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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I still don't get the fuss over BPB in general. It has almost a cult-level following by some people, and I genuinely don't understand why. The only argument I ever see people make in its favour is it's got some old rides and a Weatherspoons nearby. Yay? EDIT: Just seen a tweet which I assume sparked Mark's thoughts. Kind of feels like those who like Blackpool get on the defensive whenever people dislike Blackpool and retort with "Yeah, but there's other places which are worse". Such a magical response which immediately solves Blackpool's problems.
  2. Stumbled across this randomly: https://simonrbrown.com/thorpe-park-minds-wanted For those who are unaware / don't remember, the big build up for the announcement for Ghost Train was around the idea of "Minds Wanted". A minisite was created to build hype for the ride, and the above link gives some insight into the creation and the ideas floating around. Obviously we all know how Ghost Train has turned out, but anyone who remembers the build and interest around the ride in late 2015 / early 2016 would probably agree they really hit the money with this part of the marketing. Furthermore, it gives some insight into the level of expectations that Thorpe particularly have with teaser campaigns. The teaser videos had a target of 100k viewers, whilst this eventually reached 387k when relevant, with 255k unique users. I think that's particularly interesting, as it shows that really the teaser videos are designed for a smaller audience, but they can generate a buzz when done correctly. The Minds Wanted site is no longer active, but the videos that formed the clues are part of playlist that can be viewed here:
  3. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    Yes that is interesting. In the one sense, I don't mind that as it is helpful for getting people to understand where certain things are. It does signify a potential to move away from themed lands again, which would be a shame. Also, it makes me wonder how often they would change the signs - every time an attraction is added (or taken away), some signs immediately become obsolete. Seems awkward in the long run compared to just pointing towards areas. Ultimately, I don't care whether Thorpe decide to go down the themed area route or just themed attractions and no coherent themes between rides. But just stick with one and roll with it. It is frustrating seeing them seesaw between directions and ideas every couple of years.
  4. Though it's not known why those trees have been cut down, it's unlikely to be for any immediate development. Canada Creek Railway will not return. The route is used for Platform 15, which is ultimately more important for the park I'd say. And even if it wasn't, they would effectively have to rebuild the train route, and get new trains - it would be hugely expensive. Loggers Leap would require a huge amount of money to repair to reopen too. To the point it would be cheaper to build an entirely new log flume from scratch. As I say, the tree cutting is a bit of an unknown. But at this stage, there's been no work on the Loggers Leap site otherwise. As for family rides, the park could probably do with some more rides with lower height restrictions. What and where are two big questions. But it also seems against the park's current direction, so would be unlikely.
  5. For the actual launch, my Top 3 would be: 1. Taron's second launch 2. Taiga's second launch 3. Anubis' launch Stealth remains my favourite stationary launch. Other specific launches I rate: -Pulsar's swing launch -The launch out of the station on Pegase Express (it's slow but took me by surprise) Launches which don't do much for me: -Star Trek Operation Enterprise's swing launch is very meh -As much as I love Helix, and know and appreciate that it's launches should not be viewed as launches in perhaps the 'old fashioned' sense, it's first launch it pretty meh in honesty EDIT: It says a lot that I completely forgot about Icon's first launch originally, which is rather drab too.
  6. Thorpe have introduced some new birthday pins for this year: On top of that, a retro Pirates 4D pin is available: Currently available online on the park's website: https://shop.thorpepark.com/collections/pin-badges Really nice designs imo, and interested to see what else they bring out this year!
  7. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    Jack Silkstone is recording his now seemingly traditional pre-season video. The second photo from his Instagram post shows that the park have installed directional signage around the park: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNH6XEDB3WU/?igshid=d7v9xcxmufgm I know the park is small, but I've felt for a long time the park should introduce something like these!
  8. Oktoberfest at Thorpe was fine in general, but could be much better. The issue with the placing last year is that it's less a plaza, and more just an extended walkway. And with Ghost Train back open this year, it makes it trickier. Ultimately if Thorpe want more events, then they should look at having a place that works for them, rather than just a "this will do" type thing. I mean Oktoberfest follows pretty much effectively after summer ends, and then FN straight after. My point there was more Oktoberfest can improve, Fright Nights can improve (and with the 20th anniversary, should see a large budget to do some justice there). Whatever budget they have can only stretch so far, and depending on what that is, I'd rather see it focused on improving what they have rather than growing. Towers' situation is different as their Oktoberfest, though it could be refined I'm sure, was pretty bang on for what it should be. Obviously events are a good thing, within reason, but walk before you can run and all that imo.
