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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. A full price entrance ticket is what, £43.20? And the TPAP is about £85? So, in effect, they're giving people half price Annual Passes, which allows them to come back and spend more money on park as and when they want. It's a big encouragement for guests to return, especially if they thought it was expensive, so it seems to make sense. But, as has been mentioned, it is likely an indication of how well (or not so well!) Thorpe are doing right now...
  2. JoshC.


    Do you watch Doctor Who? If so, it could be the 'Are you my mummy?' episode that caused that one - I know I hated the thought of them for weeks after watching it!
  3. JoshC.

    This Or That

    The Swarm. Every. Single. Time. X or X:\NWO?
  4. JoshC.


    With spiders, I don't really like the thought of coming face-to-face with a huge, potentially dangerous, one in a day-to-day situation. However, I think that's the same for pretty much everyone, with any dangerous creature. Fortunately, there aren't many (if any?) dangerous ones which we come across in England, in our houses say. So, I'm fine with them, and will quite calmly scoop it with a cup and paper. It's not exactly something I like doing, but I can do it.
  5. For Colossus' 10th ERT last year, 11 trains were sent. I don't know what Swarm's ERTs were like, but I'd assume 10 to 12 like EC said. They'll probably try to do at least 10, considering it;s the 10th birthday celebration. After that, it probably depends on what they're doing afterwards and time restraints as to how many more rides there'll be.
  6. JoshC.


