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Project LC

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Everything posted by Project LC

  1. What is interesting about some slogans we have already seen which are now written in a circle?
  2. Well that explains the slow acceleration. That's going to use a lot of power for a launch. I prefer the hydraulic cable launch. The faster acceleration and the way the acceleration is not consistent.
  3. Yeah let's hope it's really intense as that appeals to the mass family market. I have very low expectations for this and throughout the construction they have been getting lower.
  4. If you are a Premium MAP they will store your over priced headset for you until the end of the day (£5 for standard pass holders). Oh and bags cost 5p.
  5. Project LC


    Yay lets all celebrate at the removal of something that should never have been there in the first place and it only took them years and years to remove it because this is the new standard we have come to accept. Yes its good its gone but it counts for nothing as they are the ones who put it there. Towers are a joke.
  6. Hmm I wonder how much Mako will be to buy when seaworld go bust.
  7. Well I would be highly surprised if the events over the summer ran at a profit. They focused the advertising on the concerts that very few were interested in which presumably they were expensive to get. As a result people only thought island beats were on and very few knew about summer nights. So as a result they got few people through the door.
  8. Merlin need to stress the economic benefits to the local council better and in exchange they will get planning permission. It is pretty much the same process for any large project. If you are able to make it appealing to the locals then it is fine. That could consist of bringing in more tourists for local B&B's/Hotels or resurfacing a road for them. For merlin the park to invest in is obviously Thorpe. Its the park they can do the most with. Close to 2 motorway junctions, relaxed planning permission, close proximity to London and Heathrow. If they can solve the space issue then it would be a no brainer.
  9. Well it was originally created to improve guest satisfaction scores while making a little bit of money on the side. The whole summer nights last year was ruined by the concerts and very confusing ticket system. It just wasn't worth the hassle to go. It was poorly managed and while a shame it its going. Sacrificing guest satisfaction for more profit is fine by me seeing as I no longer value the continued existence of merlin in any way.
  10. Seems that Thorpe is getting a nitrogenie for all your ice cream needs.
  11. 3d and VR are very different. 3D uses bipolarised light so each eye sees a different image while VR is just a screen really close to your eyes.
  12. I'm very much against VR for theme parks. VR will be good fun in the gaming scene. However like everything in that sector it will age horrifically. 5 years down the line and it will be outdated. Yes Merlin may update the tech but they sure won't pay for the new animation/film every 2-6 years for the better resolution.
  13. Looks like shipping containers are about to get a new friend called VR. VR for everybody!
  14. Raptor is a trademark of Merlin's for European attractions.
  15. They have to reveal the clues as the gp (me included) just don't care enough to spend more than 5 seconds on it. An abandoned railway station just doesn't grab the public's attention. Everyone knowing nothing about it makes the hype train even harder to get going.
  16. Selling a second hand top scan for £278,000? I highly doubt they got near that for it. While I imagine it helped it won't be the main reason. Weather was good last year and the family entertainment industry increased a lot in general.
  17. When it comes to these sorts of launch coasters size is a major factor as well as the speed. 0-111mph in 5 seconds seems rather slow compared to its US counterparts. I'm starting to think all the odd things about this coaster are coming down to one simple reason of cost.
  18. The media team are trying their best. How else do you sell a closed ride as a good thing. Your blame is on the wrong department in this case Jamie. Corporate cutting budgets is hurting operations which mean media have to come up with nonsense like that.
  19. Do we know the acceleration of this ride? If we don't know the top speed or length of the launch then the acceleration should be unknown.
  20. Shockwave is rather tame and rather low forces involved in the ride. On other stand ups the forces are stronger and last longer. Going into unknown forces supported by your legs can be uncomfortable. The seat while being an issue of comfort is just one issue of a long list of problems with them.
  21. This must be a catapult. Lsm is not capable of launching a train to that speed in that distance without crazy amount of energy. I feel this is lacking an airtime hill because of space. When designing kingda ka they had great difficulty getting the hill correct. The hill for this would have most likely needed a longer run or a shorter drop. Having been on TTD and kingda ka the airtime hill adds very little to the ride. I think it also leads to a more uncomfortable ride due to the added stress on the wheels.
  22. The slope down is clearly so the trains move with little to no effort. Why it's like that before the slope is just mysterious. It looks like rct3.
  23. Project LC


    No it really doesn't have large queues. At any point in time the queue is always minimal.
  24. It's in case something falls off the train above and hits the drop tower. Also when the train launches the tower wobbles which is off putting to riders on the drop tower.
  25. Project LC


    I believe he was talking about that they would close a new ride after 3 years because it's unpopular and has a very high running cost. Exact ride closures have not been confirmedis yet.
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