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Parks, Rides And Coaster News


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  On 1/14/2012 at 12:26 PM, 'TPGG said:

Why is that post deleted anyway? The way the 'higher' members exploit their position is disgusting

Dunno, posting pointless stuff can only get you so far, you do sometimes actually have to back it up with good posts to get away with it...
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  On 1/14/2012 at 12:26 PM, 'TPGG said:

Why is that post deleted anyway? The way the 'higher' members exploit their position is disgusting

If you have a problem, don't moan on the forums to members who'd rather not suffer it. You have a problem; you talk to the Senior Team. We'd be happy to point out all the insufficiencies in your posts. The posts are never deleted. They go in the trash, so we can look at them whenever someone complains about our actions and then re-evaluate if the recipient finds themselves unjustly treated. So why not take advantage of the new group PM feature and start a conference with the whole of the Senior Team and we can answer your questions individually whilst referencing your deleted content?As for the comment you are complaining about: it made no constructive contribution to the topic. It's obvious you love The Swarm and as such there is no necessity that you voice this opinion by an overindulgent chevron fetish. The post was reported by two members, so we could hardly ignore it.Now, as you were, Mr. Parks, Rides and Coaster News topic...
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Large nuts and washers are used to adjust the height and angle of the support to get them in the correct position. After the track is bolted on the support, the hole in the footer is filled with concrete so more than just the bolts support the various stresses put on the column. Every year, every nut is torque tested and a paint mark used to make sure it has not loosened during seasonal operations.

So that explains these! Posted Image
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The following post is a perfect example of how you make a post. Valentez has posted construction pictures of Krake's drop into octopus mouth sequence. As you can see he has said what it is and where the image was posted from.

  On 1/14/2012 at 5:26 PM, 'Valentez said:

A few recent images of Krake's progress taken from the Heide Park facebook page.Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Your post in comparison wasPosted Image>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So.. do you have an opinion? What is that ride? Where did you get the image from? Why the arrows really, do they express anything? That is why your post was deleted, it featured little to no content and was borderline spam.If you have a problem with the mod team, contact the administrators who will be only to happy to explain the decisions they have made and why. Edited by IanNem
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Thorpe have made their website all Swarm themed. Looks great IMO!http://www.thorpepark.com/On the other side of the pond, The new promotional website for Oz' Iris is looking great. Not sure if it's as good as The Swarms however:http://parc.parcaste.on/lecteur.html,Theming is also being erected pretty quickly. This really does look like an interesting installment and I can't wait to see a POV of the finished product! (Credit to CoasterForce for the picture)Posted Image

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Some official information and an rcdb page have emerged for Mirabilandia's new Water Coaster for 2012. (I found the information on Coaster Force so credit to them and RCDB)Roller Coaster: DiverticalAmusement Park: Mirabilandia (Savio, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)Classification: Roller CoasterType: Steel - Sit DownStatus: Under Construction opening 2012Builder: Intamin AG (there we go)Categories: Water CoasterInversions: 0 (What a surpise!)http://www.rcdb.com/10393.htmSomebody on Coaster Force said this would be 55' and the tallest in the world? I'd hope he meant 55m because Pilgrim's Plunge is over double the height of that. It also said it would reach over 60mph so I think this will have some pretty pacey drop!Also, I'm hoping the splash is pretty huge. This video shows an abnormally large splash on Pilgrim's Plunge so providing the design for DiVerticle has been reconsidered, the splash should be nice and big too.
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Credit to a Coaster Force member for posting this pic in the Wild Eagle topic there. Posted ImageDoes the wingspan look 40ft to you? I know the perspective may be deceiving but all the silly enthusiasts over on Coaster Force have been comparing it to Robosaurus and a bunny with a pancake on its head...

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