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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. It featured on ITV News earlier. They spoke to a couple of teenagers who said how 'they thought it was part of the ride for the first few minutes', before other methods were tried. They said about the discomfort of the restraints and that they've got bruises on their thighs. Certainly not great press for Chessie. Personally, I do hope it gets replaced by another thrill ride to be honest. It was on it's last legs as it was, and to me, this just says it needs scrapping ASAP.
  2. I finished on Friday, and now have the countdown till next Thursday when I get results. :S
  3. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Does that even need an answer (lap bars of course!) Upside down or inside out?
  4. I don't see the 'it's new, give them a chance to get it working argument'. Surely it's no different and no more difficult to update than the old system? Hopefully we can see it reflect queue times more accurately though; we as enthusiasts do sometimes forget it is some people's only way of judging queue times. Though at least the times shown are much larger than the real ones, and not much shorter. :tongue:
  5. http://www.london-fire.gov.uk/LatestIncidentsContainer_16061310.asp#.Ub4dbvnVBlg An article/mini report from the fire brigade, giving a couple more details.
  6. www.itv.com/news/story/2013-06-16/40-people-stuck-on-rollercoaster/ A story to watch I guess... EDIT: So apparently, Rameses Revenge is a coaster...
  7. Banned because you're the most likely to be banned this year, and so should be.
  8. I've always thought that it would run a maximum of 4 trains. Pretty sure it said in one of the earlier press releases that there would be '64 passengers on the ride', or something along those lines. Would love (and hope) to be proven wrong though!
  9. 1) Open 2) 180 minutes 3) 3 trains.
  10. JoshC.

    Wicker Man

    10 years ago now - http://old.towerstimes.co.uk/history/plans/woodie.htm They were withdrawn, and never seen again.. *cue overly dramatic music*
  11. Banned, 'cause it's the rules of the game. :tongue:
  12. JoshC.

    News Desk

    I quite like it! I do think the 'Theme Park Polls' should be moved to 'Other Theme Parks' though, as polls aren't just about Thorpe (even though most are!), and maybe just have the 'Rest of the World' and 'General Discussion' as one subforum? Just seems like they could be combined together, and the main page just feels a bit longer than it needs to be - though that might just be because it's new. :tongue:
  13. I had a brief read through that yesterday, and I think it was something to do with fears over drainage of waste and such, and needed further consultation before proceeding. The applications say how they've had the further consultation and there are no fears over it from third party sources, or at least that's what I vaguely understood from it. They want 'approval' asap as well; presumably so construction can start? I think what's happened is they've only built half of the rooms they applied for, just to in case they weren't too popular (makes sense really due to the risk involved and the cost it would involve having the second 'block'). As Snoozeboxes can be built in something silly like 2 days, if the further rooms are needed, they can quite easily be built with next to no hassle.
  14. The only thing going against Detonator, in my opinion, is the theming. But even then, the style it's got going with the countdown makes up for it in my eyes. Plus, how do you theme a drop tower apart from putting something at the base and making the carriage look fancy? Detonator is one of the few rides I know which strikes fear into people (so much so I know people who just refuse to do it out of fear!). Interestingly, it's the first time I've heard someone say they find it "boring"; each to their own I guess.
  15. Yeah Matt, Acrophobia does tilt, but only like 15/20 degrees I think. EDIT: Beaten by Benin. I think the comfort will come down to the restraints to be honest. The idea of a Flying coaster can seem uncomfortable on first thought, but the B&M ones have some of the comfiest restraints around. At the same time, the restraints could ruin the ride and take away any feel from the ride which drop towers are known for. A case of getting the balance right really!
  16. An interesting new ride type is coming to Busch Gardens Tampa next year... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4uKOsogphs It's one of those things I've always wondered if it'll ever happen, but doubted. I think the restraints will be pivotal to the ride experience here.
  17. Probably going to be a bit controversial and say I did have fears before the ride opened that it *could* feel like two rides stuck together. Fortunately though, based on reviews I've read, that doesn't seem to be the case, so all good I guess! Seems as though Alton don't have much luck with trims though, ey?
  18. Really glad to hear that! I'd have loved to have gone, but of course couldn't make it. Do hope we see these continue, and with a bit of tweaking and a bit more advertising, hopefully they'll become popular and successful events.
  19. JoshC.


    As I said in Shoutbox Monday evening, I hurt my ankle whilst playing a bit of casual football. Turns out I've broken it, even though I haven't been in that much pain around walking around on it since.
  20. Interestingly, I have the complete opposite view to you about the zero-g roll Tommy. It really was a surprise for me on my first ride. I didn't find it awkward, but instead elegant - the way it shoots you into the air and then seemingly stops, making you 'feel' the inversion, is fantastic. I've never felt it's an unnatural break in the ride, as you're feeling the inversion, which I've always seen as a point of the ride's inversions. I much prefer Swarm's zero-g roll to the likes of Nemesis and Inferno's. The corkscrew I agree with a bit more. Though I do think the entrance to it is perfect, as it continues the forcefulness of the helicopter turn, the rest of it is just there; nothing wrong with it, just not amazing. It's actually the only element I preferred backwards, strangely. I get a feeling it was more thought of for the visual effect, as it does look great with the train going 'through' the inclined loop.
  21. People will no doubt see this, but it's worthy of posting again (and so it's easier to discuss without the need for mods approving every post): http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/10105-themed-areas/ I guess the FN map could be a 'sneak peak' of the style we get in future seasons too. The 'lots of changes' seems to fit in with the possible rebranding being discussed too, so could be an interesting and exciting season! Dear Thorpe, if you read this, please bring back CCR. Love Josh and the rest of TPM
  22. Didn't know that you could get more than one; to be fair, I never made use of the offer in the end! It's still a nice offer to have really. I have a refill capsule too, but if I ever wanted a hot drink, I'd take advantage of it, or if I was with non-AP people. Also works nicely for non-refill capsule holders too. Must admit I am surprised at the amount of moaners on Facebook (well, as surprised as you can be by people moaning on Facebook!)
  23. One of the MAP perks have changed... https://www.facebook.com/notes/merlin-annual-pass-official/2-for-1-drinks-for-merlin-annual-passholders/10151516748237732 The free hot drink after 3pm is no more. Instead, after 3pm, you can get 2 for 1 on any drinks (as opposed to just tea, coffee; hot chocolate), and it's avaliable at 2 outlets, not one. So, no longer is there a freebie with no catches. Some people are getting a bit worked up about it because you have to pay and because some people have got the drinks capsule. Personally, I think the drinks capsule argument is a bit silly - not everyone gets it, and you can still use it for hot drinks, and get one for a friend or something. Yeah, okay, so you now have to pay for this, which isn't great, but it does make the offer a bit more appealing to some, especially if they're with someone who doesn't have an AP, for example.
  24. Didn't know the best place to put this, but here seems sorta suited... Thorpe have posted this photo on their Facebook earlier, and on Twitter a couple of days. It's not a new coaster, but they're just saying how 'awesome' it looks. Maybe trying to see if people agree at how awesome it looks and they're considering a similar feature for their next coaster? Regardless, still good to see the park just having a bit of fun on social media. Also quite liking the little 'wars' Thorpe and Alton are having over Twitter with their rides..
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