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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Another useless viral video...http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150573504014815&set=vb.214001328660864&type=2You'll need Facebook and to be a 'fan' (ahem) of Lez Cougan to view.
  2. Sidders

    News Desk

    NOW it feels like Mania Hub!
  3. I don't know Kevvy, because I didn't administer than ban. Indefinite means you'll only be allowed back in when a Moderator or Administrator lifts the ban.
  4. Well, I wouldn't want to sway your decisions...
  5. Haha, you may need to contact IanNem or Marc
  6. Okay, so in the absence of previous years' forum compère, Holly, I've taken over hosting the TPM Annual Awards for 2011. The proceedings will be similar to last year, and after having spoken to a number of forum members about potential changes in order to make the awards both more enjoyable and more efficient, there's a few changes here and there.The Park AwardsFirst round comprises of the Park Awards. The Park with the most votes in each category wins. Below are the selected categories: Best UK Park Best International Park Best UK Coaster Best International Coaster Most Reliable UK Ride/Coaster Most Uncomfortable Ride* Best Inversion** Best-Landscaped Park* Cleanest Park* Best Flat Ride*^ Best Dark Ride* Best 2011 Addition*+ Best-Looking 2012 Project* Best Manufacturer (*) These categories pertain to all nominees worldwide.(**) This category concerns all standard and non-standard inversions in general and is not specific to a certain ride. For example, you would vote "Cobra roll" as opposed to "Colossus' cobra roll" or "Lie to Fly" as opposed to "AIR's Lie to Fly".(^) This category pertains only to fixed rides at established theme parks, amusement parks or otherwise. Travelling fairground rides will not be included.(+) Anyone caught voting for Storm Surge will have all their votes discounted.The Forum AwardsThe Second round comprises of the Forum Awards. As before, each Award is given to the member who receives the most votes for a corresponding category; an accolade they can choose to wear in their signature for the following year.Best Member Funniest Male Funniest Female Biggest Fanboy Biggest Fangirl Best Quality Posts Sexiest Male Sexiest Female Best New Member* Best Moderator Best Administrator Most Sarcastic Most Likely To Be Banned in 2012 Sexiest Voice Most Knowledgeable Member (*) This nominee needs to have signed up after January 1, 2011 to be considered eligible for this Award.There are fewer rules and regulations to Round 2, as it's meant to be a bit of a laugh, so let's not have people getting up in arms if they're not satisfied with some of the results. Some of the above categories are obviously tongue in cheek, so don't take it to heart.Important:Should you wish to vote, Copy & Paste the above lists and CLEARLY denote who/which park etc. you nominate for each category. Once I have your votes, I will PM you confirmation of receiving them. If there is a problem in understanding your votes, I'll PM you back saying so. You must rectify the problem and send them back to me, with any other changes in votes you wish to make. Please make sure your votes are final, as once they are received and there is no issue with them, I will only allow you to rectify your votes once. If you decide to change a vote(s) then you must PM me saying so, along with your new vote(s) for the categories you wish to change. Once your votes have been rectified, I will send you a confirmation PM. You will not be allowed to change your votes after this point. You do not need to vote for every category. Should you wish to withdraw yourself from voting in a certain category, simply say so in your PM vote. This topic will close at 20:00 (8pm) on December 18, 2011. This gives you 21 days to vote. Any votes received after this time on December 18, 2011 will not be included. The details set out at the bottom of each Round category list is final. All your votes must adhere to these rules. The categories listed above are not for further negotiation. They will stay as they are. Further Information:All votes will be kept confidential, even from the Senior Team. You are not allowed to vote for yourself in any of the Forum Awards categories. Each vote will count for one point for each nominee for each category. 3... 2... 1... OKAY GO. Send your PMs at your will to me.
  7. Sidders


    U2 are amazing. The Killers are amazing. Damn.
  8. Hello and welcome to TPM Chris! Feel free to make yourself at home and kick your feet up, grab yourself a cuppa and have some great coaster natter.Web developer eh? Fancy sorting the new skin?
  9. Oh I don't doubt that photos are deceiving, it was just a curious observation. :PPersonally, I love the colours - they're perfect for a big stand-offish ride like Leviathan. You take a colour like that and paste it over a cramped little Vekoma though and it just looks messy. B&M track looks good in any colour.
  10. No I mean that in every photo I've seen thus far, excluding the one above, Leviathan looks no taller than a B&M Hyper, which is quite something, seeing as the tallest B&M Hyper is about 70ft short of Leviathan.I was just pointing out how, finally, it looked like 306ft.
  11. Is it weird that this photo is the only photo I've seen of Leviathan thank makes me think "Yeah, that's 306ft"? Every other photo makes it look like any other B&M Hyper.
  12. You've been temporarily banned from the Chat Room, Kevvy. I don't know why, so don't ask me to lift the ban as I didn't put it in place. It appears a Moderator found your behaviour unacceptable and has opted to restrict your access to the Chat Room for an "Indefinite" period.
  13. According to the original plans, the ride station is little over 10m high.
  14. Sidders


    Fine, let's be explicit with this: I wasn't referring to you. I was addressing all those concerned.
  15. Sidders

    This Or That

    Montu, because it has a bat-wing, and they look awesome.Zero-G rolls or Corkscrews?
  16. http://www.channel4.com/news/proof-government-plans-to-privatise-nhsOh no...
  17. Sidders


    Why would it be aimed at anyone in particular? I was addressing the forum in it's entirety.
  18. Sidders


    There are members on this forum who probably don't even have pubes yet. Excusing my bluntness, it would be nice if the older members could show a little decorum even if it's in the name of humour and posted in the Random topic.And Rattle, I just read my first post again and must've been half asleep posting it. I was sure I didn't understand what you were saying :L But yes, it's best if kept out of the forums altogether.
  19. Sidders


    They should take it upon themselves, if the post is particularly inappropriate, to find other means of venting their frustration, so long as it's after the watershed, that is.
  20. Sidders


    Probably playing Devil's Advocate here, but at least there's small peace of mind in the fact that it's nicely contained in the Random topic.
  21. Sidders


    Watershed people, watershed.
  22. Sidders

    News Desk

    I don't like the colours either, and the layout was much better before. It just looks very clinical and a bit sparse now, but for some reason it also looks cluttered and disorganised.
  23. What I meant was that Intamin are far more known to install trims after the ride has actually been built. Silver Star is a good example of a B&M that's been modified with trim brakes, but I was referring to coasters like Expedition GeForce and Intimidator 305 etc. having trims installed after the ride has been built (I.e. not originally planned). Admittedly, I should have made that clearer.
  24. And there'd be a pointless trim...
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