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Everything posted by Mer

  1. ^Is telling porkies about not stealing (but not about the description of me, that's very accurate!)
  2. Mer


    I just pronounce it "Zenno-phi-leeyus" so almost the same as you do :)How random!
  3. Oooh what are the names of the two Thrills teams? I know they've changed every year how they split the teams, which rides are in each team etc so I'm curious to know what they're doing this year!I think they should bring back Thrills East and Thrills West from 2007
  4. ^ Has a favourite audio piece of mine from Alton Towers in their signature That mind the doors speech always get me excited on the monorail About the park, not in a dodgy way
  5. The only audio I've listened to is WWTP and Loggers' playlist. Can't wait for SAW Alive
  6. After looking at it again, I noticed that they even included the ride consoles on Rush and Zodiac! You know what would have been brilliant? Having a guest in a Zodiac car with a bucket :PI like the map, but then again it's not as important to me as it would be to a new-comer to the park.I think it's fun!The things that people are seeing as negative are hilarious to me Like how bizarre Samurai looks - and what happened to Inferno's track?! LOL!And there's an old man who looks like Professor Burp/Dr Chessington being chased outside XNWO!EDIT: XNWO is ORANGE and blue - is this just another crazy thing on the map or have they repainted it? Would be good if they had! Also Zodiac has its old colours! But then again SAW's restraints are blue...so maybe it's just for the map and no re-painting has happened to X or Zod...
  7. Same, I'm not really sure what people are talking about!
  8. Mer


    Cheese is epic :PCheesestrings! Dairylea Dunkers! Woop!Chicken Royale with...cheeeeeeeeeeeeese!
  9. Cool map! :DLots of fun things to look out for, maybe it'll keep guests entertained while queueing! :PA guy by SAW has peed himself lol!
  10. YEAH MARC AND RICKY!!:PI'm not obsessed any more, compared to what I used to be like! Now, I mainly go for the fun times with the people on here
  11. Mer


    Ewwww that train is UGLY!!Isn't the drop on that coaster steeper than Colosuss'? It looks it :POr is it just the angle?
  12. Mer


    I didn't know such a thing existed!Sounds fun though!
  13. I shall be attending :(I agree about a couple of group rides - RUSH, QUANTUM AND VORTEX TAKEOVER!!
  14. Mer


    Lol same :PTeehee!...I'm bored...Raar.
  15. Mer


    It's had a paint job?! :P Wooppeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  16. Mer


    LEAVE MY EX BABY ALONE!! :DI've had a fast teacup but I still prefer Vortex...I mean there is only so long you can experience turbo teacups before getting bored and having a painful neck from the force! I mean at first it is like "Whoaa!" and all forceful but I always get used to it quickly and then get bored :DIf you get top seat on Vortex, you get airtime and if it's my first ride it makes my stomach go over :PIt's also the most reliable ride in the park (not an official stat or anything but it's obvious). It behaves itself.
  17. I honestly thought this year was going to be a good year, not like the pile of s**t that was 2009...but so far I'm not sure :(Yesterday my dad called me for a chat and told me he will probably be made redundant. He works as a research scientist for GlaxoSmithKline in Harlow, worked for the company for many years. 380 jobs are being axed (it was on the news as well). There might be jobs at another plant but he doubts he'll get anything :(Then today, my mum hears back from 2 jobs she applied and had interviews for. One of them was for Virgin Atlantic, she's worked there before and done really well. She didn't get the job, or the other one that she applied before.So now, it's not just me, brother and mum unemployed, it could be my dad as well! Oh and my uncle (mum's brother) might lose his job...I feel sad for my brother as well, he went to uni, he shouldn't be unemployed! F***ing country...Then there's the useless JobcentrePlus and Department of Work and Pensions...been waiting since October to hear about some assessment results (don't feel like going into detail about it though, kinda personal) and if I've "passed" my money will go up and they will backdate the pay. I've waited ages for it because they have a stupid big back log and can't bloody cope with it. So far, assuming it went ok, they owe me £1165.50 backdated pay!! It's disgusting people have to wait so long for something that is really quite simple :(It's not just the money though, it's waiting to hear! Even if I "fail" the dam thing, at least I'll know and can act on it! I'm stuck until I find out! Mind you if they say no I'm gonna appeal, cos they shouldn't be saying no really...but I don't really wanna go into it anymore than that on here So I'm hoping with all this bad news over the past two days, tomorrow will be third time lucky and there'll be some good news, hopefully my results! They said it should be within these few weeks that I hear.
  18. I'm fed up with people moaning about EMA. I got it, I got the full amount. I got it because I lived with my mum and she had a low income/been in and out of work due to health problems. Hell I'll be honest, money hasn't been the luckiest thing in our lives for the past few years. When I say I have no money, I really do NOT have any money. Which is another rant itself - people claiming they have no money and then buying stuff or going out! Grr! :PBut anyway, not only that, but I really did need it to pay for travel to college, to buy lunch (either to take with me or buy at college), trips, etc etc. If I didn't have EMA, well I don't know what would have happened tbh...So I just feel people really need to think about others before having a go at them! Because there are families and single parents just about getting by and so EMA is vital. But as usual there are cheats out there who do, unfortunately, take the p!$, and everyone focuses on them, which makes genuine people like me look like money-grabbing thieves. :DNone of this is aimed at anyone one here obviously, I'm talking about people in general, but seeing as I'm aware there are college-age people on here...apologies if it causes offence or anything like that. But I hope people understand my point of view and don't take it the wrong way :DEdit: Paul and tpkabz - I hate that on MSN!! Especially when I'm typing a message! Surely they noticed that it said I was writing a message? Grr!
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