To add mine to the list.I think that the highlighting of certain downfalls is where the park can improve themselves. Guests may not notice it off-hand, but it adds to the day. Little things changing can make a world of difference to people - mainly operation wise, but also how it looks and feels. I'm pretty sure people have different perceptions of a park which needs a paint and have graffiti, and have less care. Dunno if you notice anywhere, that if the look and feel of a place is down, it can become rapidly worse as people add to the damage.. adding to the perception.To add to the "why bother when people come", legoland add shelter to their ride queuelines after opening, they add those little things. They have visitors if they do or don't do it, but it adds that extra bit to the guests day (lack of sunburn or dehydration in the queues). Though, you won't see any compliments for these add-ons, as guests don't notice it because its good.I'd prefer them to keep top of things, add stuff. I'm sure there's a few people who do it without recognition (every park I know one or two at least), just needs to be more recognised.As for guest wise - most guests would be due to advertising (of which they do a hell of a lot now), brand awareness, offers. You can never go far without having merlin in eyesight - they're extremely good at this. Their target audience doesn't get older, new ones come in. It'd be interesting to know new to returning visitor ratio!