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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I won't not judge a maze from one photo whilst it's still in construction. However, that does look very nice - fingers crossed for plenty of scenes and a nice story!
  2. I expect that the data for these results will do more than decide what sort of rides or attractions the park add in the future. Results will show what sort of demographic are willing to respond to surveys, to see if they've expanded their target market to more than just 16-24 year olds. They may not necessarily create an attraction from the popular choices, but may advertise when those shows are on, during the pre-film adverts at cinemas or in game boxes / in games themselves (which I think is now possible?). It will help the park see how we'll they're doing in expanding their target market and help them improve. They could also theme some events to shows. If X Factor / Britain's Got Talent proves popular, maybe the park will do another 'Be Discovered'-esque event like they did in 2006/2007. And the fact that they ask 'If Thorpe Park were to hold a festival...' suggests to me that a festival could well happen in the future, and if they know what's popular with the market, they can tailor it to the market. We're not going to see FIFA: The Ride any time soon. If we do, I'll eat my hat, and oldest, smelliest pair of socks to go with it. What this survey shows is that the park are planning on creating more events / extras, and they're trying to see what suits their newly-founded target market.
  3. Nice photo; though a smile wouldn't hurt ey! 7/10 Since Holly was skipped, I'll rate her avatar too - Selfie using a mirror feels retro in the days of front facing cameras..but I've never liked them... 5/10
  4. Good drawing but the eyes creep me out a bit. 8/10
  5. Depends what drinks they were having I guess!
  6. I believe they don't open till 11 because of lack of popularity.
  7. Yeah, massive thanks Turtle for organising it; was good fun! Well done to the Mafia for getting rid of me the day before I was going to use my power too... Would love to see another one of these happen in the future. As I say, was good fun, and it brought a bit of fun and life to the forums. Again, thanks Turtle!
  8. To be honest, I've never got the whole unlimited pizza thing. You're at a theme park - why would you want to spend £10 odd to eat unlimited pizza then not be able to go on rides for a couple of hours because you're stuffed to the brim? And if you don't stuff yourself, then you're not getting your money's worth. Always seemed lose-lose to me.
  9. Have to say though, given the fact you will be going to Chessington for Howl'o'ween toofy, it's not a full-out grounding, is it? I personally think a 3 month 'grounding' is excessive, and the laptop-thing is harsh, but I can kinda seeing the reasoning behind it. Best way to go about it though would be for full out honesty from you and then get the respect you deserve - t'is a two way street.
  10. Before it was Pizza Hut, it was an in house restaurant called Sleepy Joe's. They refer to quite a few buildings by their old names (Pirates 4D, X:\NWO, etc.)
  11. The MTDP shows many things which might happen, but don't come to fruition. According to some plans, the extension to the workshop would have occurred in 2011, which, of course, it didn't. Could have been many reasons for that, or it might have been delayed. Personally, I don't think it'll be happening any time soon, and I doubt that the tagging of the trees would be because of the extension regardless.
  12. Whoever changed the name of this thread, reveal yourself so I know who to buy a drink when I next see you...
  13. I noticed on my visit a few days that there's a model of Red Bird at the back of the theatre (left hand side as you look to the back), but haven't noticed it before.. Have I just been really unobservant and it's always been there or is that a newer thing? Either way, bit of a shame it's not in a more obvious space!
  14. Most probably the best on park, especially with the way the staff work on it. Only major ride which I think could possibly match it would be Inferno, which I'd guess is around the 1000-1100 mark? Wildly off topic too, but what are throughputs like on Loggers / Rumba (or log flumes / rapids in general)? I imagine on a good day they'd be able to get quite high?
  15. Seems to just be a couple of mistakes that have yet to be updated, that's all!
  16. I noticed these earlier; always good to see they're building on what Fright Nights can offer! Look forward to hearing any experiences from these, especially from people who are unaware that a booking for these add ons have been made..
  17. Has this been hacked? Erection is a common term used when you construct something. The spelling mistakes are likely down to someone not spell-checking their work however!
  18. I had an iPod Touch a few years ago. It was good, yeah, but I dunno, I guess it's just not my cup of tea, so have never bothered really considering getting an iPhone. I got a Samsung Galaxy S3 a couple of months after its release and loved it. The contract expired a few months ago and I was going to just keep it, but after cracking screen quite badly, I decided to just get an upgrade. The S5 was a bit beyond my budget, so I originally opted for the S4 mini. But I didn't like that to be honest; I'd gotten so used to a big screen and such, plus the S4 mini felt like a downgrade all round, so I was able to swap. Ended up leaving Samsung and getting the HTC One Mini 2 (yeah, that's a mouthful!). Despite being a 'mini', it's more or less the same size as the S3, and I absolutely love it. Great phone that satisfies all my needs. tl;dr - I don't like Apple products. I love Samsung. I found a liking for HTC.
  19. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Fright Nights. The Swarm or THE SWARM?
  20. If this source said 3 woodies would be built in 5 years in the UK, then surely all three would be claimed for? Parks contact manufacturers saying that they want such a ride, not the other way around.
  21. Capacity - Number of riders that can fit on a train (or boat or cycle for a flat ride). Throughput - Number of riders per hour. Wikipedia is not the best source of information!
  22. Bit confused as to what you mean here? Have I missed some news or something?
  23. Nice view of Swarm ruined by some random guy sitting down... 8/10
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