  9. The Ultimate Summer of Fun very much feels like they just realised they'd forgotten July and August existed and cobbled something together at the last second. July in particular will be a hard month for the parks I think. I doubt we'll see many, if any, school trips, which is usually where a bulk of the visitation comes from then. And if most restrictions are lifted then, I think people will be more interested in doing other things than the parks which would have been open for a long time comparatively. Will be interesting to see what happens. I think summer holidays will be fine for the parks. But if international travel is allowed, they might lose some of the staycation audience which is being pushed a lot at the moment.
  10. Mardi Gras inspired event is an interesting choice. Has potential, but equally could end up feeling quite tacky. But in saying that, Towers should be given the benefit of the doubt I guess given they did good with Oktoberfest. And if it ends up it giving the park longer opening hours, both this year and long term, that's a good thing in my books. I hope Thorpe doesn't get a Mardi Gras event for a couple of reasons: -I'd prefer if the parks had a diverse set of events -Thorpe really should be getting a more dedicated event space if they want more events like that -Their Oktoberfest event wasn't as good as Towers'. I'd rather they work on improving an existing event (and also FN) than getting another new one
  11. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    Sourced via Theme Park Guide's Facebook... A freshly painted monkey
  12. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    I haven't visited on a really busy day in a long time, so my take might be skewed a bit. But from what I've seen, a big issue always feels like the number of security officers doing bag checks was never enough to cope with the mass crowds. Especially when compared with, for example, Towers. Using the old Admissions huts probably hasn't helped to a degree, given they create a bottle neck. I think the introduction of the marquee with the scanners helps spread things out more. That's obviously where a redesign would help. But without the staff to back that up, it wouldn't make a massive change.
  13. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    I agree. I see how my post has been misinterpreted. My point was more comparing Thorpe to some of top theme parks round the world seems stupid given that nothing that the park have done for pretty much the last decade gives us any indication that Thorpe should be considered anywhere near that level really. Obviously this being a Thorpe-focused forum, people focus on Thorpe, but I genuinely can't think of any park that's regularly compared to some of the best parks around with no reason. Just seems weird is all. As it stands the entrance looks dire. I try to keep an open mind with these things until they're ready, but yeah, I can't see it improving much beyond its state. Curious about Quantum. It's still on the website, and isn't listed as opening later like DBGT and TWD. It has also been testing. Wonder if it's just a mistake made whilst they updated the app? Rumba Rapids' height change is a blow for the park. I believe both Congo at Towers and Vikings at Legoland have had their restrictions increased too. Whether it's a Merlin change because of the renewed focus / concerns about rapids following the Drayton declaration (and with those rapids set to reopen), or if it's coming from manufacturers is an unknown. Either way, it's a hit to the park's line up for smaller guests. Zodiac has also had its restriction increased to 1.1m (not sure if that's happened recently or last year?). But again, that's a blow too. It leaves 6 rides at the 0.9m range (Depth Charge, Flying Fish, Banana Boat and Old Town rides). And as there's no rides with a 1m restriction, those are the only rides kids can go on until they hit 1.1m.
  14. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    Not saying there's anything wrong with making comparisons, or that Thorpe's entrance is good, but I do find it interesting to make comparisons between Thorpe's entrance and some of the best theme park entrances in the world. It's as if there's an expectation for Thorpe to always be up there with the best, and I never understand why*. Thorpe's entrance has a lot more potential than the state it is in at the moment. But does anyone realistically expect it to ever be spoken of up there with some of the best entrances out there? Just seems like an odd pedestal to be putting the park on, especially when you know that the park won't be able to reach for that level. *I'm sure someone will come with the 'But Merlin say they're second only to Disney' argument. Yes, they're the second largest, but they're not the second best. I'm sure, internally at least, Merlin would admit that themselves too, if being totally honest. If people are still trying to equate size with quality, then people really should get hit with a dose of reality.
