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SAW: The Ride


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If you sit on the edge to the right, and look down to your right before you go down the drop where the swinging blades are, you can see the track below, thanks to some daylight shining in. And if you look back up to your left after going down the drop, you can see the track above you as it comes round the corner.

Wherever you sit in the front row (but only if you don't par attention to the swinging blades), you can see the drop and soemtimes, you can see the spikes as well.
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Wherever you sit in the front row (but only if you don't par attention to the swinging blades), you can see the drop and soemtimes, you can see the spikes as well.

You can also see the blades, spikes and drop from the corner going into the Zero G roll. They havn't really done a very good job of 'separating the scenes!'
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats explains alot :L I thought you had gone yesterday and where at the front :P I was well confused :huh: But it is sooo good at the front isnt it :PThe spikes flash as you go past them I think dont they? Didnt notice this before :P

The front is amazing!I forget that the Rotating Blades are there as I was panicing like mad over the beyond vertical drop as it was my first ride on SAW: The Ride. :PI really did enjoy the ride and I am glad you thought so too Stokesyboy! The only negative thing for me was that the ride felt a bit short. Then again, that could just be me.
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Right, 16 times to date, it ok today, I got fastrack since I was with my cousin and his parents, and I sat down and you will never guess what came over the loud speakers...

I'm going to hazard guess at: "Please be aware that SAW - The Ride is Thorpe Park's most reliable ride and to this date has experienced over an hour's worth of operation - the highest of any ride in the park. However, we do regret to announce that SAW has currently ceased operation." :huh:But seriously, did it break down? Or was it something far more exciting?
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Well you all go so regularly, don't you ever realize that this isn't good enough? Why do you all visit so much and then come on here and bitch about it?Either visit regularly and don't slate the place on things that are common place, or justify your comments by not visiting so much!

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Well you all go so regularly, don't you ever realize that this isn't good enough? Why do you all visit so much and then come on here and bitch about it?Either visit regularly and don't slate the place on things that are common place, or justify your comments by not visiting so much!

I don't understand what you are talking about.
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Well you all go so regularly, don't you ever realize that this isn't good enough? Why do you all visit so much and then come on here and bitch about it?Either visit regularly and don't slate the place on things that are common place, or justify your comments by not visiting so much!

This argument is flawed. It's like the argument where someone says 'Well why don't you try doing it, see if you could do any better?'. The forum is here for discussion, you'll see people slating queue times and fasttrack and in other posts praising the staff for a good day, that's the beauty of living in a free-speech society, opinions are a good thing to have, and sharing them is even better. The point is, people have paid to go to Thorpe Park and when things aren't working as they're supposed to then it's not nice. No one has actually said that it's so bad they won't return, and compared with other parks, the reliability is pretty poor.
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