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  1. 120 minute queue length. Hope everyone enjoys!
  2. It was available to hotel guests yesterday, yes.
  3. Inferno have had these announcements for a couple of months now, and are to ensure that the hosts are clear, as well as providing audible confirmation for the guests to hear that all safety protocols, steps and procedures have and are being followed correctly.
  4. Incorrect. They are on, and in use, and have been for many years now. You may do well to check your sources before posting in future. as you presented your statement as fact when, well, it isn't.
  5. How. Many. Times. Thorpe decide when to open the ride. Thorpe decide who goes on the ride. Thorpe decide when the ride is acceptable to open. Thorpe decide what advertising they put out there in relation to ride opening days. @Coaster Jamie - understand this. You cannot enter the park and have an expectation that you deserve to ride this attraction, at any given time (prior to full guest opening). It isn't open. It isn't advertised as open. As such, it isn't a publicly available attraction Thorpe do NOT need to explain why they have allowed certain people on the ride. They don't need to explain why they chose said people. They don't have to explain ANYTHING to you, or others. Its their park. Their ride. Their investment. You will ride it, as and when it opens. Accept it, and move on. As someone said above, if you were chosen on park to ride in advance of opening, you wouldn't turn down the chance, so please, stop moaning. It's boring.
  6. Ghost Train isn't open. Ghost Train isn't advertised as open. Ghost Train hasn't been publicly scheduled to open. You have no argument.
  7. Incorrect. It's still a privilege. At no point is it a right to be within their property. They can eject you at any time they desire. Feel free to be pedantic, but it is not a right to be able to enter Thorpe Park, and anyone that thinks it is, is deluded with a warped sense of entitlement.
  8. https://twitter.com/Docs2301/status/744223059431792640 - Someone trying to get some compo...
  9. How is it appalling? This ride belongs to Thorpe Park. This ride is operated by Thorpe Park. This ride is not open. Thorpe Park invited THEIR selected guests to ride it as a Dress Rehearsal. Thorpe Park decided to invite people of their choice onto their investment (the ride) within their park, ran by their staff. How is this appalling? Where does your sense of entitlement stem from? You are owed nothing by Thorpe Park or Merlin. It is not advertised as open, so why are you annoyed? Also, no ticket or Annual Pass actually has the clause that you are entitled to ride Ghost Train, so in any case, you have no expectation to ride, at any time. Remember, it's a privilege to enter the park, not a right.
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