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Everything posted by Will

  1. The new retail outlet will be selling wares of an asian nature and the food outlets for Wild Asia will be a noodle bar and an ice cream parlour.According to the new planning permissions, the rides in Wild Asia will be disability accessible and it will follow the normal policy of a two wristbands will be issued but if the disabled person comes to Wild Asia with a family or group, upto an additional two wristbands will be issued to give some flexibility.
  2. Will

    News Desk

    Mark9 is leaving??? I look forward to who takes his place
  3. Will


    I am sad to announce that US Actress Brittany Murphy has died from a heart attack, at the very, young age of 32. She's had a very successful career starring in films such as Clueless, Spun, Don't Say a Word, 8 Mile, Just Married, Uptown Girls, Little Black Book and Sin City (for anyone unfamiliar).
  4. Will


  5. Will


    Yes please if you're giving
  6. Will


    Chessington & Zoo has submitted planning permission for a safari trail animal house, paddock and this is part of a phase II development, I wonder if there is a phase III??http://maps.kingston.gov.uk/isis_main/Planning/Planning_DETAIL.aspx?strCASENO=0910227&strHeader=Y
  7. Chessington & Zoo has submitted planning permission for a safari trail animal house, paddock. This is part of a phase II development, and I wonder if there might be a phase III or IV??http://maps.kingston.gov.uk/isis_main/Planning/Planning_DETAIL.aspx?strCASENO=0910227&strHeader=Y
  8. Will


    According to new planning permission submitted for Thorpe Park Farm flooding, their new MTDP 2010-2016 will include a new high-impact attraction of a similiar height to Stealth.http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2009/wk50/Plan_lst.htmAdditional info: Plan 2 of 3 (Page 15)
  9. Will


    According to a new planning form submitted for the "creation of flood compensation area 1A on land south of Thorpe Farm and bridge link between existing compensation areas 1 and 1A":http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2009/wk50/Plan_lst.htmAccording to the land that they will infill and flood: (Page 2 of plan 2) Area B and G have been completed Area A (egg-shaped) has been completed to 50% Area C (first island) has been completed to 90/95% Area D & J (Logger's Leap area) won't be completed Area E has been completed to 20% Area F has been completed to 80% (Saw Maze) "CE explained that there are a number of projects in the MTDP from 2005-2010 that have been completed within the approval period. The new MTDP 2010-2015/16 will include medium scaled rides AND.....a high impact ride located on areas A and / or C (similiar in height to Stealth)
  10. Will

    Forum Posts

    A fitting conclusion to a series of most unfortunate events I must say. And can I just say (utilizing my freedom of speech) that whilst I was reading the TPB's aforementioned post, I was sipping on Coke Cola and popping popcorn in my mouth, like it was an overly-dramatic conclusion to an episode of Gossip Girl.Oh...one more thing, when you next time say " I will be back" phrase, could you try to sound a tad more convincing?Maybe you'll win a primetime emmy awardIf you think we here are being nasty, wait till you get into the real world ^^
  11. Will


    From my point of view, anyone who has the time to post / reply on this topic on a weekend, has no life. Unless you're replying from your phone.
  12. Will


