did take a section of track off for maintenance on the first main drop. For me, the roughest part are the inline twists.
  10. Probably because everyone was queueing for X!
  11. I wouldn't say last legs, it's just been poorly maintained. The track itself is solid and going nowhere. The cars have been neglected of maintenance and got beyond repair. They should buy some newer ones.
  12. I think they will be back, the electrical foundations are still there, they're needed Chessington needs a second one near Fury.
  13. RideAddict


    Very random alert.. I discovered them back in the 1990's and I have never tried one - until about 9pm tonight. Battered Mars bars. Yummy.
  14. Chessington was busier then. Understandable, with families etc.
  15. RideAddict


    Because Storm Surge is the biggest waste of money ever. Come on Benin, I thought even you might have caught on to this one!
  16. Fair enough if you see it that way, but I don't exhaust myself. It could last from a few hours to a period of a few months. Bit by bit, they'll get the message.
  17. The rock wall in the second picture looks very balanced and uneven!
  18. RideAddict


    It didn't look any different last week. It does need changing though.
  19. I did warn you what I wrote back then is different to now - even I admit it's not the best now, but I simply can't be arsed to go through and edit bits of it yet.
  20. My ride lasted about 15 minutes yesterday.
  21. RideAddict


    It's a shame it can't be brought back after all these years!
  22. I wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I decided to here. It's basically a review I wrote on Facebook about Chessington on 12th September 2011 (Facebook's changes the other day has uncovered this amongst my profile! ). Although it can probably be reviewed and edited, I have simply copied and pasted it, so please be aware there may be a few differences at the park now compared to when I wrote this 18 months ago. The Changing Face Of Chessington At the moment Chessington is definitely the best it’s ever been. Since Wild Asia opened last year, the area has been a massive success and as a consequence, has massively improved the park. Wild Asia is the park’s unique selling point, and that’s exactly what Chessington needed - something new and fresh to point their advertising in the right diection. The previous unique selling point was Land Of The Dragons which opened back in 2004. Wild Asia has been Chessington’s biggest investment since Land Of The Dragons, and Kobra is the only new ride since Dragons Fury opened in 2004. As we know, the Sea Life Centre opened in 2008. Although it was new, this, to me, seemed like a small addition to the park. And since it’s been there, Chessington have used it a few times in advertising, but not to the full extent they could have. In 2009 I was still visiting the park regularly, but not as much I was would’ve liked to. If you compare 2009 season to the 2010 one, there is a massive difference. In 2009, things generally seemed to be failing a little, and it wasn’t the best, this was disappointing for the park. And many regular visitors knew that Beanoland was closing in September 2009 so that work could commence for it to be re-themed into Wild Asia for 2010. At the time of opening back in 2000 Beanoland had work well, but by about 2006 the novelty of it had worn off, and something needed to be done. It was fortunate the sponsorship was due to end at the end of 2009. I remember seeing the advertising banners in 2009 for Wild Asia, and I was unsure as to how good it could be. However, little did I realise it would have such a massive effect on the parks image the following year. Chessington have made many improvements to the park since the beginning of the 2010 season, and they are constantly making improvements – this is their time to shine! After many years of a confusing car park, it’s finally been sorted, together with the new road entrance and exit from the A243. For many years, that was a much needed improvement, but with traffic lights now controlling the traffic along the road and access to the park, it’s not only an improvement, but it looks a lot better. And now cars can’t exit through the coach entrance, it’s a lot safer. The only cock-up to have been made to the car park is the charges imposed in 2011, which many object to. The main entrance to the park by the ticket booths was also improved last year. Gone is the spinning globe which worked when it decided it wanted to, and a good job too, as this symbolised the old Chessington. The “Welcome to Britain's wildest adventure” slogan together with the bamboo fences and signs symbolises the new Chessington. And to compliment it, fresh, new entrance music, suitably titled The Call To Adventure – the first and much needed change of the entrance music in many years! It lives up to its name, as the music is a catchy tune, and to me, is calling people in to the park – and the guests are greeted with a fantastic selection of ever-improving rides and attractions. This music alone really gives power and delivers the new “wildest adventure” theme across the entire park that Chessington are trying to achieve – and it’s working! As I say, this really is Chessington’s time to shine – they have got things spot on, and the park is at its best. For a family theme park, it's heading in the right direction and it's future investments have never looked more positive and brighter. Alton Towers and Thorpe Park are slowly improving and heading in the right direction too, considering their target audiences, but Chessington really is leading the way. The park celebrates its 25th anniversary celebrations in July 2012 – Chessie's performance cannot afford to slip now.
  23. RideAddict


    To anyone who's rode it already: does it now have an on-ride photo?
  24. Giggler leg, flasher leg, inoculator, tickler, marmaliser. Never has a rollercoaster had features with so many names that is simply OTT. Confusion in m'brain, how will I remember all these?!
  25. Only because yesterday was busy, we can only dream of this on a weekday.
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