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Your Chessington


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Oh where to start...Improved Signage around the parkGet rid of Tiny truckers and create a second entrance to Land of the DragonsRepaint key rides in the park (Vampire, Black Buccaneer, Rameses, Runaway Train, Rattlesnake)Refurbishment of all the toilet facilities in the park.LED Boards on all ridesComplete refurbishment of Safari Skyway and Runaway Train

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Improved Signage around the parkGet rid of Tiny truckers and create a second entrance to Land of the DragonsRepaint key rides in the park (Vampire, Black Buccaneer, Rameses, Runaway Train, Rattlesnake)Refurbishment of all the toilet facilities in the park.LED Boards on all ridesComplete refurbishment of Safari Skyway and Runaway Train

Agree with all of those ! :)

Apart from little things a Mack E-motion coaster would go nicely as a Rattlesnake replacement in about a year. I also think that Bubbleworks should either be removed or totally refurbished into a Transylvania theme. No more ducks!

Remove Rattlesnake :D ?Also, if we're adding a new roller coaster I definately wouldn't go for a Mack E-motion coaster, the ones I've read reviews for have been terrible!I agree something needs to be done with Bubbleworks though.
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- Put a good sound system into Land of the Dragons with a sort of atmosphere loop with little announcements highlighting the fact you cannot smoke in LoTD.- Replace the whole Fury queue, with something that is a little more imaginative than a cattlepen - maybe something along the line of how the Dragon Falls queue is.- Remove Truckers, move Carousel up to where Truckers is and put another entrance into LoTD, maybe over the helix of Fury.- Redo the Dragon Falls rocks, and the Runaway Train rocks.- Reopen the Rodeo area and put a brand new one back in, to queue soak.- Remove Peeking and Xtreme Bungee, and do SOMETHING with it!

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Some may have already been stated, but I just quickly wrote some that come across my mind...How I would improve Chessington & Zoo...

  • LED signs on all Rides and Attractions
  • Completely re-do Runaway Train
  • Improve somehow inside Dragon Falls' "mouth"
  • Vampire station audio to be MUCH louder
  • Vampire to have audio in the queue line. Why have over 1K's worth of speakers just sitting there???
  • New signs that make the park look cleaner than it already is!
  • Something to be done in the Rodeo area.
  • Do something in the area by Peeking Heights and Xtreme Bungee (By removing these two attractions)
  • Sort out volume of audio in general really...
  • Clean the "Ocean" part (in the middle of the ride) of Seastorm
  • Extend the closing times on seleted dates.
  • Remove Toadie's Crazy Cars and make full use of the area
  • Reduce the price of Ultimate Express Passes back down to £30
I am out of ideas! :blink:
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I definately agree with a lot of these, they're probablythe most common issues.The Vampire audio is something that can be rectified very easily by literally getting the engineers to turn up the volume. Some pre-recorded announcements wouldn't go amisss either.And the signage problem is being sorted out next year, with every single sign being replaced next year for the relaunch of Chessington.

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  On 9/24/2009 at 9:34 PM, Sheepie said:
The Vampire audio is something that can be rectified very easily by literally getting the engineers to turn up the volume. Some pre-recorded announcements wouldn't go amisss either.I don't understand some technical aspects, but I will try to word it correctly. :blink:Vampire.I have heard that it is not just the case o turning up the volume. Is is something to do with the amps etc.
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Can't get rid of Rattlesnake! could do with some tinkering though to help the discomfort in parts.I would get a couple of flats in the grassy area behind Vampire, repaints on Vampire and Black Buccaneer.Rock theming on Runaway train re-sprayed. Dragon falls tidied up. Bubbleworks completely re-done; Charlie -esque (AT.)Hocus Pocus Hall brought up to date, and Safari Skyway completely re-done.And I'd say the signage is pretty good as it is?

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  On 9/24/2009 at 5:45 PM, 'James6 said:

I would like Vampire's Track to be repainted and possibly the tunnel to be "fixed"

Posted Image I agree with that. It could be made to look better. Keep the camera there though.This is what Mark9 listed - where there is a tick symbol, I agree:Posted Image Improved Signage around the parkGet rid of Tiny truckers and create a second entrance to Land of the DragonsPosted Image Repaint key rides in the park (Vampire, Black Buccaneer, Rameses, Runaway Train, Rattlesnake)Posted Image Refurbishment of all the toilet facilities in the park.LED Boards on all ridesPosted Image Complete refurbishment of Safari Skyway and Runaway TrainMark9, don't you regard Fury as a key ride? It is used a lot for marketing and advertising. Also, I never knew a refurbishment of Safari Skyway and Runaway Train had staered in the past.
  On 9/24/2009 at 5:53 PM, 'Sebastian96 said:

Apart from little things a Mack E-motion coaster would go nicely as a Rattlesnake replacement in about a year. I also think that Bubbleworks should either be removed or totally refurbished into a Transylvania theme. No more ducks!

What?! You do realise the Rattlesnake was 10 years old last year, yeah? A landmark birthday.
  On 9/24/2009 at 9:34 PM, 'Sheepie said:

The Vampire audio is something that can be rectified very easily by literally getting the engineers to turn up the volume. Some pre-recorded announcements wouldn't go amisss either.And the signage problem is being sorted out next year, with every single sign being replaced next year for the relaunch of Chessington.

