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Dreamland Margate


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  On 10/8/2014 at 6:04 PM, Matt Creek said:

I fear the uk won't see another (proper) decent ride investment may not be until 2017, and that depends if Thorpe getting another coaster happens.



I have no fear. Discovering the delights of Europe is a real eye opener. With the UK slowing down in development, now is the perfect time to get out.

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Scenic railway restoration seems to Be going along nicely so far.

Can't wait til this ride is up and running again hopefully next year (currently the most exciting thing in the uk next year for me).

I wonder what company is providing the materials of the ride and who will design the track. Is it safe to say the new scenic will be more of a new coaster designed in a traditional way then an actual restored old ride?

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I have seen this point come up numerous times as to whether the Scenic will actually qualify as a restored ride having been built primarily from new timbers. However it is important to recognize that none of the original timber from 1920 exists today. In fact all of the structure (barring mechanical elements) approximately dates back to the mid/early 90s. As the planning application states...


"Every piece of timber was replaced, on an approximate seven year cycle. Therefore the ride's historic importance is arguably less about exact details of the fabric and much more about the feel, noise and excitement of the ride."

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They recently submitted a further batch of planning applications that cover external details around the cinema building such as signage. The document also includes the installation of two Hollywood style 'Dreamland' signs, one made out of the old Scenic timbers as well as a prefab workshop and the erection of a 'Big Wheel'. A recent news article also mentions the possibility of a vintage driving school type attractions; seemingly similar to the ones located at Legoland and Alton.


Little is mentioned on other rides and the general layout of the park as it all falls under permitted development.

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  On 4/9/2015 at 10:43 AM, Matt Creek said:




Wow, that's gonna be one hell of a head chopper there! If anyone earnestly tells me it won't be there when the ride opens I will ban you...


It looks to me like they have entirely rebuilt the scenic, I thought there were sections that were relatively intact? I've not seen anything other than brand new wood. Can't wait to get on it either way.


They're also prepping for other irdes arrival, this is for a caterpillar... 




Such great simple fun rides. Big throughputs too. Why the hell do modern parks not value filler attractions? Not everything has to be modern to be exciting and enjoyable.

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I think Dreamland will be a great little park to visit and as far as I'm aware there's at least a good dozen rides going in there too including a big wheel & Caterpiller coaster too.

There's also a phase two development too, but I'm too sure yet what it will entice.

Scenic railway looks loverly. Apparently the park says it will also retain the original brakeman feature too which is nice.

Judging by the amount of new track (which seems to be all if it), it's safe the Scenic could be described perhaps more as a new ride built in a traditional style.

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Scenic Railway was my first ever ride back in 1982 or something crazy like that, thoroughly enjoyed it, we will definitely make a day trip down there this summer although I dread to think what the queues are going to be like since the population has boomed in the last 30 years.

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The Jets restored by Littleboy are looking great and actually seem pretty intense. Hopefully they ride as awesome as they look.


I know an original caterpillar ride (of a similar age and history to Dreamland's old one) is planned for 2016 but we have to see what else is planned. Such a shame the old owners spite allowed several key rides/components to be scrapped. The opening lineup could have been vastly more exciting.

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