    I can safely say I have aichmophobia - fear of needles. I absolutely can't stand them, and can go all nervy about having to have injections and stuff. Blood tests are the absolute worst - I go into cold sweats and everything about them. It is something I really want to overcome as I do want to give blood during my life... I must admit the past year or so, I've got a bit better about injections, but still really hate them. In saying that, last year when I was having a tooth pulled, I had the anesthetic needles in my mouth (god, I REALLY do hate them...), but before they started to pull it out, they asked if I wanted to be sedated - I said no, purely for the fact it meant more needles... :S I'm not sure it's an actual phobia to me per se, but I also hate the idea of forgetting. I can't explain why to be honest, but the idea of forgetting things (even if it was just a few hours) scares me. Whilst I know it is possible to have a phobia of forgetting, I don't think I'm it's 'big enough' to be a phobia, but I just hate the idea of it.
  7. I'm also out of this meet I'm afraid guys. I'll probably still be in my aircast for my ankle, and I've an Alton trip planned for the weekend after, so focusing on being fit for that. I will make a meet this year, eventually.
  8. I think it looks as I expected it to look - average, with a fun looking gimmicky feature. No doubt the ride will be lapped up, what with the size and launches. So I guess that makes it a success?
  9. Interestingly, I've noticed in this year's Press Pack, Thorpe state Swarm only has four inversions - http://www.thorpepark.com/downloads/press/THORPE-PARK-Press-Pack-2013.pdf (page 11), but it's still says 5 on the actual Swarm section of the site. Not sure whether it's a typo or they're slowing going to downplay it and eventually just say it's 4? I think what 'makes' an inversion is going to be down to the individual person. I do agree that Swarm's inclined loop can't really be classed as an inversion, but at the same time, I can see why marketing can get away with it. To me, I'd say an actual inversion probably has to be a turn of 150 degrees at least, as there are cases of extremely over banked turns which don't really invert you. I do agree that the line between inversion and 'over-banked' is very hazy, but I guess that makes it slightly easier for marketing departments, ey?
  10. Thanks for the heads up about Gimp - I'll give it a go! Also... Positioning the coasters was the hardest thing actually. Personally, I'd have switched Stealth and Inferno around, but seemed a bit unfair, what with Stealth being the 'majorest' coaster. But, I've noticed in marketing that usually the coasters are mentioned in this way - Swarm or Stealth, Saw, Colossus; Inferno, so decided to stick to that. The best you're gonna get from me is switching Inferno and Colossus around; sorry love
  11. So, as I have a lot of free time on my hands at the moment, I've decided to create a 'Thorpe Park Monopoly' for a bit of fun(Alton Towers have their own version; why not Thorpe?! ). It's a work in progress at the moment, but here's the game board as it stands... As you may notice, the template I found is the American one, so the prices are in dollars, but ah well.. It's lacking text at the moment too, and a few pictures and such, because it's just the 'first version', and it looks really bad because the best editing software I have is Microsoft PowerPoint. The plan I have is to create mock ups for the property, Chance and Community Chest cards as well, pretty much as something to do. Of course, it'll all be themed around Thorpe, so it should be a bit of fun. Here's the 'Space Conversions', if you can't work a couple of them out, as well as the planned Chance and Community Chest cards: Board Places: Chance Cards: Community Chest Cards: If anyone can think of any funny names for Free Parking, Chance, Community Chest or the Bank (relating to Thorpe or Merlin of course!), let me know. Likewise, any suggestions - just throw 'em at me!
  12. Ahem... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150518294479815&set=vb.214001328660864&type=2&theater WE ARE ALL LEZ COUGAN!!!! Oh, erm, and banned for banning me for the same reason Sidders did a couple of pages back.
  13. When was the last time Depth Charge even featured on an advert by Thorpe?! In recent times, the only time I can think of where they had a different advert for summer was 2011, when Saw was said to be 'more terrifying than ever'. Even then, that was just footage of the 2009 advert with a different voice over. If recent discussion is anything to go by, looks like we'll see more of a focus on 'something for everyone', and possibly a focus on summer fun (what with the water rides mentioned) and such. I do look forward to this!
  14. Banned for having a silly-sounding username.
  15. Banned for having ridden Swarm more times than me!
  16. I don't know if I caught it at a bad time (and I did visit during the Preview Weekend last season; thought that shouldn't be an excuse), but I found it a bit boring at times (especially at the beginning), with long sections of nothing happening and a few story line inconsistencies. And, most importantly, the scares weren't anything special. Carnival and Sanctuary are a lot better, and I'd happily say Se7en and Experiment 10 (well, in 2011) were more enjoyable and scary as well. The trouble I have with criticizing it is I can't answer the question of how to improve it. Nothing in the maze feels unnecessary; it is obviously well thought out and is executed pretty well. But, to me, it just doesn't 'do' anything for me. Maybe the actors need re-positioning a bit and just the odd tweak here and there may improve it massively to me? Maybe I just caught it at the wrong time and the problems I had were ironed away? So yeah, would love to see it revamped, but would also love to try it again, and see if I was just unlucky.
  17. Interesting, my view of it was VERY different. Here was my original view, the night of getting back from my first trip (which was for the AP Preview Night): In case you can't tell, I was rather cynical about it (which may have played a part in me enjoying all the more - I had zero expectations, so maybe anything would've had a glowing review?). Whilst I wasn't scared, I did enjoy it and thought it was a good little attraction all in all. I will admit that the last sentence of me saying it was "better than any mazes" is, in hindsight, most definitely wrong, and probably was just the 'new attraction' factor. I will also say that as FN 2010 went on, the scare zone got worst (the actors had masks, they played about with the smoke effects, etc.), and as time went on, I felt it just wasn't up to the same standard as it started off as; shame. I'd love to see Thorpe do a scare zone again, but I also quite like the roaming actors we've had the past couple of seasons. Would rather roaming actors than a scare zone actually (if it HAD to be one or the other); especially as Merlin scare zones are very 'maze-like'.
  18. I think it's more a case of The Towers need to be open as ruins, due to local council agreements or something, regardless of the popularity and longevity of the opening. Happy to see Sanctuary return, though I do hope TotT gets a major revamp this season, really didn't do anything for me last season. Would like to see CoS return, as I enjoyed it, but at the same time, it would be nice to get a completely new maze, and I can't see another maze added to the line up. My personal preference would be to see CoS stay one more season, and have this season be a complete reva,p of TotT.
  19. Can't really judge a lot from it, due to all the reasons above, but I do like the look of the car going round the track. Looks lovely.
  20. What you do have to remember is this is a one off incident (I don't know of any of topsin where this has happened; recently at least), and if the park decide to reopen it, it will be safe, etc. and will never happen again. Incidents happen, and always will do. To be honest, out of all the incidents that could happen at a theme park, getting stuck in a seat 20ft in the air isn't the worse thing that could happen. Bits could fly off a giant swing, and nearly hit your feet, you could break your wrists on launch coasters by not preparing properly, etc. Or you could just ride an Intamin...
  21. I don't have a particular order, but here's some of my top ones... -Europa Park. Does this need explaining? -Phantasialand. Black Mamba, Winjas, Colorado Adventure and the park in general just look top quality! -Fuji-Q Highland. Takabisha, Eejenkia and Dodonpa are 3 coasters high up on my 'list to do'. -Efteling. Love the concept of the park. -Mirabilandia. 'Cause the reports on here have been glowing. -Dollywood. Dolly Parton; must be good. -Heide Park. Looks like a good, fun park. -Islands of Adventure. Two words - Harry Potter. -Cedar Point. It's big and stuff. -Six Flags Magic Mountain. See above reason. Distinct lack of Disney parks here. Whilst I'd never, ever, turn an opportunity down to go to any of them, I dunno, I just don't have them as high as other parks - which confuses me as well.. These parks are more 'big trips' for me, there are other parks closer to home (Oakwood, Flamingo Land and Drayton Manor for example, the last of which I was meant to visit on Friday, but instead will visit October-time) as well, and there are other parks I'd love to visit - Parc Asterix, Holiday Park, Port Aventura, Hershey Park, Gardaland spring to mind. I'm hopeful that 2016 may be 'the year' where a few of European parks are ticked off, though a German trip before then could be a possibility...
  22. To me, Stealth just isn't what I want in a ride. I'd be lying if I said on my first ride I wasn't blown away by the launch, but it quickly wears off. Even then, after my first ride, I would have happily said I preferred Inferno and Colossus to it. I still enjoy it, and the launch is decent, but it just doesn't impress me. I guess the reriding of it plays a part, but other rides haven't worn off on me, so I'm not quite sure...
  23. If Drayton does have a General Development Order on certain areas, we could see some form of major ride. Unless I'm mistaken, Smiler's site was covered by a GDO and hence all they actually needed to apply for was the buildings and theming, and the highest points of the ride. Would've thought by now there'd be some form of work visible for a major coaster, unless they're planning not to open at the begin of the season? I guess time will tell..!
  24. Sorry Alex, that award is going to be mine this year. I mean just look at me: To be honest, it's quite frankly a travesty I didn't win it last year... Do look forward to this year's awards; even if we're only half way through the year. XD
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