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Thorpe Park Fright Nights Review 2019

So I had this review all edited and ready back in October, though I forgot about it for some reason. So better late than never?   So I have been visiting Fright Nights since 2012, I very vividly remember walking into the white marquee which housed The Curse as a scared 10 year old. I remember the heavy smoke and the abundance of actor holes allowing for a ton of jump scares, it was scary but 10 year old me craved that fear and ever since I have been back nearly every year. Sa



The Top Ten Most Weird Scare Attractions

Scare attractions are usually very formulaic, a bunch of corridors with actors in them, a chainsaw finale, a strobe maze. Though there is some attractions that I have been through that are just plain weird. Today I'm gonna be counting down the top 10 most weird mazes I have experienced. Now I have not been to every event, so this won't be include every weird maze out there sadly, but if you do have any mazes you think are bloody strange leave em in the comments.   Here is a few mazes t



Every Shocktoberfest Attraction ranked and reviewed.

So due to the corona virus, I thought I would actually post on this blog (for my own amusement as well as others) This blog today will rank every Tulleys Maze ever to exist (bar a few that I did not sadly get to experience) Here is the few attractions excluded from this list:   Field Of Screams- this was a maze in the park's former cornfield (where The Wreckoning currently is) I sadly didn't get to experience this or some of the future reincarnations   Dr Plagu



London Bridge Experience and The Tombs- Review

Okay I know its only April but fu** you I'm writing this review.   So the London Bridge and Tombs is an attraction that has always been on my radar- whether it be the rave reviews from Scaretour or walking past it when the Dungeons was down the road. So after a trek down to London I thought I might as well experience it for myself- does it compare to The Dungeons? (apologies for these straight outta snapchat photos )     **Mild Spoilers**  



Josh's Halloween-ish Awards 2017

So Halloween is over, and sadly its closed season Though with last month being October, I thought it would obligitary for me to write about some of my Halloween Highlights and re-live some of the happiness for the following months of depression and vodka which is the closed season.. (I would do photos but then I realise most of my pictures are sh**)    Best Theming/Costume Design Honourable Mentions: The Final Cut, Skin Snatchers, The Colony. Winner- The Welcoming



Screamland Margate 2017 Review

Screamland at Dreamland Margate is a fairly new event (only in its third year) though its managed to become well known in its first year for beautiful theming and creative scare tactics. In its second year (last year) the event seemed to get panned by a few, and I feel like last year the event kind of went under the radar, though the "Paradise Foundation"  proved that Screamland weren't running out of ideas, and all the mazes (bar their mirror maze) all proved to be well themed, and f



Alton Towers Scarefest- 2017 Review

Scarefest is a event that has somehow lured me back every year despite the painful drive and the overpriced maze tickets.. The event I think just feels so much more complete and well rounded than Fright Nights, and the mazes on offer feel longer and more fleshed out than the Thorpe offering. The atmosphere is solid as always, and Nemesis in the back row at night is perhaps the most orgasmic experience of my life.. Thirteen is also a great night ride. Anyway you're probably not her



Thorpe Park Park Fright Night- 2017 Review

So Fright Nights is a event that I think pretty much everyone on the forum will know well.. well duh. So with a massive new IP behind the park, what would 2017 bring to Fright Nights?   This will contain spoilers   Big Top Big Top returns akin to last year, and the maze continues to be the chaotic fun that it was last year. The acting was strong-  the strobe section proved to be even more intense than ever, and the second half sees some new scenes including a m



Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest 2017- Preview Night Review

Tulleys, oh Tulleys..   Being on the scene as early as  1998 with Creepy Cottage, and then throughout the years adding more and more, Tulleys has really evolved as of recent into one of the best scream parks in Europe.   Now with 2015's massive changes, and the fairly large Coven last year, this year I think is more of a slow down year in terms of growth in the event. Anyway with the re-do of Hellements, and the 3D transformation of the Twisted Clowns, how would 2017 far



Josh's Halloween 2016 Awards

So to start the blog off, here's a joke The Conservative Party Anyway its sadly nearly Halloween, meaning the parks close for off season!  So I guess its back to rocking back and forward in my room til march.. So I've reviewed a few events over Halloween, so I'm going to do some awards to recap my Halloween Season! http://forum.maniahub.com/blogs/entry/812-alton-towers-scarefest-2016-review/ http://forum.maniahub.com/blogs/entry/808-screamland-margate-2016-review/ http://



Alton Towers Scarefest 2016 Review!

