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Shut the hell up Marc. If you think thats the best thing you can think of that the park needs to improve then you really are to obsessed with watching staff.What I think needs to be improved, by Mark Gilbert.- Rides. The rides are either in a diabolical state or heading in that direction. If I was in control of Chessington's budget I would really thnik about a repaint of just about everything. Skyway in particular really needs something because the trains with their faded yellow bodies just look awful. Runaway train's rockwork really needs painting, Rattlesnake needs new cars with new restraints to bring down its height restriction. Bubbleworks just needs to be redone completely, Vampire is in an ok state but it really needs the lighting to be toned down. This is supposed to be a dark, gothic ride but its lit up like a late night gay parade. Beanoland, in particular Billys Whizzer and Madhouse need a repaint along with Trucks, Carousel and Jumbos. Berries needs to be burnt down and replaced by something interesting.-Animal land. I love the animals at Cwoa and I really feel that the animals need larger enclosures or more in the enclosure itself to keep the animals entertained. Creature Features last year was a really interesting way of changing the interactivity between guests and animals and I hope this continues way into next year.- New rides. For the love of god Chessington needs this. We can argue either way about Thorpe down the road for ride lovers, but Chessie needs ride investment. The current line-up is full of diversity but with only two rides really catering for thrill seekers, this needs to be bulstered up. There are some prime locations such as Rodeo's old site, the grass outside Land of the Dragons or removing Peeking Heights. But this needs to be done fast.- Staffing. One thing I realised this year was that the staff don't care enough about the people coming through the gates. This needs to be altered if the park wants to keep up its good reputation with guests. Older, more "mature" staff need to be bought in because as one guest wrongfully put it "they close the rides just so they can go get drunk."-Restraunts/Healthy food. The park needs a more diverse range of restraunts. Ritas chicken/rib bar and the Glasshouse that people will pay more for better food, and it is something that needs to be considered at Chessington. At the moment the only real proper sit down restraunt is the pub. I've eaten there and I don't think the food is that good to be honest. Something like Alton's restraunt would be awesome, I would certainly eat there.-Toilets. A strange thing to put down I agree but I will say it... CWOA needs more toilets. The ones there are in quite bad conditions and are not in good ways. The Market Square one for instance has only 3 cubicles and 7 urinals. Considering this is the centre of the park and a main meeting place this really needs to be improved. More toilets need to also be added to Animal Land, Toytown and Mexicana. -Theming. Chessington's theming in some place is awesome (The Buddha and Dragon), average (LOTD) and sometimes down right appalling (Peeking Heights, Bubbleworks.) The park needs to become more consistent with what it adds. Thorpe can get away with it, but Kids like to be immersed in a different world. I've seen many delighted faces at Runaway when they walk in and under the track like a real mine. This needs to be continued with new additions to the park.These are just a few ideas bouncing my head currently though. :mellow:

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Shut the hell up Marc. If you think thats the best thing you can think of that the park needs to improve then you really are to obsessed with watching staff.

Lol thats the thing though, I didnt really think the rest of the park was *that* bad, and the things I would like to see would never happen, I was only posting things which could realistically improve.
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Well I got about 3 trips to chessington this year :mellow: . And I have to say,generally I've been very impressed. I suppose it can't be helped that it was very busy two of the times I visited, but then again thats the summer holidays for you. To my knowledge I don't think theres been a single day this year with any rides unavailable. I very much agree that it would be great with a few more thrill rides! This new aqaurium thingy looks interesting and I'm very much looking forward to return for the 2008 season! My only concern is that I don't think there have always been enough staff on the rides. On my last visit there was only one staff member running seastorm and it took a while for her to pull up all the safety bears, let people in, check and lock the safety bars and then to start the ride. Apart from that chessingtons been great. Lovely long rides, great themeing (on some of their rides anyway) and just generally nice surrondings!

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The hills on Seastorm are far more exaggerated then Rocky Express - along with that the entrance and exit gates are on opposite side of the circle and not next to the control box. The operator has to unlock the bars, open the exit gate, make sure everyones left the ride, close the gate. They then have to run to the other side open the gate, make sure everyones paired up and all boats are full. They then have to lock the bars and run round making sure everyones safe. Takes a lot longer then Rocky.

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Yesterday:Fury died before nightfall.Skyway was dead all dayConfirmed to be going next season: McDonalds. Could be replaced by Pizza Hut buffet, but it could go to F&B department.Posibilty of Beano land going as during 1 of the shows they had, Dennis popped out randomly.Imperal Leather sponsership might not be renewed. So Bubbleworks re-theme could be on the cards againThats all I have got at the moment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wells... I won't be returning to Chessington next season as I wasn't invited back... for the following reason: "As you were only here for a short time, the Rides department felt they didn’t get a good enough chance to see how you work" .. would of thought that meant they would invite me back to give me a chance to see how I perform.. maybe not, shame..

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