  15. JoshC.

    Logger's Leap

    Really interesting post; thanks for sharing it! I don't think we'll ever know the full story behind the closure. The specifically interesting thing is that when it was closed, it was announced as returning. How much internal drive there was to keep that promise is something we'll never know, nor how realistic those claims were. In any case, a few things I can add... This has been floated around a lot and though I've never actually looked into it, I assume the change in legislation is true (I believe it's an EU thing). As you say, Tidal was always clean and treated water, so unaffected (fun fact: it is one of the most expensive rides to run because of the cost of treating the amount of water it uses). Now there's always been questions about this legislation. There's been suggestions that it only affects newly built rides, not old rides. So stuff like Loggers, Rumba Rapids, The Flume, Dragon Falls, etc would be fine. If that's true, then we're fine. If however it needed to be done by a set point, then there's a major problem. You need to create a closed water system around a lake (since the treated water can't go into lake water). How do you manage that in Loggers' situation with Loggers' layout. Not saying it would be impossible, but that would be very difficult. I can't comment on Pirate Falls or The Flume, but I believe Dragon Falls' work wasn't related to this new legislation per se. The rockwork around Dragon Falls needed removal because it was effectively falling apart. Equally a lot of work needed to be done with the ride's trough. Maybe that was in some way related though, I don't know. Hmmm, this bit I have some scepticism over. Thorpe have gone for a double hit with their more recent large investments. Saw had Saw Alive. Swarm had Swarm Backwards. I think it's only natural to expect they had budget planned to do something to Ghost Train for 2017. Do I think they always planned to re-do the VR and extend the building for a new scene? Probably not, no. But they will have had budget for something. And if they wanted to, there's a chance they could have gotten more. Now it's certainly possible that any budget for Loggers could have been siphoned over to ROTD. My thinking is that that doesn't really match up with timings. If Thorpe were planning to open Loggers for 2017, and they had the budget to do so, there would have been some level of commitment to that by September-time, which was when ROTD was in its finalisation. I'm also aware that by 2018, Thorpe were stating that reopening Loggers would be an investment that would cost millions (I seem to remember hearing figures anywhere between £3m-£8m). I'm sure that figure increased as time went on, but if they did have budget for that secured to reopen it in 2017, but didn't open it, they would have used that budget elsewhere. The ROTD changes certainly wouldn't have used up that whole budget, and none of their other 2017 changes would have either. So something wouldn't add up there in my opinion. To add my extra thoughts: as I said, by 2018, there were still talks of reopening Loggers. It was something that was being explored, to the point they had figures of how much it would cost to reopen, and some theming concepts. That would suggest it was still in some way feasible. The big issue at that point is then is it worthwhile? Loggers Leap was a decent log flume, but is spending many millions reopening an old flume the best way to spend money (even with a retheme or whatever)? Arguably not. For some context here, The Walking Dead retheme of X cost about £1m. Spending at least 3 times that to get an old attraction open, plus increasing running costs for the park, is a lot to think about. Especially when you're getting to the point that you could probably build a new log flume for a similar price point. I think in many ways, it was always a pie-in-the-sky idea trying to get it to reopen. When it closed there was always an air of pessimism about it ever reopening imo. It was great to try, but it just never seemed likely. And yet, I don't think they've ever truly given up. I'm sure some remember back in 2019 after it was announced to not return, there was an auction of old ride parts announced. That auction was quietly removed and never mentioned again. I heard some rumours that was in part because the park changed their minds in case they decided to explore reopening it again. I've even heard that the work done in Loggers station for Creek Freak Massacre was done in such a way that they kept the core of the ride in tact (ride console, conveyor belt, etc). Not sure quite how true that it, so take that with a huge heap of salt! I think the story with the rapids is different. Their features were changed, tamed, etc after the Drayton Manor incident. Internally, Merlin made the decision to tame their UK rapids ride to try to prevent people standing up during the ride. This was also accompanied by other things, such as ride spotters around Thorpe and Towers' rapids in particular. If it is linked with the change in legislation (which I doubt it was tbh), it certainly would raise different questions about Loggers' closure. The changes to rapids happened mid-way through 2017, so I'd find it hard to see why they would have not run Loggers, because of the legislation, for the prior 18 months when they could have.
  16. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    A look at some work that's been going on at the entrance, including some ugly new fences and the repurposing of the WWTP van as a food outlet: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMpBD6LB68M/ Rush's swings have also been reattached and I'm somewhat optimistic they can get that back open for when the park opens.