This Blog Will Contain Spoilers And Sarcasm you've been warned! So back in 2015 Scarefest really got a kick up the arse! Scarefest has created some of the best scare attractions in the industry, but back in 2013/2014 the quality of the mazes where really plummeting.. Thankfully last year was one of the best years in Scarefests history, so I was itching to get back! So after a grueling 4 hour drive, a fun M1 Traffifc jam, and a posh meal at Mcdonalds, I was there! FYI I c



Screamland Margate 2016 Review

This Blog Contains Minor Spoilers*   Screamland is a upcoming giant in the scare industry, and last year received rave reviews from scare veterans and the GP alike. I personally have never been to Margate, so my whole night was a complete 'new experience' to me..Yup  Especially the completely rundown city of Margate, and some "interesting" graffiti on some of the walls.. Anyway the event was a grueling Hour and a half drive, so was it worth it? In short, yes..



Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2016 Review

(THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN MILD SPOILERS) So Fright Nights returns for its fifteenth year! Overall this year the event was somewhat of a mixed bag. One thing to note is some of the park-wide theming! Fright Nights in previous years have not bothered with theming, but this year they seemed to make some effort which is nice.   The Big Top The Big Top has been completely changed this year, and was way better than last year! The maze is everything it should have been la



Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest 2016 review

Beware this review may contain mild spoilers!   So Tulleys Shocktoberfest is back! Overall being located at my local farm Tulleys is a must each year, this year sees two new attractions and a bunch of classics return!   Creepy Cottage Even though being the smallest attraction at the event, Creepy Cottage is still a strong attraction. The theming and the eerieness of the attraction is really what makes it, plus a few actors make this attraction a little gem



Halloween Scare Attractions Reviews Preview!

So its that time of the year again... NO NOT CHRISTMAS.   Anyway its getting nearer and nearer to the Halloween season.. So this means I'm gonna get a crap ton of travelling to do! Anyway I'm going to review quite a lot of events this year!   1 Of October, Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest: Tulleys always finds a way into my calendar. With it being located at my local farm its quite a no brainer, new for this year  includes a 3D revamp of there clown m



Imindetonator's Halloween Awards 2015!

I'm gonna start a annual Halloween awards, its gonna be quite a long post so lets start! Most Awful Maze: Honourable Mentions- The Volt,My Bloody Valentine Big Top- Big Top is awful. Big Flop starts off in a dull tent with dull black walls with little to no theming. And even funner 1 actor, IN THE WHOLE TENT. The Second Tent is ok, but with barely any actors in this tents it falls flat it in its face. Third Tent is good, but I had a couple of runs when I've saw no chainsaw. IMO Big Flop is th



Imindetonator's Trip To Alton Towers Scarefest

So Scarefest is back! And it's better than ever! Day 1: So I started the day by a small drive of 3 HOURS! We arrived about 3ish, we got our maze tickets and then we were off. We got on Blivvy quickly due to the long que of 5 minutes.. After that we went to sonic-flopball which had along que due to it raining and only 3 per car. Then we went over to our first maze.. TOTT! Great maze: 9/10 Then we walked over to Molly. Unique maze 8/10 Sub Species The End Games:



Thorpe park Fright Night 16.10.15 My Review

SPOILERS AHEAD! So in the last week FN has been running, I sadly couldn't go until today but here's my review.. Big Top: Now, people have said this maze is awful, but you may expect me to say Big Top is bad but... I liked it, IMO Big Top is good.. It isn't perfect with sections feeling a little unispired with loads of black curtians from IKEA.. IMO the only bad part of Big Top is the first tent, it just lacks scares. The second tent is confusing and full of strobes and dead ends. The third



Tulleys the howl

Tulleys the howl is a new scream park at mead open farm. Tonight was preview night, here's my review! Haunted House: Haunted House is beautifully themed, with dark rooms and eerie sounds it is very similar to HH in Shocktoberfest. The maze was full of rooms and actors staring at us, overall a very creepy maze. 3/5 The Shed: The Shed is a great maze, with scares similar to the cellar. It is very impressive with scares being impressive overall. One section was similar to the cellar having a infl



Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest 2015 3 October

Tulleys farm is one of the best scream parks in the UK, and this year Tulleys has expanded to 8 attractions! Here's my review, sorry not many photos, but I was having so much fun I forgot. The Nightshade Circus: Nightshade replaces Twisted from last year, it is very similar in some ways. But also very different, the maze was full of curtians. With loads of other things too..including VERY uneven floors, a spinning tunnel, and a bag squish section (I call it the fanny). Another change is th



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