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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Banned for misreading AM as PM.
  2. Why not combine the Slender the idea from earlier to create.... SLENDYTUBBIES (Skip to about 8:55 for build up to a scary part )
  3. You collect them at Advance Ticket Collection. On Friday, they had 2 booths open; I arrived just before 7, and was at Swarm by quarter past-ish, so not too bad really.
  4. ha, this reminds me of the times of 'Winferno' and 'Failiac', which I think resulted in the filtering of win and fail As for what the point of forums is. Pretty much what everyone else has said - where people who share similar interests discuss news of said interest, as well as share and discuss their opinions. What adds to forums is when the members within them are friendly and make good posts, which usually involves being respectful of other people's opinions, whilst providing their own opinions with explanations of their reasons. However, I'd say the biggest 'point' about the forum is that everyone enjoys themselves. People can have a laugh (which we see on here, for example, through the humour-filled posts that come about on a regular basis), have a bit of banter, whilst getting the opportunity to discuss something they're passionate about, and maybe even make some friends. If no one were to enjoy a forum, then it wouldn't be a good or worthwhile forum.
  5. Saw this being discussed on TST yesterday actually (in relation to ScareFest). The doll they show is from the film Dead Silence (which, coincidentally, comes from the same two people who came up with the first Saw film): I guess the clues all relate to different places, and I doubt we'll see an entire new event 'replace' FN (as the park are calling it Fright Nights on the gate map, but anything's possible I guess?). To be honest, looking at those hints, I'd be rather surprised if one of them didn't relate to Thorpe - probably the theme park related one. If memory serves me correctly, there was a focus group in 2011, and a maze based around a horror film cropped up in a few ideas apparently (mentioned here - http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/8953-thorpe-fright-nights-2011/page-2). All this seems to slot together nicely ey?
  6. Must admit, the more I see the advert, the more I like it. It's a really grower for me.
  7. Banned for making the quizzes difficult.
  8. I think that'll add to the round and make it more challenging, whilst still being fun. It means you have to strike up the balance between the obvious and the obscure, making it more interesting and adding a bit of tactical thinking to the round. That's just the way I see it though.
  9. Eeek, that Records Round hit me quite badly (though I really should be joint 5th there Sidders! ) The Pictures Round seemed like a good'un to me though, and hopefully the Multiple Choice Round should be able to bring me back up.
  10. So, I've just got back from this evening's event. It's fantastic! When they said no queues, they literally me no queues. Swarm, Inferno, Stealth and Colossus are on 1 train, X was on 2 and Saw was on 6 cars(!). The longest wait I had was for Swarm, at the start of the event, for back row, and that was the equivalent of one circuit. I began to feel ill with all the rides (feel like I'm getting old...). All the staff were fantastic - friendly and happy, despite maybe only dispatching trains for a couple of people. There were a few drink places open, and a couple of the coaster shops - enough to keep everyone going. Though I don't know how many people were on park, I doubt it was more than a few hundred. Really fantastic event, and I hope this turns out to be a success for the park. For anyone interested, here's my ride count (bare in mind I was still hobbling around a bit and took a few breathers between rides): Swarm x10 (3 backwards) X x6 Inferno x5 Saw x2 Flying Fish x1 Storm Surge x1
  11. My face in that one. I look terrible! Tommy displaying superhuman jumping abilities though!
  12. JoshC.


    Rode X today for the first time without the block breaks. Definitely much better than with them! I still think I'd have preferred it if they could have kept it backwards, and added the lights, sounds and such, but hey ho. Either way, I still enjoy it, and it's most certainly added to the life span of the ride.
  13. Well, what a day that was! This was my first meet of the year and it was brillitant. It was great to meet so many new people, see a couple of people again, and get to know loads of people. I tried to talk to everyone during the day, so sorry if I didn't really speak to you that much. Sorry I left earlier than I said I would, but my ankle was starting to ache a little and I decided to call it day, what with being on park tomorrow too. Safe to say that when I got home, it felt lovely to take my shoes off and lie on the sofa! Also, sorry to anyone that was caught behind me whilst walking down stairs - I am a bit slow with them still. :S The Photoshoot was amazing. I wasn't too fussed about getting many rides on Stealth, but ended up doing 20 (or 21, not sure now) rides. Who'd have thought doing rerides could be exhausting though? Can't say I ever thought I'd see the day where people saw going on a coaster as a chore as well! I'm getting my photos uploaded to Facebook ASAP, and I'll do a little mini TR in the coming days. Many thanks to Thorpe and TPM for organising this; really was a fantastic opportunity. Also a thanks to the ride staff that were on the ride, as well as to the other members of staff that were about in the morning. And a thanks to Peaj for organising the day so well! Hopefully will cya 'round! EDIT: All 27 (felt like a lot more? :S) of my photos have been uploaded to my 'Thorpe Park 2013' album on Facebook: linky - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201687533413158&set=a.10200902298382773.1073741825.1324550230&type=3&theater I've added a few people from the meet today, but if I've missed you out, feel free to add me. I'll tag the photos and that later.
  14. Just ride clones? Phew, so I guess this question won't come up: In this picture, identify who is Cornflakes and who is James & Co.?
  15. Fingers crossed the weather doesn't end up like it's been today! Unfortunately I won't be around all day, and will probably be leaving by 4. Also, I'm still hobbling a bit after ankle; so I'm a bit slower than normal. Starting to get quite excited now!
  16. I know what I'm getting on Thursday then... Not the nicest looking bear to add to the collection, but a bear is a bear.
  17. According to some on TST (who themselves are going off of what's been said on Twitter), this has caused a gap in the track. If true - uh oh! Was meant to be on park today; lucky I'm not!
  18. Banned for having a creaky username.
  19. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Gerstlauer. ABC or 123?
  20. Awkward. Well, need to play the honesty card then. My answer to Question 23 was Island F, yet I seem to have gotten 54/58 (assuming 58 is still the maximum mark?), and I know for certain I got 0 marks on Q10 (I was £500 million out), so I'd assume that's where I lost my 4 marks. Looks like you might have given me 3 marks too many Sidders! :S
  21. Sorry to nitpick here, but it's Island F - bit of a typo there.
  22. Quite happy with my 32.5 - a bit better than I was expecting, especially as I thought this'd be my worst round. Looking forward to the Pictures Round now. Sidders - will you be posting the answers at any point? I know people will take them at different times and such, but maybe after the round has been taken by everyone or something? Will be fun to see the answers to some questions; especially Q5!
  23. The dome can be open till 3am (though only on 42 occasions of the year), which is why MoS works. Rides can stay open till 11pm. In a way, I'm surprised they didn't do 8-11 (especially as that would give more time to clear the park after a 7pm closure), but I am not fussed in the slightest. I would expect 1 train op though, going on the MoS events, but we shall see.
  24. What I'd do, for the time being, is take advantage of Thorpe's offer where you can get a pass till the end of the season for £43. If the past few years are to go by, in December/January, there'll be an offer on Merlin Annual Passes, which would work out cheaper than a renewal. It also leaves you with more options and more time to decide what it the best thing to do, and if an opportunity to go to Legoland or Chessington arises this year, you can probably get a decent offer somewhere making it cheaper than renewing at this stage.
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