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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. And where did that idea come from?
  2. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    Well I've been on Hurakan Condor, and errm..it's really not that great. The drop is nowhere near as forceful as Detonator's, and after about 2 seconds I'm already bored of the drop. Higher drops doesn't mean a better ride. And Stealth was only allowed because of its track colour.
  3. But..they probably are going to. That's what Thorpe do, and it's why all of Thorpe's rides have monumentous queuelines each and every day. They have an unhealthy obsession with overselling fastrack.
  4. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    And 4/5 flats in the space of 3 years added on to that?
  5. I've seen the fastrack queue to the entrance before, all of the people there were priority pass'ers.So it might just have been a phase in time where a lot of people had decided to use their priority pass'.
  6. Stop presuming why I said it.This is from my previous visits this year. Last years Fright Nights was dreadful for chav density. They were literally crawling all over the place. Same for normal days as well, it was probably the worst year for chavs from my experiences. This year I just haven't seen as much as normal there, and I've heard from loads of others who have also noticed this.
  7. Well they must have at one point, I bought my first one from the megastore.
  8. This year I haven't actually seen the amount of chavs at Thorpe than I have in previous years. Of course they're still there as always but they aren't exactly flocks of them like there used to be.
  9. Dan9


    Well of course it would be a bad thing to remove more than half the rides there.
  10. Yes. And double the height? Errm...not really.In fact I've heard from 3 different people who've all been on Skyhawk and they all say Rush is better anyway.
  11. Dan9


    So? I get literally no thrill from Flying Fish, but I don't think it should go as I still enjoy it. If Thorpe Park only kept rides for giving people thrills, they'd end up removing more than half the rides in the park.
  12. Only a small portion of you on the ride is shown on the screens (lift hill and drop). So they aren't really losing buyers.
  13. We went on it on Sunday . And with the wonderful Chris operating!
  14. Firstly Alton Towers can't build a ride with Stealth's height. This is because none of their rides can go beyond tree level. Secondly they also already have an Intamin Accelator coaster. Ever heard of Rita?
  15. I think you're getting the Loading and Dispatch announcements confused.But Lordcutter6 isn't completely right either, as 'keep your arms inside' is featured in the Loading announcement as well.
  16. Dan9


    It's actually more like 15.
  17. Dan9


    Or they could just run Samurai properly anyway?
  18. More like 0 minutes for Colossus. I have a picture of what the station looked like which I'll have on soon.
  19. Well he's a member on this forum.
  20. There isn't any difference between them.
  21. There wasn't much use for SRQ today anyway. We queued from the entrance and all the way round the whole queue line including the extensions and it only took around 30 minutes.
  22. The Amazing Saw team + 8 car operation meant that today even when the whole queue was filled up it only took around 30 minutes from the entrance to the queue to get to the station!
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