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Everything posted by Whiteknuckle

  1. My Mum always comes with me to Thorpe, but usually end up splitting up after a couple of rides together. Easy enough meeting up at the end of the day, just meet in the Dome.Plus it gives me the chance to sneak in a pint or two
  2. I do like Th13teen, but the hype from Merlin did put me off a bit when I first rode it. A case of WTF.
  3. Ok, I stand corrected.I probably took seeing that when I have been on Air that many times, that it just seems so boring going through that tunnel, when so much themeing could have been installed there.
  4. Please tell me you're kidding
  5. Why does the pre lift section remind me of Air? Oh yeah, because it's a concrete tunnel.The ride itself looks good though.
  6. Had a look on Google Earth the other day, and was very impressed, especially with Stealth.
  7. I too hate the new map. Looks like it was drawn by a 10 year old.
  8. Just a quickie about the ride.Can the lift speed be altered, or do we have to put up with the slow crawl all the time?
  9. They were filling all four bays on the platform, but yeah, they were only filling one boat at a time.I'm sure it'll pick up as time progresses.Loved the Hillbillies Ryan
  10. Me and Mum went today, mainly to renew / upgrade the passes. Could'nt believe how busy it was, and actually brought fast track for Saw-the ride, Nemesis Inferno and Colossus.Saw station seemed to be running it's usual pretty good service, Colossus was terrible, they were taking ages to dispatch, although I did witness a girl being trained checking the restraints. Nemesis was a bit slow aswell, but the front queue was minimal so we headed for that, and was on in about 5-6 trains time. Nice to see the tunnel so well themed today *cough*.Enjoyed Storm Surge too, even though it must have taken me and Mum about an hour and half to get on, but we had a good laugh with the Hillbilly actors.Ride count.Rush 1Nemesis Inferno 1Colossus 1Saw 1Storm Surge 1Was going to head to Stealth last thing, but had got so fed up with the crowds, including some very lippy pikeys and queue jumpers who got spotted by Storm Surge's ride ops and got chucked off the ride, one turned quite stroppy, gave us a laugh anyway.
  11. I suppose they can't dispatch boats any closer to eachother, due to health and saftey reasons?
  12. Has to be Wild Asia for me too. It suits what the park is all about, different themed areas in the world, Far East, Asia, ect.The Saw island, IMO, has just been plonked there and it does'nt seem to fit in as well as it could've.
  13. Went last sunday. Will keep it breif....Spinball 1Oblivion 7Hex 3Air 1Nemesis 10 all SRQDuel 1Runaway Mine Train 1
  14. 1. Nemesis2. Oblivion3. Hex4. Stealth5. Colossus6. Grand National7. Megafobia8. Nemesis Inferno9. Rita10. Cobra
  15. I did'nt mind it the first couple of times I rode it, but now it just sends me to sleep :)I voted average.
  16. Nice to see Rollercoaster getting a major lick of paint. Brightens up the place a bit, me thinks
  17. In what way? It was fine when I went in 2006.Fantastic coaster in the back seat down that first drop by the way
  18. Please, not another stand up coaster. Shockwave, the INTAMIN stand up is getting pretty uncomfortable now. The only other one I have been on is Mantis at Cedar Point, which is a B&M, which was'nt too bad, but I could'nt repeat ride it for long.
  19. I think the ride itself is'nt too bad, but the trains suck.
  20. The closed season for me does go quick, but it's always nice when Feb half term comes along so I can get some riding in at Alton Towers.I'm mainly watching videos on youtube of the parks in America I am going to this year.
  21. How about the guy from the "Go compare" ads.He's either too happy for Transylvania or he'd scare everyone away
  22. I feel the same Mark. I have been a loyal customer to Merlin for long enough now.Ok, I will miss the parks and the rides in general, but they have gone too far now, IMO
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