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Universal Studios Japan


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A weird mix of the American counterparts and home of the delightfully unique Space Fantasy Mack Spinning Coaster, this park have recently debuted a Resident Evil (Biohazard) variation on the scare maze genre with the addition of guns...



Groups of 8 enter and do the usual stick of destroying whichever class virus this one focuses on... Sounds like an interesting idea and a neat addition to the park...

It's also led to this food offering...


Source - http://kotaku.com/a-frightening-look-inside-japans-newest-resident-evil-833310331

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Thought I'd use this thread instead of starting another!


So Potterworld Japan has been open for a while now, and Forbidden Journey out there has received an upgrade to 4K3D technology (the one in Orlando remains 2D and not 4K).




Posted on Twitter yesterday. Now there are some great dinosaur rides out there, notable Jurassic Park River Adventure and Dinosaur at Animal Kingdom. One of the original concepts for the JP areas was a B&M flyer in a huge aviary with Pteradactyls. Looks like a Pteradactyl in the photo, and Japan only has one major coaster so something large like a flyer could be very well received. 

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Was at the park yesterday, nothing new on the flyer to update!

Lovely little park with only one major coaster, but it's probably one of the better coasters I have been on!

Very annoyed I didn't get to ride Jurassic Park as they decided only to let ticketed people on because it was very busy. But only a small thing!

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