I damn hope that they get the higher swings when it is beyond horizontal makes the ride a lot better and I have never known the staff on rush from my experience to have a quick change of passengers! but I don't have a problem with the short ride when the queue is longer that 20
I think that it will work well in the park because they don't have many airtime elements in there coasters the only ones I can think off are Colossus and saw but they only have the 1 and it will be perfectly located at the back of the park behind swarm making it easy to get to because I think that it is a hassle to get to at the moment
does any one know what the height restriction is at thorpe? and I think that they might do something a little more than a repaint maybe new seats/carriage?
http://www.chessingtonjobs.com/working-for-us/training-and-development http://www.thorpeparkjobs.com/working-for-us/training-development-new was all I found if you find any think it would be appreciated I'm doing engineering level 2 hopeing to get into the theme park line of work
what's the worst thing that has happened to you or seen at a theme park? eg. stuck on ride for a long time, no rides open, injuries, waiting in queue because something has happened any thing like that. I have had a couple!
hello my name is James kinnaird I thoroughly enjoy roller coasters I live in a town called yateley would love to become apart of the community at Thorpe park mania and this seams like the best rollercoaster forum just thought id say hello