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Everything posted by Charlesberg

  1. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Colossus (4) Derren Brown's Ghost Train (5) Depth Charge (3) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (2) I'm A Celebrity (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) SAW - The Ride (6) Slammer (5) Stealth (7) Storm In A Teacup (6) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (5) + Stealth - Nemesis Inferno
  2. I'd say Inferno is easier to actually get on in the first place, whereas Swarm is generally better for a first timer.
  3. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Colossus (5) DBGT (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) I'm A Celebrity (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (4) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) SAW - The Ride (5) Slammer (5) Stealth (6) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (5) + Stealth - Nemesis Inferno
  4. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Colossus (5) DBGT (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) I'm A Celebrity (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (6) SAW - The Ride (5) Slammer (6) Stealth (6) Storm In A Teacup (5) Storm Surge (2) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (5) + Stealth - Storm Surge
  5. One thing I'll say, the thought of going upside down beforehand can be daunting. But when you actually experience it, you'll be surprised on how "not scary" it is. You've ridden Dragon's Fury, therefore you can definitely ride Swarm, Nemesis Inferno, maybe Colossus (it's got very rough), Dragon Khan, maybe Shambhala and many many more. There are rides which are more intense/scary, but don't let Dragon's Fury be your limit, be adventurous. At PA, it'll be a one chance opportunity, really take it as much as possible. Shambhala is my number 1 coaster and I have no doubt it could be your number 1 as well. Remember, once you leave PA, you won't go back for a long time. I've been waiting over 5 years to go back to Europa, and it still won't probably be at least another 4 years.
  6. I am "straight" but honestly I don't think that's the right word to use, as it implies being "gay" is not the norm. Well there's no such thing as normal so I'd rather use the correct terms heterosexual and homosexual. And as you can tell, none of those are more normal than the other. They're simply equal and opposite. Either way, I'm glad that awareness of this has increased significantly and I'm glad that more and more people are not afraid of admitting it. In my ideal world, people wouldn't need to be afraid to admit homosexuality because it would be just as normal as heterosexuality.
  7. Here are some pic my brother took at Six Flags: (For some reason, it wouldn't let me post that last image in it's actual quality)
  8. As of now, I'm free on the 17th so I'll be attending. So... Shotgun front on Olympia Looping!
  9. Charlesberg


    Having done theory, I can easily say that the stuff you do in the book is nowhere near as hard as the questions asked on the papers. Just do lots of past papers and you will be fine. I remember I found theory fairly stressful when practicing, etc. But when it got to the exam, I couldn't be any more relaxed. I then ended up with a distinction A pass is about 66/100 I think so the standards of passing are quite low. The questions are basically the same each time except with different notes (and worlds for the song question, which is optional). So you'll be absolutely fine when you get to the exam. Plus, the invidulators are very laid back.
  10. I remember it costing £9 to ride Blizzard back in 2013, so I'd expect it would cost at least £10 as this is clearly a bigger attraction than Blizzard (when it was a turbine rather than a capriolo).
  11. Charlesberg


    Vox Gabrieli, I will also be doing C Saint Saens (when it arrives from amazon).
  12. During the summer whilst waiting for DBGT, a staff member doing a survey on coffee brands actually asked me which brand I would like to see at the park. I chose Costa, purely because I go to Costas more than any over brand (I've been to Starbucks probably about once in the last two years) and I love their hot chocolates. So an unpopular opinion... I'm actually delighted to hear that Costa Coffee could possibly be coming to Thorpe Park.
  13. Charlesberg


    (I apologise for the double post, it was only for the sake of alerting this topic as editing the last post would lead to no one reading it) Just got one of my Grade 8 trombone pieces. It's 4 pages long... To put it in comparison, my grade 7 pieces were no longer than about a page and a quarter.
  14. I just don't seem convinced that this isn't a con, I won't order one till there are good reviews and unboxings by well known theme park youtubers.
