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  1. Yesterday
  2. The tarmac will be covered with the resin I think! Samurai and Saw are both planned to be closed today, can only assume it’s construction related.
  3. The dreaded tarmac pathway appears again!
  4. Last week
  5. Went to Towers yesterday with work mates, to check out the reimagined Nemesis (Reborn). The ride looks different although striking with the new track colour and other features. I especially love the new giant eye effect/ animatronics, which really enhances the area. The other area theming is fitting too, amongst the new soundtrack and station updates. The ride was running relitively well, albeit maybe the tiniest of judders. However it was a front-row ride first thing in the day. The queue line has seen a slight but noticeable route change, but still feels fitting to the landscape. I did Alton Manor, not once but twice. I really enjoyed and appreciated this ride so much more this time and adored the story, effects and set pieces within the ride. Can safely say it’s my favourite U.K. dark ride now. As for the rest of the park, it’s very trial and error. I love oblivion, but it needs some updates and TLC, Smiler was a little bumpy and breakdowns were noticeable, even to my (mostly ) non ride-enthusiasts group. The lack of support rides was showing, more-so with Sky Ride and Hex (still) closed. Numerous areas need jetwashing, repainting and replacing. 4pm is just too early to close for a park this size, even if it is low peak. Towers isn’t a bad park by any means, but there’s a number of basic things they could do to become a great one!
  6. Well done to Thorpe for setting all this up. People are animals unfortunately, and a stampede is the last thing anyone needs. I'll be waiting a week or two before visiting I think! I wonder what the queue time will be on opening day?
  7. Depends when they open the gates. But if you're sad enough to wait overnight for this then ain't no helping those people. Seems a sensible plan at least. Sure it'll still be utter chaos and full of entitled people. Staff will need to be on point for it to be a success.
  8. Our Queen in a gold hi-viz has spoken 🫡
  9. Looks like SAW and Samurai will have delayed openings for them days then until the queue dies down. Fair play to Thorpe - looks very organised and looks like their best option all things considered.
  10. Looks complex but probably for the best. I think one piece of concerning information was left out though…. Overnight queueing / arriving at the park super early do they have a policy or might the team wake up to a surprise number of guests when they arrive that morning??
  11. We have an info video about opening: Basically there won't be any sort of rope drop; there will be a very controlled pathway to the entrance, with there being a 'holding queue' for the ride alongside the old Saw Alive pathway when the main ride queue is full.
  12. Hey guys, with Hyperia opening very soon I was thinking of hiring out my boat for close accommodation, it is just opposite, about 2 minutes walk and free parking. I know how busy it's going to get and so many people will be travelling from far and wide so thought someone might be interested? Message me for me info, its lovely and has all the facilities ☺️🎢🚤🌊
  13. I had a couple of Hyperia adverts on youtube today for the first time. They were the opening date reveal video rather than the recent TV advert they released though
  14. There are loads of Hyperia billboards on those digital screens you see on the sides of the road, all over London at the moment. looks like there’s quite a bit of marketing going on at the moment!
  15. Cal


    I came across this video the other day, starting at 17:01, a Nemesis engineer talks about the current rattle/vibrations on the trains. There are numerous reasons why they think it could be happening, for example with the track now being sand filled, vibrations which were once being absorbed by the track are now being felt on the train. He did say there are ways to iron this out in the future so hopefully its something they'll work on it during closed season.
  16. iEddiez


    Had my first Reborn rides this weekend. Whilst the area is fantastic, the new queue line is a nice addition and the station is incredible, I can't help but be disappointed with the ride experience. We rode Train 1 twice on Saturday, Row 5/6 and both my friend and I noticed a rattle on certain parts of the ride. I can never remember the OG riding like that, enough for us to not re-ride quickly. It got worse as the day went on, assuming as the ride warms up, it runs a little quicker. Sunday we rode Train 2 Row 6, better but still rattly. For a ride that's <3months old I am amazed how rattly it felt. The area is amazing, the ride still slaps, but I do worry for the quality of the ride over the next few years.
  17. Morning all, Had my first rides on Curse this weekend and I have to say I was blown away. Such a great addition to the park. Some areas could do with a bit of a rethink, the pitch black corners with rumbling for example. The skull screen which I actually found online a few years ago for a Planet Coaster ride felt a bit of a cop out. The finale also felt a bit of a let down as it's so light in there. Could do with blocking off that room with bang doors or something to really keep the light out. Saying that though as soon as we exited, we went straight back around for another go!
  18. Earlier
  19. One interesting thing is that the lights have been on most nights, all the way up the lift hill!
  20. I do wonder if that will perhaps go into Johns Personal development plan for next year….. ‘Fully complete a project themeing landscaping and hardware before opening day’
  21. We wanted to produce something very different for Thorpe Park and the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. The MD on LinkedIn
  22. I'd like to see the unedited version. Bet it looks just as good without the shine.
  23. Contender for best theme park photo ever?
  24. Wouldn't be a Merlin project if it was finished on time would it?
  25. They usually have a 30 second and 15 second TV advert, so more likely a shorter one.
  26. Only thing to note that the YouTube clip is titled "30 second advert" so perhaps the longer one will shout more about the height of bae.
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