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  1. The company that Merlin use to register IP's registered "Ghost Train" and "Derail Your Mind" back in September, seems like Merlin didn't want to register them In addition to the one pointed out early they've also registered http://www.derrenbrownghosttrain.com http://www.derrenbrownghosttrain.co.uk http://www.derrenbrownsghosttrain.com http://www.derrenbrownsghosttrain.co.uk
  2. One of the images isn't original and is from The Blade Runner game. https://www.google.co.uk/search?tbs=simg:CAESrQEaqgELEKjU2AQaBAgACAMMCxCwjKcIGmIKYAgDEijvF8EM7heeBMMViA2CGMIK4x6CBOY46TnyOfE58zm_1Le456SnwOeU4GjC0Y-0m4oswLqZbKdzxcmisq7qRkwALQRo-qogBVy-CoMGvcyoRlR7TDKcLHb5URSYgAgwLEI6u_1ggaCgoICAESBLTW0ccMCxCd7cEJGhYKDAoKc2NyZWVuc2hvdAoGCgRpcm9uDA&q=bradbury+building+blade+runner&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj56o7wybDJAhXKXBoKHXTFB1EQsw4ILw&biw=1366&bih=643#imgrc=euSVienCpu2hQM%3A
  3. If you go to mindswanted.co.uk/iseeyou there is a small image gallery.
  4. From what Lewis mentioned had been trademarked, and previous rumours of a Dr Who dark ride if you do a quick Google search there are a few links. Using the Dr Who Wikipedia there are a few interesting articles, the first is the "Clockwork Droid". This would fit in with the teaser image and also the "Chronicles of London" trademark. They were also androids which could fit in with the Automaton trademark. In addition there is an article on the site for "Automatons" although with the definition of the word being "a self-operating machine" it is quite a general trademark. I could be putting 2+2 together and making 5 though!
  5. Their biggest/exciting project that they talk about on the website is the AA for the new King Kong attraction opening at Islands of Adventure.
  6. Credit to Lewis on TowersTimes for finding it
  7. Here is an image of the teaser from South Parks FB page
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