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Dragon's Fury

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The way the ride has been designed and made has to allow it to have that flexabilty, if it didn't wobble and was rigid it would eventually crack due to stress. Rides are all made different ways, some don't wobble, some wobble quite a lot. It just varies on design, the thing you have to remember is, it's perfectly safe.

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  StealthSupreme said:

The ride was closed on Friday, stuck on the lift hill however it was running fine on Saturday (apparently, I wasn't there Saturday) so I think it was a case of them not trying to get it back open :blink:

See, now I lose all respect for you.Why in the effing hell would they want to keep it shut. They were attempting to get it open on Friday.. however it wasn't to be. They then took several hours in the morning on Saturday to get it open.. which it did at 12.Why don't you get all the information and ask someone (for instance someone who works at Chessington) nstead of just assume they couldn't be bothered.
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This is how it goes down:Chessington staff are paid to operate the rides and to maintain them. Why would they want a ride shut down, one of the most popular rides?Closed rides especially main ones, causes the guests to flock to the next best thing or nearest rides and then cause a massive queue. Guests will become grumpy, I know I was @ Thorpe all day LOL and my ankes are f' killing me.Maybe Chessie should pay staff to have rides closed all day and make guests grouchy and pissed off? Hmm what do YOU think Mr Walking Encylopedia (Sarcasm if you didnt already realise)

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IMO merlin parks are good at getting rides which are down up and running again, My last 2 visits to thorpe, X:\ has been advertised as closed all day, but both times it has opened later in the evening, for no more than 2/3 hours some would say a ride such as x:\ wasnt worth it, but it shows they do make the effort to get the rides up and running where they can.

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  Marc said:

IMO merlin parks are good at getting rides which are down up and running again, My last 2 visits to thorpe, X:\ has been advertised as closed all day, but both times it has opened later in the evening, for no more than 2/3 hours some would say a ride such as x:\ wasnt worth it, but it shows they do make the effort to get the rides up and running where they can.

Every time I visit Thorpe Park X:/ has been closed for me too. Is it a late opening time or something. (Although it didn't open at all during my Fright Nights visit :blink: )Now to defend my comments on Dragon's Fury- the staff weren't trying to get it back open- it had been abandoned. Totally Left. Although to the staff's credit team Dragon's Fury was split between Dragon Falls and Tomb Blaster to keep them open until 8. (Both of those rides were scheduled to close at 5PM rather than 8). But they were making no attempt to get it open. Granted it wasn't that busy- longest queue 30 minutes for Vampire but that isn't my point, they had it closed and they didn't make an effort to get it back up and running until Saturday. Were either of you at the park on Friday? Thought not so why do you think that they were working on it- I spotted 1 man working on Fury that day and I saw 2 trying to get The Bash St. Bus up and running (Demand eh? :P ). In brief- they abandoned Fury and didn't make an attempt to open it for later that day but to their credit they kept Dragon Falls and Tomb Blaster open until 8 instead :P
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  StealthSupreme said:

Every time I visit Thorpe Park X:/ has been closed for me too. Is it a late opening time or something. (Although it didn't open at all during my Fright Nights visit :blink: )Now to defend my comments on Dragon's Fury- the staff weren't trying to get it back open- it had been abandoned. Totally Left. Although to the staff's credit team Dragon's Fury was split between Dragon Falls and Tomb Blaster to keep them open until 8. (Both of those rides were scheduled to close at 5PM rather than 8). But they were making no attempt to get it open. Granted it wasn't that busy- longest queue 30 minutes for Vampire but that isn't my point, they had it closed and they didn't make an effort to get it back up and running until Saturday. Were either of you at the park on Friday? Thought not so why do you think that they were working on it- I spotted 1 man working on Fury that day and I saw 2 trying to get The Bash St. Bus up and running (Demand eh? :P ). In brief- they abandoned Fury and didn't make an attempt to open it for later that day but to their credit they kept Dragon Falls and Tomb Blaster open until 8 instead :P

I'm sorry but what a load crap! How do you know what physically was wrong with it, yes the car was stuck on the lift hill but it could be a software problem or it could be a mechnical problem. Either way they might not fix the part on site, they may be waiting for something mechnical for Fury and therefore can't do anything until it has arrived, they could be modifiying a part in their workshop, the whole console (control panel) could be in bits for all you know and they have gone away to sort a part out.
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  Rich said:

How do you know what physically was wrong with it, yes the car was stuck on the lift hill but it could be a software problem or it could be a mechnical problem.

Because some guy climbed up the steps at 5PM to (presumably) check what was up. Sure I don't find much evidence but neither do you- therefore you can't just say "They were trying to fix it" because you don't know that either- my point is just a likely to be right as yours. :blink:
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  StealthSupreme said:

Now to defend my comments on Dragon's Fury- the staff weren't trying to get it back open- it had been abandoned. Totally Left. Although to the staff's credit team Dragon's Fury was split between Dragon Falls and Tomb Blaster to keep them open until 8. (Both of those rides were scheduled to close at 5PM rather than 8). But they were making no attempt to get it open. Granted it wasn't that busy- longest queue 30 minutes for Vampire but that isn't my point, they had it closed and they didn't make an effort to get it back up and running until Saturday. Were either of you at the park on Friday? Thought not so why do you think that they were working on it- I spotted 1 man working on Fury that day and I saw 2 trying to get The Bash St. Bus up and running (Demand eh? :P ). In brief- they abandoned Fury and didn't make an attempt to open it for later that day but to their credit they kept Dragon Falls and Tomb Blaster open until 8 instead :blink:

What a load of ****. Sorry but you're talking out your arse.Not going to bother with a long reply because I know it will go in one ear and out the other. Basically, you're wrong. You don't know that no work was being done on it, just because there is no visible presence doesn't mean nothing is being done. They could be in the workshop, in the compressor room, under the station, in the control box, behind the transfer track, any range of places that are out of public view. I was on park as a guest on Friday for 4 hours or so and walking past Fury saw two Engineers both in the station and later on up the lift hill, just because they weren't there when you were doesn't mean they weren't there all day.Regardless of visible presence staff will always work to re-open rides ASAP, but this isn't always logistically possible. The recent problem with Dragons Fury was a mechanical one, so parts may have been needed to order and/or be fabricated and fitted, this takes time. Do you really think anyone at Chessington wants the additional grief and negative exposure of having one of our best rides closed?In brief - Yes, both I and Mark were on park Friday. Yes you are wrong. No it wasn't abandoned.
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