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Summer Nights


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Went last night after school- nice considering the suprise science test I had that day! It's the first Summer Nights I've been to, and I thought it was very good.

Ride count:


The Swarm: 2

Nemesis Inferno: 2

Saw: 2


Depth Charge:1

Storm Surge:1




-extremely quiet, hardly anyone on park, me and my friend were sometimes completely alone in places like Canada Creek

-rerides on Saw and they let me on an empty frfront row seat on Inferno

- Inferno's mist was working

-General good vibes in the park as a whole, it felt very happy and summery!

-lack of chavs in general



- Saw (I think) had to close for a bit for testing until seven (?) maybe because of Smiler? But then a few of the rides closed between six and sevenish

- not many food places were open, nor either of the big shops

- I saw a few people being confused about the whole Summer nights thing. A man on Stealth was being told he needed a wristband for Summer Nights, but he said he was allowed because he had an annual pass.



It would be interesting to see what it would be like tonight with an act performing, and see how busy it would be. Also, in the Dome there was some kind of competition thing with a haircutting mabobby thing that I didn't really look into.



So I see that a number of sheds have been erected on the small side of Amity beach (no topic for it ). What do people think they are for, as they currently seem to be being themed to fit in with the beach... Seeing as the beach is open for summer nights/beats does anyone think they have some relevance?


These now have signs on them that say 'Toughnuts'. I have no idea what that means, because at first I thought they they said 'Doughnuts'. I also thought they could be rooms for the performing acts and then figured that they were way too small.

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There was music yesterday around sevenish but I remember it being creepily silent towards the end of the night. Also, they may have had a problem with the music on X. The music was fine until halfway round when it started playing Rita Ora's 'Poison' in bleeps and bloops over the original disco music really loudly. I doubt it was a remix, because it would play just a few lyrics and then stop and start again randomly.

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It opened on the 9th, but I think it has to stop for testing a lot more now.

It's been opening in the afternoon each day, but it should be opening all day from today (if not then tomorrow).

Went to my first summer nights yesterday and it was quite good. Lots and lots of re-rides was good, but a lack of food places open and no music playing round the park was disappointing.

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Just a shame the main places I'd usually eat at were closed (Pizza/Pasta, Noodle Bar, any hot dog stands, Bush BBQ) :P

Ah fair enough... Does make you realise though how many food outlets Thorpe actually has aha!

EDIT: apparently the hot dog stand by Colossus of as open... But guess that was for island beats only as that area was closed off of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was going to go tonight but that plan changed yesterday - just hope rain holds off tomorrow! - Not sure if anyone can answer this but I ordered my SN ticket and it said that a confirmation email would be sent....but it hasn't.  I have the order number and have taken screen shots of the confirmation thing that pops up after you order (did in on my laptop and took pics from my phone) - also sent TP an email regarding it - anyone else had similar problem?

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I don't have a MAP as such - I have Merlin Membership (I am poor!) - so yeah, it is only a fiver.  My sister had a similar problem last week (she has premium) and just told me that I should be ok as I have the order number.  Weird because I have the Event Brite app but if I search for Summer Nights literally nothing comes up - odd!

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I just had to order a ticket for my sons friend and the email turned up immediately, although it did go straight to the spam folder.


The email is identical to the popup confirmation you get on the confirmation page when you click ' view your receipt' only difference is it says on the bottom please remember to bring the card used for the purchase.


The eventbrite page is a hidden event, you can access it from the page on Thorpe's site where they list the Summer Nights tickets (link at bottom), interestingly tomorrow night is now 'sold out' of the Premium/VIP free tickets, so it'll be interesting to see how busy the park is compared to last week.

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When my sister went to order her premium tickets last week it said that it was sold out - she got a bit confused so I tried sending her a link from my laptop and she was able to order the tickets - not sure what happened there!  I'm assuming they have limited availability for premium passes as they are free?  Kinda wish I got Premium Membership as it was only an extra £3 per month but to be honest, £5 for summer nights is a bargain - seeing as one fastrack for a coaster is the same price. The first Summer Nights I went to 2 years ago I did before I got my pass (well, membership) and still reckon it is good value for money

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