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Mafia: TPM Edition

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Official Vote Count
Players needed to lynch: 6
CoasterDude - 2 - Cornflakes, pluk (L-4)
Cornflakes - 1 - kinnaird (L-5)
J.S127 - 1 - JoshC. (L-5)
Players not voting: CoasterDude, Dan9, J.S127, Mark9, Peaj, Tommy


Deadline at 10pm tonight~~Just a reminder that if it doesn't hit 6 votes by then I'm just going to lynch whoever has the highest votes, which is CoasterDude at the moment.



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Official Vote Count
Players needed to lynch: 6
CoasterDude - 2 - Cornflakes, pluk (L-4)
Cornflakes - 2 - CoasterDude, kinnaird (L-4)
J.S127 - 1 - JoshC. (L-5)
Players not voting: Dan9, J.S127, Mark9, Peaj, Tommy
5 hours until deadline~If it ends on a draw then I'm just gunna lynch both people.

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Having given away what it was, it was only a matter of time before it was culled.




CoasterDude, Mafia-Aligned Vanilla, Nemesis Creature has been lynched Day 3! It had no additional powers.


7 town-aligned players remain. 2 mafia-aligned players remain.
~Night 3 begins now. If your character has a night action, please PM me immediately with what you would like to do!~
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Night 3. The gun on the table taunts the operative. If he isn't sure on his target, he cannot bring himself to use the weapon. Who could the two remaining villains be now that the Nemesis creature is gone? His internal debate has left him to external threats... 




The distinctive sound of the safety on the gun that Steele has been playing with for the past three nights plays out directly behind his head. It's over for him..




JoshC, Town-Aligned Vigilante, Phalanx Operative Steele has been killed Night 3 with his own firearm!


JoshC had one power: One Shot, One Kill – Steele focuses his senses and makes his only bullet count.  This shot will instantly kill the player it is fired at. To activate this power type: ‘##Shoot <player name>’ in the thread and then PM me.




It is now Day 4! Deadline in 3 days~~


Official Vote Count

Players needed to lynch: 5


Players not voting: Cornflakes, Dan9, J.S127, kinnaird, Mark9, Peaj, pluk, Tommy
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Oh für Roland willen , zum letzten Mal - ich bin nicht MAFIA !


Wenn ich in der Mafia war , warum sollte ich unternehmen große Anstrengungen , um die Stadt , dass Coasterdude war Mafia zu überzeugen? Scheint ein bisschen dumm zu töten, einer Ihrer Begleiter , nicht wahr? Ich sehe Coasterdude die Schonung als Eintritt der Niederlage.


Bitte denken Sie vor der Abstimmung haben sich zwei Menschen, die J.S217 des Seins Mafia accussed von der Mafia umgebracht worden - , die viel sagt, wenn Sie mich fragen. Ich denke, wir sollten versuchen, J.S217 gelyncht werden , wenn ich falsch liege , gehen Sie vor und lynchen mich , aber ich schwöre , dass ich nicht der Mafia ! Alles, was ich tun möchte, ist nach Hause gehen zu Europa-Park !


TRANSLATION, for the lazy;


If I was in the mafia, why would I take great pains to convince the town that Coasterdude was mafia? Seems a bit stupid to kill off one of your companions does it not? I see Coasterdude's sparing as an admittance of defeat.


Please think before voting, Two people who accussed J.S217 of being mafia have been killed by the mafia - that says a lot if you ask me. I think we should try to get J.S217 lynched, if I'm wrong, go ahead and lynch me, but I swear that I'm not mafia! All I want to do is go home to Europa Park!


##vote J.S217

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Oh für Roland willen , zum letzten Mal - ich bin nicht MAFIA !


Wenn ich in der Mafia war , warum sollte ich unternehmen große Anstrengungen , um die Stadt , dass Coasterdude war Mafia zu überzeugen? Scheint ein bisschen dumm zu töten, einer Ihrer Begleiter , nicht wahr? Ich sehe Coasterdude die Schonung als Eintritt der Niederlage.


Bitte denken Sie vor der Abstimmung haben sich zwei Menschen, die J.S217 des Seins Mafia accussed von der Mafia umgebracht worden - , die viel sagt, wenn Sie mich fragen. Ich denke, wir sollten versuchen, J.S217 gelyncht werden , wenn ich falsch liege , gehen Sie vor und lynchen mich , aber ich schwöre , dass ich nicht der Mafia ! Alles, was ich tun möchte, ist nach Hause gehen zu Europa-Park !


TRANSLATION, for the lazy;


If I was in the mafia, why would I take great pains to convince the town that Coasterdude was mafia? Seems a bit stupid to kill off one of your companions does it not? I see Coasterdude's sparing as an admittance of defeat.


Please think before voting, Two people who accussed J.S217 of being mafia have been killed by the mafia - that says a lot if you ask me. I think we should try to get J.S217 lynched, if I'm wrong, go ahead and lynch me, but I swear that I'm not mafia! All I want to do is go home to Europa Park!


##vote J.S217


And I'd come with you too Cornflakes, if it wasn't for the fact that the only Intamin at Europa Park is a rapids. This makes Marc very sad. Thank god for Thorpe Park.





I think we need a town meeting. 

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From Madame Leota




Will be interesting to see how does not vote for J.S217 as now one has been caught they will need/ want to stick together if they have a chance of over powering the townies. It all depends how much the last Mafia member wants to stay hidden...


Hiding behind foundation
trying to stay out of the light
hoping nobody will notice
they've had yet another fight

She hates how she has to explain
they dont get that he works so hard
and really, I mean, he does have a point
just look at the state of the yard

In future she's gonna try harder
and give him less cause to complain
and really, I mean, he does have a point
she did forget chips for the game.

But she's beginning to think it aint right
to be beaten til she's black and blue
So she tells him she's had enough
gonna leave and move somewhere new

Now she's hiding behind the curtains
I guess the neighbours heard the shot
and really, I mean, he does have a point
over his dead body or not.

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