Wikipedia is a bit dodgy as people can easily change things But whatever ;)I thought it was alrght the first time but the second time was much better as we had more pig-masked actors. I was on the back and they kept coming after me I've finally found a benefit of being a girl!The attention to detail and theming is the best thing about the maze, the bathroom scene is amazing - the stench of urine!! I also loved how at the start where you have your photo taken, it's pitch black.The freezer room is great too! Love how on the first time the people behind us went "It's freezing in here!" Well, duuuh!The actors were very convincing and it did feel like you were in the films, as people here have said, the creepiness/terror was there. And I noticed more the second time, like the blood (in the bathroom scene in the left corner where they're sawing their feet off!) and gore.And no furnace trap from SAW 2! Boy, did I breathe a sigh of relief!! I was quite scared about that, and in the review that was posted on here, it mentioned the smell of burnt flesh so I thought it'd be there. So I don't know what they were talking about, maybe the electrocution corridoor? There was a smell in there but I couldn't make out what it was.Actually, how the heck do you create a smell like that?! ^_^But yeah, good maze, fantastic theming, great actors and creepy pigs snorting in your ears, following you and grabbing your legs as you walk out the room!