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Well the Fountain Finale scene lighting is much improved from last year, however I still prefer the original lighting program with the strobes. Also various sections of the scene used to pulse different colours to other parts... not like in the video above where the whole room pulses the same colour at once.Elsewhere though- I think this goes to show how emotive music really is at theme parks, whilst there are still bugs (Fairground music isn't looped properly still), it does sound as though the whole atmosphere of the attraction has been lifted.The original ride has such a huge cult following and was so highly regarded amongst enthusiasts, anything done to improve the ride just won't be good enough.Saying that, it's good to see the ride receive some attention and well done to all who made it happen. I believe Bubbleworks is Chessington's "best" ride in regards to guest feedback scores, and with the money spent on this over the closed season, I don't think this ride is going anywhere any time soon. :P

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I hope I'm wrong, but putting the original music back doesn't make it good again...

No but it's a start..You know I'm probably more critical of the new Bubbleworks then you, I've described the new Bubbleworks as a rapist of memories and less fun then STD's. But the ride did feel more coherent with the older theme music in the correct places so I don't know.. maybe juding for yourself rather then watching a video will help. Video's don't give you mood or atmopshere as you full well know. :P
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There were no signs of sponsorship removal on Sunday. Half the rooms didn't have any music. The lights in the finale room have changed to the ones that they put in the fairground scene last year which in this sort of attraction look turd because they haven't been programmed. Bring back the strobes! They were the only thing making that scene fun.The only good thing was new scents in the rooms which were nice, a less over-powering version of walking down the shampoo aisle at a supermarket and the old music in the station which was lovely to hear again. Oh and a few posters in the station have been re-newed due to the sorry state they got in over the last few years.

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So from the video and my ride on sunday I'm thinking the music order is now:StationOfficeSpaceFairgroundAscendingFountain FinaleAnd the 2005-10 station theme is played outside (Or this is the pre-2005 exterior?)Confused as to why Hawaiian no longer plays in the hawaiian bit. ;)

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I'm gonna presume its supposed to be playing but was off/broken (like so OFTEN before!) I'm also intrigued as to whether they have moved the Explosion/Danger music into the area after the Giggle Gas scene, like before!I see they have kept the 17second loop in the fairground too. I still wonder why they took away the original fairground music, it would have still fitted in the ride today and the full loop was about the same length as the other music tracks. Its a shame they haven't yet installed this one again, as I always thought it was probably one of, if not the best music track in the ride!

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  • 1 month later...
Posted ImageOh dear...Apart from that, Bubbleworks was pretty good last week. Some good improvements have been made, and I did not see any recently broken effects this year. Not all the effects have been fixed though, the flickering dials on the machinery in the former juicing room are not restored, for example, and the hanging Bubbleworkers in the gas room used to swing (I think the original swing mechanism was ditched in the retheme and now the props are just tied on). There must be loads of old props that have been sitting there for years and nobody would ever knew they used to move!The best part was the station and finale music being returned. That was great. Not full volume (there is always something!) but it was still fantastic to hear. I was not expecting the finale music either, so it was a nice surprise. I am glad that they have returned the lift music to its former place as well (really, the extraordinarily OTT pressure room music? the lift is not that scary!?). The finale lighting is much better now as well, although nothing can replace the magical blackout and strobe sequence.
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By the way, whatever happened to the exposed old station poster? I completely missed it on my recent visit. The new one must have been glued back over otherwise I surely would have noticed it...Edit--I just checked a recent video and it seems that the 2006 "Energizer" poster has been restored back on top of it. I am surprised I didn't notice that when I visited a week ago.Further edit--Yes, witty indeed.

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  • 5 weeks later...

When I went on the Bubble works, I thought it was a MAJOR let down. I had heard many people rave about it but then when I actually got on it, it was an anti-climax :/ anyone else thought this?

Depends WHICH Bubbleworks you mean...If you mean the current version, then no sane enthusiast 'raves' about it... It's horrible...If you mean the old version, then anti-climatic? Usually when people say good things about Bubbleworks, it's in relation to the original Prof Burps version, not the sponsored turd that exists now...
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Depends WHICH Bubbleworks you mean...If you mean the current version, then no sane enthusiast 'raves' about it... It's horrible...If you mean the old version, then anti-climatic? Usually when people say good things about Bubbleworks, it's in relation to the original Prof Burps version, not the sponsored turd that exists now...

Although I wouldn't say Bubbleworks is as good as it was in its hey day, Chessington have reinstated one of the best things about the old Bubbleworks in the new one, and that's the music, which is much better than the old duck cottage cheese tastes very nice. Unfortunately Chessington aren't going to be going to a brand new theme now the contract has ended since they don't want the same backlash, nor can they revert it to the old bubbleworks since a private collector owns all the pieces of Prof Burp's bubbleworks. At the moment Imperial Leather is getting more advertising and it's completely free. Win/win situation for them?
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Although I wouldn't say Bubbleworks is as good as it was in its hey day, Chessington have reinstated one of the best things about the old Bubbleworks in the new one, and that's the music, which is much better than the old duck cottage cheese tastes very nice.

Not completely, a few scenes have still retained the duck quacking music...

Unfortunately Chessington aren't going to be going to a brand new theme now the contract has ended since they don't want the same backlash, nor can they revert it to the old bubbleworks since a private collector owns all the pieces of Prof Burp's bubbleworks.

Backlash? I think there would be a queue of people outside the ride waiting to remove as much crap as possible (I.e. the entire ride's scenery)... I know I would be...And reverting back is definitely wrong... The ride does need to move on and I doubt any change would be generally regarded as good if they put as much effort into it as the original version received...And not just one person owns the old stuff, a fair few different people do... I know someone who has the finale Professor for example...
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  • 4 weeks later...

The arrows moving now.I think we should all email Merlin head office and say how great it would be if they could invest money into this ride and get all the original props and stuff either returned or recommissioned,I mean even if we don't make a difference, is there any reason not to? I mean it's the least we can do!Come on guys!Comments@merlinentertainments.biz

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What would be the point though? Prof Burp's Bubbleworks has sung its song, and won't be returning and at this stage I would not want it to. The park needs something fresh and new- a complete set gutting and redesign.You can try but all they will say is that they spent a generous amount of money this season to bring back the lights in the finale scene along with other "improvements".

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What would be the point though? Prof Burp's Bubbleworks has sung its song, and won't be returning and at this stage I would not want it to. The park needs something fresh and new- a complete set gutting and redesign.You can try but all they will say is that they spent a generous amount of money this season to bring back the lights in the finale scene along with other "improvements".

would you like to tell me which lights have been brought back? I did not see any Strobes on on Wednesday! (H&S I guess)
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I swear there are actually NO strobes at all in the finale now...Urgh, why did Tussauds have to be so dire at that time...And yeah, Prof Bubbles has had his time, and since most of the props are now in the hands of several various people it would need all the models being remade, so you may as well just go for a new fresh idea rather than an old idea that shouldn't be revisited...

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