  17. It's not implausible, but I just don't see it happening. Fair rides generate a lot of money. I would be genuinely surprised if it Alton Towers would, yearly, offer enough money to fair operators that they see it as more enticing to lend ride(s) to Towers than keep them on the fair circuit. Especially once fairs actually reopen and the operators are travelling again. There's the other side of the coin as well that eventually it would be cheaper for Towers to buy a ride than hire one every year. Sure, you lose the yearly variety / mix up, but long term it's cheaper, which ultimately is a plus for them. If their Oktoberfest event, for example, continues and expands, I could see the temptation there to bring in a ride or two for the event. That would be pretty cool. Logistically a huge challenge given fairs are hugely popular that time of year and the park have Halloween preparations too, but could happen, especially with a good relationship. It certainly isn't something to dismiss, but I do see it as unlikely. And honestly, I hope it doesn't happen and we instead see permanent ride installations in the future.
  18. Fright Nights has received 5 SCAR nominations for this year's ScareCON: Fearstival Arena - Best Costume and Make Up All scare zones - Best Original Concept and Design All scare zones - Best Roaming Characters Best Theme Park Halloween Event Best Adjustments to COVID Last year was obviously a very different, depleted line up for the scare industry in general, but I do think in general the park made the best out of a bad situation last year. It might not have been the best event out there last year, but genuinely think they did a decent job and deserve the recognition for it.
  19. Seat belts on most coasters exist usually either to reassure guests, or to help with evacuations (it allows staff to control the flow of people who get off the ride, especially if the system opens multiple restraints). Parks rarely add these things on later for the fun of it, so I wonder if it's something their own H&S team have decided to do to assist with evacuations, or if it's a feedback thing from guests? I'd guess (and hope for) it to be the former. Hopefully it doesn't affect throughputs too much.
  20. From what I understand, the funfair rides have been hired from fair operators and they will be operated by the fairground staff. As such, I would expect little modifications made to the rides themselves (though it would be nice). I'd also be surprised if they stayed beyond this year. It's a mutually beneficial situation. Towers get extra rides to spread numbers about (and maybe show the powers that be at Merlin flat rides are necessary investments). The ride owners make money whilst fairs aren't allowed to open. Win win. Come 2022, fairs should hopefully be allowed to open, and Towers might be in a better situation. If Towers wanted to buy one of the rides, it would probably be easier to buy it for new from a manufacturer.
  21. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    I know a couple of years back Thorpe looked at replacing the bag room with lockers which were somehow synced with the ride / riders. As you say, Saw is tricky, especially if it's an odd number of cars, as then it's not always the case that the same two cars offload every time, like with 8 cars. Ultimately, I think cost was the prohibiting factor then. Obviously if this is just straight budget cuts I can't imagine they would do something which was previously considered too expensive. Equally though, I guess it's still within the realm of possibility they would consider just cutting it if they have to save money.
  22. Who loves low quality images of trains on tracks? EVERYONE OF COURSE (sourced via Coasterforce, original source unclear)
  23. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    Absolutely no reason - just wishful thinking on my part! (I admit it looks unlikely and probably is just a boat and jetty, but I'm in that 'overly-optimistic-season-is-almost-here' mode)
  24. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    3 weeks can be a long time, but remember that during those 3 weeks the ride will be testing regularly for staff training. Whilst something could still be done, it takes away time from training whilst it's installed, checked for safety, etc. And I believe that the ride has been running for training lately. And in any case, here's an image from early 2019 (lifted from Google Maps of course): Compare with the image EpicSmatty posted: We can see the new theming has already been installed. Maybe there's more to add to it though. As I say, at this stage I'm expecting that when the pool is filled with water, it will look like a boat that's there is sinking, and the rest could be for some sort of special effect, like some sort of water splash/fountain/explosion. But no idea really, so curious to see what it is.
  25. JoshC.

    2021 Season

    Yes upon another look I realised that the current placement is awful (and I assume that will be the location it's set to stay in). And not very good for Covid. Frankly, most of the time bag rooms are an unnecessary expense which the parks could do without. And, for example, I haven't noticed any major issues with throughputs when Towers got rid of most of theirs. But yes, the solution here is just another bad bottleneck unfortunately. The ideal situation would see the bag room modified and repurposed into a locker space, but that is an upfront cost of course. Hopefully they see the worth in doing that. The beach is cleaned and repainted most closed seasons (all, I think?). Presumably yes, there's a level of legality involved in doing so, but it is something that is usually consistently done every year
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