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Everything posted by Mer

  1. I know! This is my favourite:And this one makes me laugh every time I see it: look at the man on the front left, and the man in the back row!
  2. The typical hotties that most people fancy don't do it for me.But Richard Hammond and David Tennant :DIs it me or do they both look alike? :DI saw someone at Clapham Junction yesterday who looked like David Tennant, but it wasn't. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs for a sec and thought "Omg what do I do?!" LOL and then I looked again and realised it wasn't haha.There is another person as well who I had a MASSIVE crush on in 2004-2006 but I'm not mentioning them, cos they're actually quite ugly/weird-looking and it's embarrassing You'll all think I've lost the plot! But I'm not the only one and he has a fansite/forum with a load of other people obsessed with him so I'm not alone, we can all be odd together!And he's an awesome actor and he comes from an awesome place/town!
  3. Mer

    Post Your Desktop!

    I'm always changing mine :PI did have this:but I'm not sure if I should change it to this:Hmm
  4. I have taken some great pictures on my *awesome* camera (wich also films in HD )! :DI've picked the best ones and put them on my Photobucket. They are mostly from Thorpe but there are few from Chessie and Alton too!http://s100.photobuc.../Best%20photos/They were originally 3456 x 2592 but obviously had to be resized for Photobucket. They're 1520 x 1140 on there so not bad I guess :PEnjoy! I love them
  5. I didn't notice these?I'll look out for em on Thursday
  6. Mer

    SAW: Alive

    Wikipedia is a bit dodgy as people can easily change things But whatever ;)I thought it was alrght the first time but the second time was much better as we had more pig-masked actors. I was on the back and they kept coming after me I've finally found a benefit of being a girl!The attention to detail and theming is the best thing about the maze, the bathroom scene is amazing - the stench of urine!! I also loved how at the start where you have your photo taken, it's pitch black.The freezer room is great too! Love how on the first time the people behind us went "It's freezing in here!" Well, duuuh!The actors were very convincing and it did feel like you were in the films, as people here have said, the creepiness/terror was there. And I noticed more the second time, like the blood (in the bathroom scene in the left corner where they're sawing their feet off!) and gore.And no furnace trap from SAW 2! Boy, did I breathe a sigh of relief!! I was quite scared about that, and in the review that was posted on here, it mentioned the smell of burnt flesh so I thought it'd be there. So I don't know what they were talking about, maybe the electrocution corridoor? There was a smell in there but I couldn't make out what it was.Actually, how the heck do you create a smell like that?! ^_^But yeah, good maze, fantastic theming, great actors and creepy pigs snorting in your ears, following you and grabbing your legs as you walk out the room!
  7. Mer


    The floor has been re-painted/jet-washed too, but it's not something that will stay looking so clean as it's...well, a floor! Appreciate it while you can people!
  8. I thought that too and have done in the past.Not really rough like SAW or Colossus, just a little rougher/bumpier than usual.But nothing major, and some days it feels fine, maybe it's the weather/temperature?
  9. Mer


    No! Maybe the music isn't working at the moment? I remember Fright Nights in 08 it was a bit dodgy, as in you had to press the button loads of times until the music started playing.Maybe it's now gone completely?Because the mic was working fine, so it's not the whole PA system, just something to do with the audio link or the buttons I guess.Or, it may have just been the operator, sometimes they're like that, they don't bother with the music, no idea why cos it's not really much effort pushing some extra buttons, it makes it more fun! But I doubt this was the case, seeing as the day before was music-less as well apparently.Hopefully it'll be fixed soon, it was pretty dull tbh and yes, you could even hear it squeaking! Sounded like a squeaky swing in a playground! Needs some oil ^_^But the paint job is lovely
  10. Mer


    The picture I posted is actually a different sign, so it's two that got re-done ^_^It's the one by the final turn, opposite Rush
  11. Mer


    I took these pics today...Fountain:Sign:
  12. Did anyone go on Tidal today?I did Was wet!LOL!
  13. Mer

    Video Games.

    I want a Wii! My step-brother has one and when I go to my dad's I always play on Super Mario Bros with him! Fun times!And the Wii Fit is good fun! Hehe!I don't play on my PS2 as much as I used to and some games I got years ago I don't play anymore (GTA, lol, I got it cos I loved it when I played on it at my friend's but then I got bored when I had it myself!). I confess I love the Simpsons and am a Harry Potter fangirl So I never get bored of playing The Simpsons Hit and Run and the Harry Potter games :PI have a Finding Nemo game, it game with the PS2 lol!And playing Virtua Tennis 2 against my brother, fun times.I also have DS...And obviously I've played/still sometimes play the classics like the RCT games, The Sims...Zoo Tycoon! Penguins eat giraffes!!Oh and gotta love Worms! I named one team with my teachers' names when I was at school, naturally they were the team I played against! I am easily amused!
  14. Mer

    SAW: Alive

    Sausage surpriiise! :)I'll be at the park in 12 hours
  15. Mer


    I agree! Can't wait to go on Rush again! Far more exhilirating!
  16. Mer


    Don't worry too much, it looks worse than it is, trust me! Give it a try. :PI find it's more intense if I go on it first, so if you do give it a go, maybe do some other intense rides first. And don't eat or drink before going on this! Or you WILL feel sick! I drank a can of Relentless before this once, and I could feel it sloshing around in my stomach! Eurgh not good!
  17. I like it, it makes a change.I've never really been too fussed by sponsering anyay (apart from Bubbleworks!!), it doesn't mean anything to me. Maybe I'm just weird Obviously if it made the ride look a disgrace (again, like Bubbleworks and Imperial Leather) then I'd care...but I don't mind this!
  18. Mer

    This Or That

    GaGaBouncy castle or giant inflatable slide?
  19. Imagine if they used Dr Pepper instead of water! :)The ride will come to a sticky end
  20. Mer

    SAW: Alive

    There's no way they would give people real electric shocks :)Perhaps a static shock or something.EDIT: Ok Ricky just answered.That's a shame they removed it, dam health and safety!
  21. Dr Pepper? It's sponsered by Dr Pepper? :unsure:What's the worst that could happen!
  22. Glad to hear the mist is decent, and loving the painted floor in the station!
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