  15. 3 and a half hours standing still waiting for Platform? My legs would've given way by then, waiting an hour and half for Big Top was hard enough! I can see why you got the "Most Dedicated" award
  16. 9/10 Bubbleworks was a great memorable ride, and that must mean something if you read my signature (I know I've mentioned my signtaure lots recently). Keeling the spirit alive, I like it
  17. What a year it has been for this ride! Being its 10th anniversary, followed by being closed for over a month with multiple downtime moments beforehand. Except on reopening, roaring back to life and taking the spot of my favourite coaster at Thorpe Park. I even rode it 10 times in one day this September, queuing 30 mins for a total of 6 times (the first 4 rides at the beginning of the day were walk ons). Just hearing about the TVs testing makes me feel even more hopeful for this ride next year.
  18. The last time I was at Chessington, I didn't see it have a single successful run. Every time I saw it cycle, it had to stop in some shape or form, even I was stuck on it for about 15 minutes. Honestly, if it's not going to get any better, I think they should remove it. Standard top spins just don't seem to be as good as they used to be. Many more flat rides now dominate, especially with Mondial lurking about.
  19. These two factors are what divide theme park enthusiasts, there will be people who prefer roller coasters to dark rides or vice versa or maybe even both. As you may know by my signature as of November 2016, I prefer the physical feeling you get at amusement parks as opposed to the theme given. I'm not saying I don't like theme because when it's done with a good physical experience, I absolutely love it (e.g. Space Mountain: Mission 2 or Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror). To summarise, my top 15 isn't made by the theme of the roller coasters but instead the actual force by them. So my questions to you all: Do you prefer the feeling of being out of control and experiencing physical forces you may not normally encounter? Or do you prefer being immersed in a different world aside ours, being part of the fantasy that is the theme?
  20. 7/10 somewhat visually appealing. But I haven't ridden Galactica since 2015 (when it was air without VR) so I may dislike the re-theme, so I don't want to give too high a score.
  21. My AS DT project for this year...
  22. If Wildfire came first (when it had permits), how do they even have rights to tear it down?
  23. I've never actually noticed that observation about my dad before lol I guess he does
  24. Six Flags Great Adventure - October: This was a park I had on my mind since 2011 (when I became an enthusiast), since then I had always wanted to go to this park because of Kingda Ka (obviously). After my parents then made some ludicrous promise based on my GCSEs, which I then achieved, it was confirmed that I was going to go to this park. Believe it or not, I actually made it to Kingda Ka. So lets start from the beginning... When driving to the park, there were trees everywhere blocking my view so I didn't actually see Kingda Ka till I was about 2 miles away. But when I saw it, whoa! It's big, very big, just whoa! We eventually arrived at the park and headed straight to Kingda Ka first. Kingda Ka: When we arrived at Kingda Ka, there was a very small number of people. So when the gates opened we went straight into the front row queue and only had to wait behind about 3 pairs. We then got onto the train and exited the station. We waited behind another train which launched (which is pretty cool watching a launch from behind) then it was our turn... After the announcement "arms down, head back, hold on!" we launched. This launch is so incredibly fast, not as explosive as Stealth's but towards the end of the launch you feel yourself speed up further to a point where all you can hear is wind and nothing else which was great. You then go over the top hat so fast that the height is not at all on your mind and before you realise, you're dropping through the 270 degree spiral (which is not at all as scary as it sounds). All you can think about after that is what you've just done which does stop you noticing the airtime hill afterwards. The overall experience will leave a mark on you, it's a ride every enthusiast must and will ride in their lifetime. We then did the ride again as the queue was very short and this time at the back. People say it's rough there, and it is fairly rough but it'll only be noticeable if you're not holding on. It's very easy to support yourself on the ride and you can still enjoy yourself. The back itself feels faster and more intense when taking out the rough factor. In conclusion the back is rough, but not unbearably rough (like Saw or Colossus). Zumanjaro: This ride was next up being directly attached to Kingda Ka. Like Kingda Ka there was no queue. One thing you'll notice about this ride is that there is no slight theme whatsoever, it's literally a drop tower plunked onto a coaster, but honestly I didn't really mind. In the station, I was glad to be put on the left car (the one that always drops faster), and the outside seat (next to the track) The climb to the top is a long way up and it makes you realise how tall Kingda Ka really is. The actual drop of this ride is quite tame, you're just gradually falling; that is until you hit the brakes where the deceleration is huge to a point where my entire upper half bent down into my restraint (life lesson - don't lean forwards on Zumanjaro). It's a fun drop tower, and the view is great. But it's not the best drop tower I've ridden (you cannot beat Tower of Terror or Falcon's Fury). I will say it's a good addition for the park and the delay on Kingda Ka isn't actually as bad as it sounds as the operations on Kingda Ka are brilliant, plus they had 3 trains. Green Lantern: I was really looking forward to riding my first B&M stand up, as it was a new experience (I had ridden shockwave, but this was so much different with looks and the experience itself). There was no queue so we went in the front row queue. On the ride, going over the drop was so much fun and the inversions were great. However, the problem I had was being forced into my seat after the inversions which hurt my back. This didn't completely ruin the experience but it was something I could do without. Green lantern is a fun ride, but it's not worth waiting in a really long line for and it's not re-rideable. I now see why people aren't fans of stand ups, but I don't think that should be the end. If they eliminated that problem (and made them all smooth like Green Lantern) then I think stand ups would be a blast. I'm not sure how they will eliminate it (they probably won't) but it can be done. Superman: This was the biggest bummer of the day, not the ride, but the fact I didn't get to ride it. We had queued about 1hr and when we got to the airgate there was a power outage which took away 2hrs of coaster riding. I was so annoyed as you could imagine (and superman is supposed to be a blast apparently), but I just had to accept that I've ridden Manta which is probably better. Nitro: After the 2hr power outage, rides were eventually reopening and we joined the queue for Nitro just before it became probably about 2hrs long. We waited for the front as it was a larger ride at the park which was worth it. I also left quite a large gap between me and the lap bar which was a decision I should make more often. The ride was a blast, there was airtime and speed which I loved! The setting of this ride was cool as well, going near the lake and in a grassy area where no one can enter. Comparing this to the other B&M hypers I've ridden, it's better than Mako and Silver Star. Better than Shambhala? Not at all, but it still made no.4 on my top 15. El Toro: This was a ride to look forward to as it is apparently one of the best wooden coasters out there if not the best. We waited in a line outside the ride queue (the ride wasn't open yet) whilst waiting for the ride to reopen. The ride then opened to our relief, and when we got to the station we decided to wait for back row. On the ride itself, the cable lift goes so fast you feel like you're being launched up the lift hill. Then we went round to the drop which in the back row, felt like a launch, this was the most insane moment I have ever had on a roller coaster! The airtime on this was mad and the sheer speed was a thing to notice. With regards to smoothness, the first half was very smooth (you expect your head to shatter in the dips, but it just doesn't!), the second half is fairly bumpy but it is completely bearable. The lap bar I think could be improved as it was slightly painful (not ruiningly painful) but apart from that, the ride was just brilliant and to sum it up: pure insanity. (You can just about see my face) Bizarro: This was to be our last ride of the day (due to my family getting rather tired). Again, we waited about 1hr but that was because the operations weren't great (the operator was playing about with the locking system and stacking was present). We decided to go back row as the front row queue was excessively long. The ride experience was just simply fun, fairly smooth (very little headbanging) and the effects were good. Comparing it to Kraken, it wasn't as good of a ride as Kraken was smoother and went underground (the second vertical loop on Kraken was my favourite element of Kraken). Despite that, the ride is a worthy addition to the park and is a great B&M. The Top 3: My top 3 in this park are the following: 1. Kingda Ka 2. El Toro 3. Nitro You may ask why Kingda Ka is above El Toro, it's because exhilaration is what I've been living for this year, and that's exactly what Kingda Ka offers - pure exhileration. Nitro is at 3, nevertheless, it is this my no.4 coaster so this ride isn't bad in any way, it's just not as good as El toro or Kingda Ka. Summary Review: Being a coaster enthusiast, this was the perfect park for me. It gave me rides which took my no.2, 3 and 4 spot on my top 15. The problem was the organisation and there clearly is an issue with their power grid (I don't know much about it, but it's still an issue), it would've been better if we were asked to leave Superman the moment the power outage occurred rather than waiting 20mins for us to be told that. Apart from that, I liked the atmosphere of the park and the rides were of great quality. The fact that the park is close to New York is convenient thus allowing us to have a trip to New York. Even though we only got on 6 different rides, it still became my favourite theme park and will remain my favourite theme park until I visit somewhere like Cedar Point or Carowinds. But personally, I would recommend this park to anyone, there is lots to do aside the larger rides and it is a park everyone can enjoy. If the opportunity comes to visit this park, take it with gratitude!
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