Relaunch? What is the relaunch, something to do with the new area opening?
  On 9/24/2009 at 9:34 PM, 'Sheepie said:

The Vampire audio is something that can be rectified very easily by literally getting the engineers to turn up the volume. Some pre-recorded announcements wouldn't go amisss either.I don't understand some technical aspects, but I will try to word it correctly. :blink:Vampire.I have heard that it is not just the case o turning up the volume. Is is something to do with the amps etc.

With regards to the speakers, perhaps they need replacing. Although the ones in the station above the queueline gates are in good working order and blast out music at not the highest volume, they could upgrade them. Mind you, it would probably be a case of choosing JBL over Bose.
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  On 9/26/2009 at 8:41 PM, 'Outfit said:

The park is being totally relaunched for 2010, so new things like signage, fully fixed effects, areas repainted etc.Supposedly.

Another thing that needs to be fixed is the snake in Tomb Blaster as it used to turn fully to the left and right, and now it only moves to the left. The snake does try to move back the other way but it looks like it is being blocked by something.
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It is tippicult! , When most of Rattlesnake's animations were not working; The only 2 were the dynamite house and the person with his legs hanging out in the barrel.Now, all of the effects (as far as I am aware) are in operation, yet the 'barrel guy with his get me out speech' :blink: isn't working.So, I would like to see that return on Rattlesnake for my pleasure in the queue line! :blink:

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Ok, I would like to see:LED signs for all ridesBubbleworks to be rethemed to something that fits in to transylvania a bit more than a few rubber ducks and some soapA new flat ride to be brought into the old rodeo siteA new flat ride to be put in behind the Vampire to increase Transylvania Better dragons fury queue lineFast track for rattlesnake during peak times (when the queue exceeds 45 mins)Queueline themed music on all ridesRameses revenge made more intense (like it used to be)No more price changes if these were to happen (which they won't)I can't think of many more ideas

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Larger entrance welcome signs etc to North and South entrances. (More like Thorpe's, with the rollercoaster track). Something big and eye-catching. Dragon's Falls station could be improved. (More in the way of theming etc. At the moment it seems very empty and boring, especially when looking down from the gallery. Lights in the Runaway Train and Dragon Falls tunnels. To have the areas in the park divided up more clearly, with large arched sign posts displaying the name of the area. Ride Q information boards in every area, but only giving the ride times for rides in that area. I.e.: "Welcome to Transylvania. The current queue times are as follows: Bubbleworks: 45 minutes; Vampire: 60 minutes".Have longer opening hours throughout the season (Like Thorpe). Close at 10pm at Halloween instead of 8pm. Varying from 6pm - 8pm in peak times instead of 6pm throughout the season.I have one improvement that I would do to every park, not just Chessington. Have all Q-line TV's playing theme-park, or better still, ride specific media. Rather than random annoying TV music videos etc. Every ride should have a background story, and should have a video explaining it (like in Tomb Blaster). This would really set the atmosphere. There's nothing I hate more at the moment than walking in the Nemesis Inferno queue line having to hear Nickleback - Rockstar blaring out, clashing with the NI theme.

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  On 9/27/2009 at 8:01 PM, 'Outfit said:

I'd agree with most of the points made in this topic, however when people are saying about opening times - the people that visit CWoA are families/ younger teenagers and they are gone by 6 at the latest if it opened until 8, and it isn't financially viable.

I do agree, but I seem to find that the queues are usually pretty constant right up until closing time at Chessington. I do think that if the park was open later, then quite a few people would stay.
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  On 9/27/2009 at 8:03 PM, 'Paul said:

I do agree, but I seem to find that the queues are usually pretty constant right up until closing time at Chessington. I do think that if the park was open later, then quite a few people would stay.

Ooh definitely not! I'd say Chessington is the only park of the 3 old Tussauds where queues die massively, the only rides that keep their queues are Vampire and Dragons Fury. Many a time I operated Runaway Train from 3-6, between 3 and 5:30 the queue would be at 45 minutes, then after 5:30 the ride became walk on again. It happens at many rides at Chessie because the kids aren't able to keep themselves going for over 8 hours. You will see it at halloween this October, whereas Thorpe and Alton stay busy up till closing time, many rides at Chessington are walk on or at minimal queues. I spent many a time at Tiny Truckers waiting for anyone to ride between 5-8.
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  On 9/27/2009 at 8:13 PM, 'Mark9 said:

Ooh definitely not! I'd say Chessington is the only park of the 3 old Tussauds where queues die massively, the only rides that keep their queues are Vampire and Dragons Fury. Many a time I operated Runaway Train from 3-6, between 3 and 5:30 the queue would be at 45 minutes, then after 5:30 the ride became walk on again. It happens at many rides at Chessie because the kids aren't able to keep themselves going for over 8 hours. You will see it at halloween this October, whereas Thorpe and Alton stay busy up till closing time, many rides at Chessington are walk on or at minimal queues. I spent many a time at Tiny Truckers waiting for anyone to ride between 5-8.

Fare enough. It just seems quite busy walking round at 6pm, but I suppose the ride queues have emptied out by then. And as for Halloween, I will look out for that, I'm visiting soon so hopefully I will see what you mean.
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