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Posts posted by Marc

  1. 10 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    The same issue is present on Zufari - great to see some progress!


    Does anyone know if the attraction is running on full capacity at the moment?


    Aslong as there is enough guests waiting after the final photo point (which there always is) - they make no difference atall to the through puts.


    Not sure if it's on full capacity but if it isn't it manages to eat through a queue fairly well!

  2. As people know - as the official fansite we have a close working relationship with the park - the park have kindly requested that the secrets behind how the ride functions are not spilt during this testing period and we respect that. I encourage people to discuss their experiences but will request that major spoilers such as how the ride system works etc are not posted here during this rehursal period :) 


    Feel free to PM me if you wish to discuss this.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Ryan said:

    I do understand it, very well in fact. My point is that thorpe have asked if we could please not go round telling everyone how it works etc, at least until it is fully open, working and everyone's ridden it. 


    No more to add - We cant stop the discussion about it but the park have kindly requested the secrets of the attraction are not revealed - this is especially more reverent during the rehearsal stage before the official launch of the ride :)

  4. The general public's reaction to this thing has been immense - its not very often guests in the UK will break out into applause at the end of a ride but they really do seem to be loving it.


    I always thought a large scale dark ride would be a gamble for which ever Merlin park took it on but am delighted it seems to be getting such high praise from the GP.

  5. Merlin are not trying to compete with the likes of helix, baron etc.


    Of course our parks could be better, but Merlin obviously invest in them the amount money to keep them at a bar which Merlin want them to be at - as a small minority of their customers I personally don't feel it's up to us to decide that their business decisions are right or wrong - Merlin need to aim to please the core of their audience and they do that successfully.

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