    I'm having a problem I wonder if anyone can helpI'm trying to transfer songs from iTunes to playlist on iPod. When I disconnect iPod, the song shows up at the very bottom of the selected playlist.I find this to be bloody annoying with a solution being deleting all songs off the iPod playlist and copying all the songs from playlist on iTunes to playlist on iPod.I am wondering if there is some kinda answer to stop this happening.Thanks
  13. Not-secret:Lady GaGaEva Mendez Selma HayekEva LongoriaBeyonceEdward Cullan (Character)Secret:Kelly BrookStacy SolomonJoe McElderryCheryl 'Tweedy' ColeTaylor Lautner Chace CrawfordTaylor SwiftJordin SparksFrankie Sandford (Saturdays)
  14. My not-angry rant:Most people would think those grades are crap and that I'm stupid, well they're both wrong. I'm highly-intelligent due to inherited genes from Father and due to my Aspeger's Syndrome but because of my ADD, I find it hard to concentrate and I'm very hyperactive. Due to my learning problems, I was placed in the lowest set in high school and also because the school didnt realise how smart I was. In short, the school failed me and it's a fact that many students are made to think, that they are stupid by their teachers, who patronise and knock them down.If you (anyone) thinks I sound arrogant, cocky and up my own bum, that's your problem. What am I supposed to say....that I'm thick and stupid haha. If I'm smart I will say I'm smart, no-one on here would know unless I say so - that's pretty straight-forward isn't it?I did my GCSEs 5/6 years ago and they are a lot easier compared to how they were at my age. You'll probably come out with some comeback that students your age are getting smarter, that's been confirmed by the government and the newspapers to be false and it's true that GCSEs are getting easier. I have friends who are teachers and have been teachers for 5-25 years and they have said to me, that GCSEs are ridiculously easy and that universities and companies don't find them to be that important (except English / Maths). This would also explain why A* Levels have been getting harder, because the standards of GCSEs are getting easier, the gap between GCSEs and A* Levels is getting wider. This is shown by the increased number of students who are going to college and are doing one-subject full-time courses like the National Diploma and Apprenticeships. If GCSEs were harder, the gap between GCSEs to A* Levels would be smaller and therefore, students would find A* Levels easier than now. It doesn't matter if you get 5 B's and 6 Cs at GCSE because that is amazing and in our days, to even get a C-grade at English, Science or Maths or all three was/is very good.
  15. A C-grade is very good actually - I got 5 B-Cs, 1 D, 2 Es and and 1 F (History) and I did my GCSEs about 5-years ago, I'm 20 going on 21 in July 2010. I've completed a National Diploma in Multimedia and got Triple Merit (3 B's at A* Level) and I decided to do another college course, so I can specialise.I am on my 2nd year of a National Diploma in Business and I'm currently achieveing Triple Distinction (DDD) which is equivalant to 3 As at A* Level. I have just had four offers so far from Brunel (Business Management - Marketing) for a 4-yr sandwhich course with a guaranteed 1-yr paid work placement, Roehampton (Marketing & Multimedia), Buckingham New and London Thames.I've turned out very good so far (education-wise) and this shows that you dont need to have 10 A-C's to be successful- SO DON'T PANIC!!! Sir Alan Sugar left school at 16 with no qualifications except bad grades in GCSEs and he has an empire worth nearly £1Billion.
  16. Will


