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Everything posted by kinnaird

  1. kinnaird


    No I recommend the arctic monkeys suck it and see album not the newest stuff! Queen's of the stone age very much like the arctic monkeys.
  2. nemesis sub terra is also a very good dark ride forgot about that
  3. kinnaird


    it look's fast maybe a full speed test I don't know I'm not a sky swat expert and would enplane the noise
  4. kinnaird

    This Or That

    Seven dwarfs mine train! stealth or rita queen of speed
  5. Valhalla or hex both very good rides! but hex has very good story
  6. I think that the re-theme or just some new water affects maybe even a paint job would bring alot more attention to it
  7. kinnaird


    I damn hope that they get the higher swings when it is beyond horizontal makes the ride a lot better and I have never known the staff on rush from my experience to have a quick change of passengers! but I don't have a problem with the short ride when the queue is longer that 20
  8. kinnaird

    This Or That

    Thorpe hard one tho youtube or twitch ?
  9. I hate this so much! they think that they are in control of you're life!
  10. kinnaird


    what getting thrown on unsafe rides and expected to just put up with it! I know a bad question but is it in operation ?
  11. kinnaird

    Youtube Videos

    probably best coaster looks smooth and not to bad on the inversion's
  12. kinnaird


    I agree with Paige with the re theme more extreme then the flying fish but it is still a good coaster because of the lighting fog and music
  13. kinnaird

    This Or That

    xbox no limits or rct ?
  14. I don't have a problem with detonator as is and that's quite a height as well
  15. wow that's amazing went yestserday and not a speck of mist damn love the tunnel when misty
  16. I know sadly and just hoped I helped
  17. I think that it will work well in the park because they don't have many airtime elements in there coasters the only ones I can think off are Colossus and saw but they only have the 1 and it will be perfectly located at the back of the park behind swarm making it easy to get to because I think that it is a hassle to get to at the moment
  18. does any one know what the height restriction is at thorpe? and I think that they might do something a little more than a repaint maybe new seats/carriage?
  19. http://www.chessingtonjobs.com/working-for-us/training-and-development http://www.thorpeparkjobs.com/working-for-us/training-development-new was all I found if you find any think it would be appreciated I'm doing engineering level 2 hopeing to get into the theme park line of work
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDf9p4Lrw-M I think it goes well when you are watching it from the floor and you can hear it
  21. what's the worst thing that has happened to you or seen at a theme park? eg. stuck on ride for a long time, no rides open, injuries, waiting in queue because something has happened any thing like that. I have had a couple!
  22. it's only a standard iPhone camera most of the time it's just standing in the right place
  23. thank you! Where about's are you Hampshire area? Thank you taken last season towards the end of the year when it was 1 in a 1,000,000 shot.
  24. hello my name is James kinnaird I thoroughly enjoy roller coasters I live in a town called yateley would love to become apart of the community at Thorpe park mania and this seams like the best rollercoaster forum just thought id say hello
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