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Everything posted by Marc

  1. I did feel the judder when I rode it a couple of weeks back but when I rode it Monday it seemed fine. Not that it matters as alot of it will be taken apart now!
  2. Based on theming / length / story lines its Scarefest Based on intenseness and scares its Fright Nights
  3. To be fair I think if enough people complain (not just the few moans from here) they will change somthing. The parks do take feedback seriously and have kpi targets to hit and I imagine a bulk of complaints would possibly work against them in this resulting in questions being asked.
  4. The park very often opened at 9:30 during the weekends / school holidays anyway. ERT would be nice though!
  5. I'm surprised theyve not put Fright nights back to 10, or atleast some of them. Many of the dates were actually extended till 10pm anyway.
  6. I guess its because its still showing this years november, I'm sure it will be open for a week or so in november.
  7. http://www.thorpepark.com/plan-your-visit/opening-times.aspx - Open times already out for next year, much the same as this year although there are no more 5pm weekend closes (not that they ever did this year anyway!)
  8. It's somthing we are looking to do, you can find the ride audio for its fright night years under each ride
  9. Just to point out the park was busy last night, fastrack had sold out on some rides so it obviously isn't unlimited and the park also extended hours to 10 pm
  10. Marc

    2013 Changes

    What id like to see for 2013: 1. If the xnwo retheme is true, make sure it's done properly, it's looking very run down at the mo. 2. Fix music across the park, fix the hi pitched stuff, please lose the chart music on park (apart from for events) 3. Fix up the effects on Colossus / inferno. Would be nice to see the water tower working at tidal wave again and the entrance sign 3. Tlc across the park, repaint lost theming like the police barriers at tidal wave, the majority of the queue lines need repairing / repainting too 4. Reopen fastrack points across the park, the one at inferno is under too much pressure on busy days causing huge queues
  11. Marc

    Live System Help

    Ian set up the live feed on tpm, it didnt work very well for a few reasons (iPhone 3GS! / Batttery / Rubbish camera, Bad signal etc) It was coded by Ian from nothing, its nothing to do with the Towers Nerd system.
  12. From reading through the topic its been geting worse at alton for a while though not just the first Saturday of half term.... It depends what you class as failing really dont it, because if fastrack was as bad as people made out people would vote with their feet and simply not buy it, but they do so some people must like it.
  13. http://www.towersstreet.com/talk/general-discussion/fastrack-farce/msg29659/?boardseen#new - Seems towers are catching up quickly enough. To put into perspective Fastrack over the last 2 years probably paid for the swarm, aslong as people are willing to pay merlin will be willing to sell. Obviously id like it if there was none atall, but IMO its just a way of life and how things in this world seem to work now everywhere
  14. But the point is those who have paid more for a premium service will get priority over those who havent, and those who havent service may be affected by those who have because to the company the one with the more cash are more important.
  15. An example of this can be seen at airports where they offer security fastrack, if the fastrack queue is busy they will push more of them through so they are waiting less time, resulting is less scanners being available for those in the normal queue making it longer. I too dont really agree with it, but its a problem in most things it seems now.
  16. I think this is where fastrack is miss sold, waiting in a 40 min fastrack queue is still better than waiting in a 2 hour main queue. I do agree the system has it's flaws but I think the way it's grown, people visit the parks and expect to have to buy them without even looking at the queues which makes it so popular
  17. I'm sure theres abit of both there to be fair But its like most things really, those who pay more for their airline tickets get onto the air plane faster etc
  18. I dont see why its good? Whilst fastrack is annoying, like everything in life the more you pay the better your treated and get a premium service than people who choose not to pay. I'm glad they refunded you for them!
  19. Marc

    Fright Nights 2012

    I dont think its a margin of error as such, it covers them for if a main coaster was to go down or somthing I guess anyway?
  20. Marc


    I think Samurais way past that now, even on the slower settings it seems to struggle at the moment
  21. Its a count down to when the car should be dispatched, to most people it looks like theming from the films!
  22. Marc

    Fright Nights 2012

    I hear that most rides opened early and stayed open till 10, nice one thorpe
  23. Marc

    The Crash Pad

    That has nothing to do with it, generally thorpe has the longest season (opens the earliest, closes the latest) out of all them, has been the case for years and I expect will continue to be, I wouldnt read too much into the hotel booking dates.
  24. Marc


    Makes sense, I doubt thorpe will be spending an awful lot of money on rides in 2013 after 20 million on Swarm. X is probably the most run down ride at the park, so its in desperate need of somthing, and if they are getting individual lap bars and are able to lower the height restriction then that solves some issues of things for smaller children.
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