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Everything posted by Charlesberg

  1. I was literally watching that very documentary this afternoon, I then looked up the ride on RCDB just to refresh myself on the stats where I then found out about the refurb (and then posted a rant here). After listening to the old soundtrack, I will say I much prefer the mission 2 soundtrack because it tells a better story in my eyes. However, my opinion is biased for obvious reasons.
  2. I never rode the original so I couldn't really contain about mission 2. One of the reasons I love SMM2 is that it all started when I went to DLP in 2005 (the year of it's sort of retheme). I remember seeing a tube with steam coming out and people screaming. I had no idea what was going on apart from that I thought people were being steamed to death or something. Of course being 5, I couldn't ride it (seeing it terrified me enough at that age). After becoming an enthusiast I then found out what actually happened to people then I eventually got to ride it. I was amazed by the experience. Even though I only rode the mission 2 version, it was enough to make me annoyed about it being changed to something else.
  3. So are you saying it'll return to it's ordinal SMM2 theme after a year?
  4. I can't believe I've only just noticed the Space Mountain Mission 2 retheme now! The fact that they're getting new trains is brilliant, I never found the original ride too bad so this will only make things better and more comfortable. But here's my issue... I don't care if people will hate me for the following but I may as well say it. I DO NOT LIKE STAR WARS! With SMM2, I loved the soundtrack. The soundtrack is an absolute masterpiece and it made the ride that much better. I know I say that theming is greater than force but this ride was the perfect combination of those factors, plus the music is an entirely different story. The retheme is bound to throw away the soundtrack which is just heartbreaking, sad to say I listen to that soundtrack at least once a week I love it that much. Continuing my earlier statement, I like the space theme but I don't like Star Wars. I won't like the theme and I'm not a huge fan of their music either. The original SMM2 was a ride I feel in love with because it was an adventure into the unknown, it wasn't something I was expecting whereas with Star Wars I probably won't be surprised (Oh great! I can see the Death Star! Wow!). I was hoping to relive the original experience when I go to DLP in October. Clearly not The only good thing out of this for me is the trains, apart from that, this retheme feels like the Guardian's of the Galaxy disaster all over again (I prefer SMM2 to TOT so I'm a bit more devastated). Overall I do not approve.
  5. Charlesberg


    I honestly wouldn't mind if Colossus was removed and replaced with something bearable. Before 2016, I would complain about its removal. Now, I would be happy on the conditions that its replacement would be better.
  6. From what I've seen, it isn't common for Stealth to have downtime. Apart from the closure for replacing the cable, I've witnessed more downtime on the other 4 coasters than I have for Stealth. As Intamin Accelerators go, Stealth is pretty darn reliable. Oh, and DBGT is a complete mystery. Hopefully they will have solved some of the problems during the off-season.
  7. If it's on the Saturday then I will not be able to attend.
  8. Charlesberg


    I will agree that it is something that would make Colossus bearable, but it just won't happen ? The track is too thin for the new lap bar trains (based off the fact that the track using the new trains is wider). Plus it's Merlin, they'll see 3hr queues for it and assume everything is alright as it's "popular".
  9. Watch me *runs off a cliff and fails* On with the game for the third time... Was correct in the fact that humans that claim to be falcons cannot fly.
  10. It was just something I heard someone say when the 2nd VR section finished, I have no idea about the person who said it.
  11. On DBGT: "That was actually quite good!"
  12. Charlesberg


    It's Merlin, they'll repaint the rides we don't didn't really care about repaints for and leave the ones that need it the most to rot. As much as the Nemesis repaint improved its look, the old paint being worn out was never really a problem as the ride was smooth. Think of what they could've done instead
  13. I don't think Storm Surge is that bad of a ride, but it is in a terrible location in the park and it's not particularly nice having to walk under it to get to X.
  14. Whilst in the queue for Nitro: My father: "What ride is that over there?" Me: "That is the ride we're currently waiting for!" (it was Nitro's airtime hills) I can honestly see why he said that, but from an enthusiast's point of view it was hilarious
  15. I haven't been to the dentist for about two and a half years. Should I be concerned?
  16. I used to enjoy that game, I managed to complete about 6 demons (including Clubstep and Theory of Everything 2). I then got bored of the game, the only time I really ever play the game is during flights.
  17. I feel that some soundtracks from IMAScore take a long time to really get into the music itself (not all soundtracks, themes like Helix or The Smiler don't count). E.g. the Galactica theme takes a while to get started so I end up getting bored waiting for it to get really good (and I can't skip or else I ruin the effect), it isn't bad but it's just long. I prefer the original Air theme where sections were not overly long which helped with my attention span. The individual sections were also very unique and overall there was great flow to it which is why I love it
  18. Just an old thread I decided to revive I absolutely love theme park music/soundtracks because when I listen to them, I'll associate them with the ride and it'll sometimes bring back memories of the ride itself. I know I may have given the impression that theming isn't my favoured part (I still like theming, just not to an extent) but theme park music is what sets it for me; being a passionate musician only makes me appreciate it more. My favourite soundrack has to be Space Mountain Mission 2's onboard audio. As much I like the force, the music made it that much better that it is even in my top 10.
  19. Do we book the bands ourselves or is there some sort of group discount?
  20. I can't be bothered to read that article to check, but is the headline just a coincidence?
  21. Damn, I only know Pi to 25 decimal places. I better learn what comes after 433...
  22. Unless anything occurs between now and then, I'll be able to attend the meet (granted it is on the 12th).
  23. I don't like Terry's Chocolate Orange, even though my surname is Terry.
  24. I just found a stack of 27 on ride photos. A lot of the photos aren't actually that great, I wonder why I actually purchased them at the time.
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