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Posts posted by Marc

  1. 8 hours ago, Ian-S said:

    They really have got a problem if it was glitching today, glitching is a symptom of overheating, and today wasn't exactly hot, infact it was so cold and a lack of sun that my greenhouse turned itself off for the first time since March, and all it needs is an hour of sun a day to recharge the lipo.


    I dont think the glitches it has are heat related - the 10 minutes of the holding scene (green smoke) would have been due to a (lengthy!) delay on the train ahead for what ever reason.


    The other glitches ive had on it are when the vives seem to lose connection to the lighthouses (Small black boxes attached to the ceiling of the trains) so it dont quite know where you are - most of the time this is just for seconds but ive had it an entire train before.

  2. 1 hour ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    The Fastrack queue for Ghost Train was in use today when it first opened, I'm not sure if it was an organised event or whether they sold Fastrack tickets because I was under the impression that it wouldn't be used until next year?


    The batching was in favour of Fastrack and as a result, the main queue moved at a snail's pace for the first hour of the ride being open, causing the line to build up to the ride entrance which wouldn't have otherwise happened!  It took us 40 minutes from just before the last straight section of the queueline.


    Theyve never said fastrack won't be sold this year - they said it wasn't sold at the moment and never said when it would be!

  3. 8 hours ago, Mattgwise said:

    Think there are issues with the system again as those rides should still play individual themes and actual area speakers play the shortened Colossus theme. Additionally on my last visit a week and half ago Colossus queueline was playing the station music.


    Not an issue as such these rides and the ones mentioned above (Slammer - Samurai) all have their own ride themes - they will play the areas music (in this case colossus theme) if the rides local music isn't playing - you'll notice on Samurai / Slammer if being loaded slow at the end of the loading themes the area music will then play. 


    Colossus station is also fixed now!


    think that's how it works!

  4. 38 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    They've said it is closed for rennovations, I trust that they wouldn't lie to the public. :)


    The official line is they "hope" for it to make a splash back in 2017. Its perfectly possible once renovations start they find issues which are not feasible to fix. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Archive said:


    You have misunderstood. The headset is different to the computer and A/V tech feeding it, is different to the installation work, is different to the content production, is different to the application. They are all different things. It's as if you had a high end TV screen playing a faulty, wrong-spec DVD player. Playing a dodgy quality demo DVD with barely working sound. Or imagine that badly installed, locked in a hot hot cupboard and frequently dying. One of the ride's many issues.


    Im aware of that - but then I'm not sure what Merlin / Figment would have to gain from installing the highest end headsets without the power behind them to run it.


    Up to now it seems most of the rides issues are actually not VR related - that said I'd agree there's room for improvement!

  6. 14 minutes ago, Benin said:

    From what the general opinion of Galatica is that doesn't sound particularly difficult to do though...


    VR is only as good as the content on display though, much like any media... You can have all the pixels or 1:1 motion in the world but if the animation is crap then it's all for nothing...


    Agreed - I was only pointing out merlin didn't cheap out on the tech on this ride.


    The vast majority of the complains regarding VR seem to revolve all around the 2nd train - I've no doubt the park will be taking on board the feedback and working on ways to improve it - the fact the first train seems mainly well received shows the Figment / merlin etc are more then capable.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Archive said:


    Luckily not, this is just the very cheapest and poorly managed version of VR - with the least consideration they could get away with. MMM rushed designs and made many oversights as usual, and it seems Figment were not reliable contractors. Likely Merlin didn't offer the necessary timeframe and budget for what was being demanded, judging by many similar situations they've created in recent years. And that's with this enormous "budget" in the first place, wonder where it all went...?


    You do know the HTC Vive is widely considered the best (and most expensive) VR headsets on the market?


    Cant say much for Figment but the VR seems a to work a lot better than Galaticas!

  8. I expect the outside / inside audio are all one issue rather than 2 - hopefully once one is fixed the other will be Be!


    Intresting you were held at the station- not had that on any of my rides this week for any longer than normal - i cant see that being how it's run now as I expect would delay the other train and enable that to need a holding scene?

  9. 8 hours ago, Mysterio Ka said:


    This is simply not true.



    I have never seen such a disgusting group of enthusiasts in my life. 50+ all fighting with the managers and other guests to get the last boat. DOES IT REALLY MATTER. Everyone filming all kinds of weird things making average park goers uncomfortable and screaming the music at the top of their lungs, it really ruined the whole good bye experience for me. I guess the send off is appropriate because the whole experience was parallel to how crap the ride had become.


    Its a shame they have to ruin it for everyone else - people complain about the "Send-off" and the small bits it gets are ruined by a selfish few. Its no wonder the parks try to avoid this as much as possible! 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Roodie said:

    The way I'm reading that is due to the closure of DBGT on the first night, they are going to give you a second night.  I don't see where they are saying it is specifically for DBGT.  I just guess there are many ways to read the same information.


    Thats how I read it too.. DBGT is also not mentioned on any of the emails / info regarding the new event.


    That said fingers crossed its open by then.. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Project LC said:

    My issue with the operations were the crazy number of express passes making Merlin's fastrack seem generous and the very slow loading. Was taking about 1 minute 30 to send a train on shambhala. There was also an incident my group encountered with shambhala. The person I was riding with was too large even though they fitted the test seat (what's the point in having it if it doesn't relate to anything). They tried no effort to push the bar down and made me get off as well as they found 2 people to take our seats. Quite safe to say I was furious after waiting an hour for nothing. In fact so angry someone else in my group had to explain to guest services in the fear I would get myself thrown out.

    That incident is probably why I rate PA so low as I guess I have a rather distorted view on the place.


    1 minute 30? Sounds like they've considerably improved - ive literally sat on the train for 3-4 mins before they sent it out - and that was each and every train not just a one off. I wouldnt visit without buying express personally.

  12. Welcome to the forums! :)


    For me I'd probably say Cabin in the Woods - for the first half of the maze there's no set route as such - some doors take you onwards some take you to a dead end and some take you back to the beginning! That said it's a "free flow"  maze so no hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you!


    Infact I think this year Saw Alive is the only one where you have hands on shoulders (unless it changes for this year) so that maybe your best bet to start!


    Hope you enjoy! 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Project LC said:

    Would not surprise me if they are using Intel stock coolers. I get the impression HTC gave them pc requirements and that's what Merlin went out and bought but of course HTC wouldn't have mentioned cooling.


    I doubt "Merlin" would have got involved in smaller details like that TBF - it would of been Simworx / Figment etc who would of spec'ed up any equipment needed and for them to work out how it works. 


    Sure the trains get warm but ive been in much warmer server rooms! 

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