This may sound crazy, but I actually wish I was more curvy, I hate being so slim (size 8, sometimes a 6!)!! People often say "Ew you're so boney!" or that I never eat. And I think it also contributes in making me look so ridiculously young for my age. Unless I'm wearing tight-fitting clothing (which I don't that often, because I'm weird like that, I get irritated by tight-fitting clothes that restrict body movement And I get too hot too easily, even in winter!), you can't see any shape to my body and I just look like a really tall 12 year old! So I can't win. I don't know, maybe I should eat more, but I think it's just genetic. My brother is the same, bless him. He's quite conscious about it But yeah, you are who you are, no matter what shape or size! Great quote from Outnumbered:Mum: "A woman can be any size or shape she wants to be."Karen: "So what about a hexagon?":unsure:But I'm not just saying it, I think being slim is worse, it causes so many issues with clothes! Even my feet are narrow! I have such a tiny waist, I was the only one at Thorpe when I worked there, that found the shorts too big, and the smallest waist was 30. I'm 26!! I have quite long legs so buying trousers is a pain in the arse! They're either too short to fit my waist, or too big round the waist and always need a tight belt, to be long enough on my legs!Size 12 seems pretty normal to me. I feel underweight compared to everyone else. No seriously. Every girl I know is like a size 12 and looks great. They look like women. I either look like an underweight boy, or a lanky 12 year old. Unless I'm naked of course. But most people tend to see me clothed!