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A Milkshake Adventure!

Explore Chessington WoA this summer and discover 'Milkshake!' from the 27th July – 21st August.Channel 5's energetic morning TV show will bring children's favourites: Fifi, Noddy, Rupert bear® , Roary the Racing Car, Little Princess and the Mr Men to life in the daily live stage shows. 'A Milkshake! Adventure' gives children the opportunity to join in with their favourite characters as they sing and dance their way around the world - Can you help them find the Milkshake! Treasure?Shows are 3-times a day at 12PM, 1PM and 3PM. Doors open 20-minutes prior to show-time; shows are included in your park entrance ticket, please queue in good time to avoid disappointment.

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Just a quicky:Chessington is currently trying to do it's own scaled back version of Towers' marketing now.Scaled back, as in.. it's purely a poll on facebook.. with the wonderful catchy name of "Are you a brave adventurer? If you are what is your favourite Chessington ride?" ;).Thought you'd like to know :rolleyes:.

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Hi guys, just a quick question...Haven't been to Chessington in about 5 years, maybe more. Just wondering, as I'm going on 24th August, what sort of queues to be expecting and any tips on how to get the most out of the day? :rolleyes: Sorry this was put in the general discussion, couldn't see a 'quick questions' topic.

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Mate. I got told that "Imperial Leather stuff has been removed on bubbles" when I mentioned that it's completely gone on the flume.When I meant completely gone with flume, I literally meant it. There's only one thing the entire ride, and thats a piece of paper on the vending machine telling you where to get a refund if it breaks on you.Bubbleworks? It's exactly the same. Logos are literally everywhere. I know which one out of us two to trust now... :blink:

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Because the chain has never snapped in 21 years now has it?Why does H&S always seem to be so overally prudent at Chessie and nowhere else in the UK? Buccaneer, Fury, and now Vampire... Le SIGH!Oh well, least they're making people share boats on Bubbleworks now... :closedeyes:

Do you have any clue what you're talking about - because all that comes out is bigheaded bull****.Buccaneer is a GERMAN ride that has had new GERMAN manufacturer restrictions imposed on it, exactly the same way that Falls, and GERMAN ride had GERMAN manufacturer restrictions imposed on it.Nothing has happened on Fury - the two adults to a car was repealed after a review and three adults in a car is in force because the car can take 300kg each, which is roughly 75kg each. Which is three fat people. Again, a GERMAN ride having GERMAN restrictions imposed on it. The construction of the ride is piss poor, there is only so many times you can say that Lift 1 is meant to sway like that.The basis is that if the chain had snapped in any other direction, it would have smashed straight into the train, killed the two people in the front train and seriously hurt the guests behind in rows 2 backwards.Do you have ANY CLUE what you're talking about Benin?
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God, if Fury or any other ride goes down for the rest of the season then Vampire is going to be FUN this summer. Ah well, it will be worth it for the money saved from running the extra train. :closedeyes:

Funny you say that, Fury was totally buggered today and will be for the next few days.
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German manufacturers that also have rides in the UK which DON'T have the same rules?Buccaneer and Blade don't follow the same rules...Spinball and Fury don't follow the same rules...I never mentioned Falls, as all the parks follow the same rules... Why would I bother using rides to back up my arguement about Chessie's rather stringent following of H&S rules?Look at it from the outside here, a group of 4 adults goes on Spinball and get on together, then go to Chessie and cannot... They have no knowledge of rides so to them, it will look like there are rather random rules from rides that are exactly the same won't it?

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