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Posts posted by Marc

  1. Is the bonuses thing really that bad though? As much as it's a good headline I'm not sure you can directly link that and the accident - the ride had been shut an hour and had a long queue - I expect the engineers were keen to fix the ride as soon as possible regardless of what ever bonus they get.


    I also doubt that it's very unusual - I expect engineers in other industry's will have similar payments for hitting targets.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Mer said:

    The "control room" presumably being the console where the operator is, where the CCTV screens are right next to the control panel (same with any ride with CCTV). I can't help but feel like we still have unanswered questions here. How can both the engineers AND the operator not have spotted the train? I'm surprised at how little focus there's been on that in the news reports (although I've only read BBC), I mean the engineers not being familiar with the ride/not having read the manual is one thing, but you don't need to be trained on something to look at a CCTV screen and see a train rolling back and forward.


    From what i understood from the court case the problem come with the confusion between the number of trains on the track - the engineers resetting it thought there were 4 and accounted for 4 trains when of course the 5 with on the track and stalled. 

  3. Whilst 5 Million dont sound an awful lot, it is the highest fine which has been issued in this industry - also the judge said the fine was originally 7.5 million but was reduced on Merlins guilty plea. This also wont include the costs of compensation to the guests on the ride - and of course the business impact felt by Merlin and which will be for i expect a few years yet.

  4. Just now, Whatever said:


    Of all the rides they could rebrand to what they were before, Space Station Zero should be low on their list. It wasn't as particularly well known or popular ride anyway, and Merlin won't even bother making older rides better anymore (just look at Bubbleworks and loggers).

    p.s SSZ wasn't a previous incarnation of X.

    It's currently the Flying Fish.


    They made X no Way out better though!

  5. They've said there was a wind meter at Obvlion which for some reason wasn't activated.


    Merlin have also disputed that wind caused the stall stall.


    "Merlin’s barrister suggests the empty carriage could have become stuck because the brakes slowed the empty train “more than they should have done.”"

  6. 30 minutes ago, Archive said:

    Why? They are boring 'brand-able names' relating to nothing thought up by unimaginative people in a boardroom, are they worth your attention? The Sanctuary was a great attraction and you'll notice the Ministry of Joy was pretty much just a parody name in that one, the other characters, shock and drama is what made that attraction fun. Then its popularity got leeched off in the most superficial way, but just using the "ministry of joy" on everything and putting it on the Smiler at the last minute, because some marketing person decided so.


    Go to most real theme parks around the world and you'll find 'fun' in ways you couldn't pre imagine, that's the point. Go to one of Merlin's "world leading innovative" attractions and you'll be told about a company with an acronym name, lots of TV screens and vinyl signs as "entertainment" instead.


    Whilst I fully agree Ghost train etc are not the best rides in the world, it don't make people wrong if they do enjoy them just a differing of opinion!

  7. 2 hours ago, Matt Creek said:


    14448995_1075789442476354_51186784938445Well, it was good whilst it lasted but Samurai has died again. (source Theme Park Guide)


    Glad to see it keep up it's tradition as a statue for Fright Nights.


    As posted above - it's a planned closure for a few days, no drama! 

  8. On 9/22/2016 at 1:45 PM, Archive said:

    Pump plants have to be regularly run to prevent them ceasing up and becoming useless. Water systems on the whole are very complicated and much more than I know. It would need a whole lot more work than sweeping the trough, it would need many essential repairs from what I gather, plus the repairs that forced it to close anyway.



    True - that said Loggers did often suffer issues with pumps, even last year it had temporary pumps in to keep it open over some periods.

  9. Whilst i agree it don't look like any works been done to the ride, its probably not quite as bad as it looks, all it would need is a sweep of the trough and the wood fixing around the bottom of the drop and it would look just as it did at the end of last season!

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