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Everything posted by Fred

  1. Fred


    Who gave Garry Williams reputation? Honestly?!
  2. Fred


    Yeah I love air. It's just the best.. I absolutely adore it.
  3. I remember being told in 07 that it'd be gone by 09. What happened to that?!Oh yeah, sorry.. person who spoke to me spoke bollocks
  4. Says a vue employee.What's with the entire merlin criticising all the time? Gah.
  5. Or added. They very much missed out "premium"
  6. How weird, why then?!I love the no exceptions except.. everyone almost
  7. Remember, the park is owned by merlin and they do share expertise and knowledge how to run places. Their staff are awful, I've witnessed far more problem times than it going smoothly, they're just not motivated.Mainly down to management I'd say tbh, each park have their own ways at motivating.. hell, one I know spends the first two days working at the park playing games, to get into the sense of play.One example is the staff all chewing gum, being slow and lazy, manager comes up, achknowledges them and goes into console allowing them to continue. Bit.. wrong.
  8. Oh, I went to chessie yesterday, and how amazed I was to see carpark half full and it having a healthy load of visitors!The zoo looks really good nowadays, doesn't look rundown anymore, and the animals are great to look at. Went to safari for the first time as somehow I managed to miss it out on all previous trips - its good, but they really do need to get ideas to ensure the animals are relatively near the guests - or are in view of us. The field is too big, and the place they live in is a bit meh not being able to see in - I saw 2 and a half zebra and a gazelle or something with them.It's good to see chessie busy and healthy - and for the pizza & pasta being open - we actually had to wait for a seat. Yup, it was busy.Only thing they could really do better is the fencing off to beyond the park. Why try and cover it with the poor bamboo over **** high fencing which has gaps around it - have the usual body height fencing wrapped in some decent "shh, area is hibernating" - relative to alton towers banners on their fencing during half term.
  9. To add mine to the list.I think that the highlighting of certain downfalls is where the park can improve themselves. Guests may not notice it off-hand, but it adds to the day. Little things changing can make a world of difference to people - mainly operation wise, but also how it looks and feels. I'm pretty sure people have different perceptions of a park which needs a paint and have graffiti, and have less care. Dunno if you notice anywhere, that if the look and feel of a place is down, it can become rapidly worse as people add to the damage.. adding to the perception.To add to the "why bother when people come", legoland add shelter to their ride queuelines after opening, they add those little things. They have visitors if they do or don't do it, but it adds that extra bit to the guests day (lack of sunburn or dehydration in the queues). Though, you won't see any compliments for these add-ons, as guests don't notice it because its good.I'd prefer them to keep top of things, add stuff. I'm sure there's a few people who do it without recognition (every park I know one or two at least), just needs to be more recognised.As for guest wise - most guests would be due to advertising (of which they do a hell of a lot now), brand awareness, offers. You can never go far without having merlin in eyesight - they're extremely good at this. Their target audience doesn't get older, new ones come in. It'd be interesting to know new to returning visitor ratio!
  10. Option 3. Just pure bowling, all day, nothing else.
  11. Mmmm the magical word of maybe.However, maybe in a chessie case.. has always meant.. no
  12. Fred

    TPM awardssss

    This just makes me wanna add Ellie on fb again..Woo, I didn't actually know anyone voted, cos I forgot. Quality, init.
  13. Fred

    News Desk

    Whens our scheduled chat times then? eh? eh?
  14. Yeah would be nice if they had a decent batch system - proper airgates, proper close to seats, with a batcher filling the rows would be perfect. Alas, chessie just doesn't have the money (or effort?) to do this.
  15. Fred

    LOL at Will thinking we're related. How many more people gonna comment on that?!

  16. ADIPS is about engineering procedure and how they maintain and check the ride, not how its run
  17. Fred


    Is it back on the telly? Oh my god.. I've watched like a years worth of episodes, its upsetting.
  18. What I do not understand is the groups with the most expensive fastrack options to hand - its never really one or two people, its generally like 5+Madness, that costs a bomb!
  19. Yeah tis bad - the info staff can tell you the queuetimes if you ask for them as they have them on their systems, however as there's no sign stating this, I highly doubt anyone does it.
  20. Well its not free, its £5
  21. Doesn't mean anything though. I wonder how much a new drum costs, and those kind of rides go through those quite a bit!
  22. I'm sure having elephants on park would be helpful during the winter season. It'd probably have been moved much easier with, say, 4 elephants.
  23. Fred


    I'm not in a group!
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