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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Not too bad yesterday, 80 minutes was the most on Colossus I saw on the signs, it kind of went in fits and spurts, when we first went to Swarm about mid-day, the queue was 30 minutes, then at 2pm both Swarm and Stealth were walk on while at the same time Inferno was over 45 minutes (not 5 minutes after we'd done Stealth, the queue was back to the 30 min sign). X had a massive queue, we didn't venture close, and Saw was closed (probably due to the wind), Slammer was running but we didn't go on it, and the other flats (Quantum, Rush etc.) were virtual walk-on or wait one cycle.
  2. She said April but it wasn't a set in stone date, you also had to register your interest (because I imagine they are only getting enough made to cover the pre-orders).
  3. The levitating trains are £50 a pop.
  4. No.... but I can tell you none of our passes scan, not even on the pda's which made for hilarity at Thorpe this morning. So if nobody else beats me to it I'll snap the photo when we go to get our passes fixed.
  5. It's not rocket science to set a page to go live at a specific time, most servers clocks are more accurate than the clock on your kitchen wall, if you tell it to go live at 10.00am, it's not going to go live at 9.55am by 'mistake'.I got the sold out message at 9.57am, so this was either deliberate, or a monumental ****up, if the former, their web developer should find another career.
  6. Well yes lol, I had the paperwork in my hand so the guy didn't ask for it (at the advanced ticket collection point) but I guess they'd ask for you to show it.
  7. How to win friends and influence people, Thorpe Park edition. Fontuntely I'm an AP and was going to give the tickets to friends, but yeah, good job Thorpe, nicely played.
  8. Pink text, pink text....
  9. So most members here then?
  10. FYI, went to collect our MAP's today to find the Annual Pass building is no longer outside the park, it's been moved inside to the Mexicana section by Rattlesnake, so you now have to go to the advanced ticket collection office, pick up an entrance ticket (that is free obviously) and then walk over and do the stuff. So bear this in mind when scheduling time to collecting your pass. The only complaint I had was there were two staff members in the office when we joined the queue, but one thought it more important to stop serving and top up the park maps and other leaflets than it was to serve the ever increasing queue, leaving the poor, obviously very new guy behind the counter to muddle his way through with a customer who was equally clueless about what an annual pass was. It was only when my son cheekily asked her whether she was going to be serving anybody soon, since the queue was ever increasing it's length out the building, that she look up, said 'oh I didn't see the length of it' before serving us (to which I laughed as she'd said 'excuse me' to people in the line half a dozen times to get from one side of the room to the other). Other then that, got five rides on Vampire (twice front row) and three on Fury in the 45 minutes we had left, that's probably double what we'll achieve this Friday if we stay on park all day. Park looked great though, or the bits we saw did.
  11. If your head bounces around that much then the restraint isn't the issue, and removing it will only make matters worse, or worse still cause you serious injury. Your problem stems from a lack of neck muscle, not the ride.
  12. I find trying to keep your head forward makes matters worse, I tend to hold my head up and lean it on the left/right side of the restraint depending which corner I'm going through.
  13. My new pet hate is ParkingEye, what a bunch of self-opinionated jumped up little ****ers.
  14. If you think Colossus is bad go ride anything at Blackpool then you'll reconsider, Colossus is positively smooth in comparison.
  15. How indifferent was it? 30mins really being 60mins or 30mins being walk on?
  16. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    Virtual Reality iZombie Experience (becasue Walking Dead's been nicked by Universal).
  17. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    I'm not disagreeing with that point about the log flume, but knowing Merlin they'll stick some actor heavy attraction in there nobody wants that'll close in 3 years - I'm just assuming DBGT is actor heavy based of their presentation thingy, hopefully it isn't and I'm completely wrong, but you only have to look at all the actor heavy recent additions to see what could potentially be put in there.
  18. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    Talking about Merlin and sense in the same sentence is slightly ironic given what's opening in a few weeks at Thorpe.
  19. That was the disabled queue then? What was the main queue like (oh an hour yes! Duhh!)? I had to laugh last year when the disabled queue went all the way to the shop and the main queue barely out the building... think that was the last Sunday in March.
  20. Takes about 20 minutes to add or remove a train, which has the effect of doubling the queue length, which in my experience then doesn't recover back to 'pre-add' times for an hour or so.
  21. Yup and the chessingtnon rides all have two listings too, one the ride time and one saying closed, guessing Merlin changed a few things in the off season...
  22. That's actually the reason why we haven't picked up our passes yet, no point going until the season starts properly and all the decent rides are running. A few friends went to the pass days and before they were like 'why aren't you going?', then after 'ah now I get it'.
  23. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    Stop bringing sensible ideas onto the forum.
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