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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. JoshC.


    It's a Ninjano from me...for now...
  2. One could argue you're the lazy one, for not putting the effort in and posting pictures... Older photos: Disgustingly well themed. Also, hotel plan... I also believe that the next major coaster is coming on 2019. No idea what mind.
  3. Water parks aren't normally something I pay much attention to, but there is no denying that that does look incredible..
  4. I heard they hired a real demon. His salary is the affection felt for SBNO rides, such as Slammer.
  5. If it follows the trend of Swarm and Ghost Train, it'll be calling *something*C20. I'm betting on it being GC20.
  6. A- American theme parks have more accidents, and deaths, than European parks. Don't think that because they have certain measures we don't it means they're safer. B- The rapids rode in Australia had seatbelts.
  7. Are you going to build a wingrider behind the Magic Valley any time soon for the full Toverland experience?
  8. Is that meant to be "sec (c!)" or "sec (c)!"? In either case that random factorial makes no sense. [/BoringMathematician]
  9. Wasn't their a rumour a few years ago that the park looked into repainting Vampire but were quoted something around the £1 million mark to do a basic repaint? Especially at that time when money was seemingly being cut left, right and centre, it's not hard to see why they didn't repaint it at the time. I'm a bit surprised they didn't do what Towers have done in the past and repaint it to coincide with a big development (Smiler and Oblivion's repaint, and arguably Galactica and Nemesis' repaint)...
  10. Thorpe don't have any pop badges this year (or at least haven't released any yet). A couple of years ago they tried doing them with kids meals but the idea never really took off like it has at Chessington and Legoland. All of the Thorpe ones are probably considered quite rare, and aside from the Ghost Train one (which was given out when people bought their Annual Passes), most were just staff swaps. These days it's a case of just looking out for badges on staff lanyards and hoping you can swap / be given one or two from them.
  11. Hearing rumours that this investment (new entrance, plus new land) is totalling 30 million euros (just over £25m). This is a park that isn't even receiving 750,000 visitors a year.
  12. An image of how the new area may look has surfaced over on...shudders...Theme Park Review.. The layout of the boat ride can be seen in dark blue. The first helix does seem to take some inspiration from Swarm's helix. Bit of a shame the pathways won't go closer if that's accurate though.
  13. Anyone who says they enjoy Colossus clearly experiences too many knocks to the head on the ride and suffers such severe concussion they forget how bad it is.
  14. Platform was 'announced' in April last year, but that was only because it accidentally was published online. Maze announcements tend to be July / August time of late, as they can then capitalise in the busy crowds with on park advertising. Certainly the past 4 years it's been that way. Before then, announcements used to be in September!
  15. Following the delightful announcement that Slammer is no more, I want to be that annoying guy who creates the way too keen topic about what people would like to see in its place... I guess there is a serious undertone to this though. Unlike Loggers, for example, Slammer is quite visible around the park, and leaving it SBNO is quite obvious. So presumably the park will want to physically remove the ride sooner rather than later, if at all possible. So what would you like to see replace it? Would you like a new ride, and if so, what? Would you prefer the area to become a more open space, say to be used for small events? A redevelopment of Bush BBQ to extend that area? Leave the area blank and use it if / when X leaves the park? Bring your ideas TPM...and no suggestions of spins of the top variety...
  16. JoshC.


    Yay it's gone. I'm happy. Never got all the love over it. Never will. A picnic area would be better than Slammer, so I'd be happy with that. New ride would be a bonus though.
  17. The park have now officially confirmed both attractions (the boat ride is going to be made by Mack) to be forming the new land, along with a new entrance to the park. Serious investment from such a small park...
  18. The new water ride is just set to be a calm boat ride (like Tropical Travels for example). Given how nicely Toverland theme most of their rides, there's plenty of potential for it to be lovely. Depends how much money they're dumping to the new land though, as that wingrider won't be cheap...
  19. Well shoot me down I'm double posting... Someone (who seems reasonably trsutworthy) over on Themepark.nl claims to have seen the plans for the wingrider, and given a Paint job of what it will look like: -42m high and 800m long (about 5m higher and 25m longer than Swarm for comparison) -3 inversions -Trains would be 6 rows long -Light blue track and brown supports A very safe wingrider layout if it is the case, but certainly would add something to the park. Also nice to see the THORPE PARK inversion featured...
  20. On top of a new major coaster, it is believed Toverland are also adding in a boat ride of some description next year: http://www.looopings.nl/weblog/7277/Toverland-opent-nieuwe-waterattractie-in-2018.html Certainly a nice addition - I did feel like a calm boat ride would be a good addition that would give a bit more to the park. Some plans for all the 2018 investments may crop online this week, but the park aren't actually going to be doing any specific advertising until the Autumn. Image from the above link: The area expansion is happening behind Magic Valley (top middleish), so will end up being a pretty huge expansion for such a small park!
  21. ^Depends on how Towers sell SW8 though. It's possible the US for it won't be 'it's made of wood', they could go down a completely different route and just gloss over the wood fact. If that's the case then other UK parks could easily go for woof and not steal Towers' thunder. I get what you're saying though. And given the lack of new wood in the UK, focusing on the fact SW8 is a woodie would be the easiest, and perhaps most sensible, way forward. But who knows with Towers...
  22. If only Chessington had a monorail attraction that took you over parts of the zoo... I'm sure that would have been really well received and enjoyable for everyone...
  23. I believe the photo point was removed this season.
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