    There are a lot of new albums out soon:Lady GaGa's new album 'Fame Monster' is quite impressive and on GaGa's album 'Bad Romance', 'Telephone Ft Beyonce', 'Monster, ''Alejandro' and 'Dance in the Dark' are the best songs if you are GaGa fans. I don't like Rihanna's new album 'Rated R'. It lacks up-tempo / dance-type songs (like Disturbia / Breakin Dishes, Don't Stop The Music) and it strays from the R&B genre. Leona Lewis has the album 'Echo' which her best and has this generic but really good dance song called 'Outta My Head'. JLS new album has some really good songs like 'Kickstart' and 'Keep You' in addition to the already released songs.Timbaland has a new album which is said to feature artists that show off their vocal talents and a side of them, in ways never seen before; which seems to be quite anticipating.
  17. I happen to think investment in rides and rollercoasters is the best way to generate more interest in Chessington and that this will help the park cater for different age groups, such as young children, kids, teenagers, etc. I think that if everyone has some attractions that appeal to them, they will want to come to Chessington more often. These would be done over a 10-15 yr period, which would see the park evolve.Overall Aim: To refurbish and freshen existing areas with different themes, extra themeing and new rides (inc. Rollercoasters)General Infrastructure & Zoo:Refurbish the themeing on ridesBetter audio to set that atmosphere, depending on the area of the parkCreate more interactive features and special effects Safari Trail, to the left of Wild Asia, which will strengthen the Zoo section to the south-side of the park. Replace the Donuts shop in Market Town Square with Jacket Potatoes and various toppingsMystic East:Remove everything in Mystic East such as Dragon Falls, Peeking Heights, Climbing Wall, Extreme Bungee, the 3 food outlets, Panning for GoldInstall a highly-themed Log Flume that doesn't take up that much space as Dragon Falls and to install one Mondial Topscan To have a large-restaurant in Mystic East serving Chinese food and a Chinese-themed shopThere will be space left over, which could be used for a medium-sized rollercoasterForbidden Kingdom:Convert Toytown into an extension to Forbidden Kingdom Replace Toadie's Crazy Cars with a highly-themed Splash Battle and water cannons that shoot further and includes interactive featuresInstall Duelling (2) Magic Carpets to where the Jumbo is and to re-theme the Berry BouncersReplace Ramses Revenge with a brand-new suspended version that seats more peopleMexicana:Get rid of Runaway Train and open up that area for expansion and relocate the buildings behind Rameses Revenge (Medical Centre) Build a Vekoma Mine Train coaster which covers where Rodeo and Runaway Train used to beRelocate the Children's Zoo and in it's place a Topple TowerA restaurant that serve Mexican and Wild, West food such as Buffalo Wings, BBQ Ribs, Fajitas, Nachos, etc Wild Asia: To use 'The Glade' for medium-sized family-thrilling rollercoasterPirate's Cove: The whole of the Picnic Area for a highly-themed Intamin River Rapids, similar to River Quest in Phantasialand Transylvania:Vampire: New 4-seater trains with in-board audio (adjustments to track & station)Special effects in Vampire TunnelReplace Bubbleworks with an indoor family-thrilling dark-rideReplace Burger King with an indoor thrilling dark ride
  18. You're frankly mistaken Vampire is actually Keith's - he's left his own special mark (stain) on that beast and he well rides it more than everyone else
  19. I probably will be able to make the fun fairs on the 2nd day, assuming the AP stuff takes place on the 1st day.Put me down as a 'maybe' for the time being - thanks
  20. I suggest you should stand up, because if you don't stand up for yourself and show people that you aren't weak and you shouldnt be treated like that, how will you ever be able to stand up for yourself. And you can take the first step by telling that fugly skunk (you know what I'm really trying to say) to FO. :lol:Those girls are at that age, where they're immature and they are unfamiliar with that type of thing and it causes them to act that way. If you decided to tell them, 'you're bi...so what??' - it's not a big deal and it doesnt change the person who are and if those chavs cant deal with it, it's their homophobic problems and insecurities.
  21. Seriously??We got to set preparations for our various children in need events we are doing as part of our 2nd yr unit: managing a event. And we have to do some hard management accounting creating these graphs to determine some accounting-thing called Break-Even analysis.And I've just had my UCS sent off and it was supposed to have been sent off 2 weeks ago, but then again...everyone else on the different courses in our college have just started :)I'm confident, I'll remain sane
  22. Keith, your middle name can't surely be longer than my middle name xD - baring in my mind, my middle name could be possibly longer than Apu's surname (Simpsons)
  23. Oh goody, this is amazing nods I hope we can have t-shirts, mugs and maybe even hoodies
  24. I'm really glad that everybody enjoyed themselves and I'm sorry I couldnt be there. This has probably been one of our most popular meets for obvious reasons. Even though, I wasnt there I would like to say thankyou to Marc for making this possible and bring on some more amazing meet-ups.Well done Marc!
  25. I wont be coming because God decided to screw me over with body-problems. >< One important lesson I've learnt:Never take Imodium unless you 'have', what it is intended to be used for - that and I didn't get a decent night's sleep despite going to bed EARLY at 10:30pm.I'm really pissed because I'm missing ERT, missing the chance to meet Ellie and not being able to see Phil, who I haven't seen since '08 March.
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