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Everything posted by MattyMoo

  1. I saw this announcement straight after booking a 2 day visit for 17th and 18th September... nothing like getting the adrenaline up straight away is there? 😆
  2. There's no way whatsoever that'll be back next year. Was good though, a nice touch.
  3. Especially when you look at Legoland and Viking's River Splash. That ride must be newer as I remember supplying the reinforcement for it 😆
  4. This. All the more reason why I'm probably unlikely to drop £8 per run through with the chance of it being ruined by a complete twonk.
  5. Me old mucker @JoshC. speculated that it may be a "party gone wrong" type maze - because the easter eggs you can buy are for the Guest List and Bottles. Which got me thinking. Project Sophie Sophie Ellis Bextor Murder On the Dancefloor. Ridiculous? Or possible?
  6. So the new maze is codenamed "Project Sophie" Is that picture relevant or from a previous maze? I don't recognise it... Other options for buying your own eAsteR EgG in Project Sophie is the "Guest List" and "Name a Bottle". However, in true inconsistent Merlin style, it's then referred to as Project Sofi should you wish to purchase one of these once in a lifetime incredible and definitely will be seen on your one run through easter eggs checkout page:
  7. Nonsense. Taziker are doing it after their successful work on the COLOSSOS RIDE at the Thorpe Park Resort.
  8. I'm gonna throw "THE VOID" into the ring as a possible name. Likely completely wrong, but it came to me in a dream about easter eggs and nodding. Also, since Thorpe have started the Fright Nights advertising, expect Tulleys to tease/update on their (sort of) 3 new additions for this year (1 new maze, retheme of THE ISLAND, new live show cos no more Circus of Horrors)
  9. Josh is spot on. All I will say is, last year even on a "quieter" Fright Night I very nearly didn't get all 3 mazes completed that I'd paid for. Had no idea we were "supposed" to keep an hour for each maze, and that's coming from someone who is in the cOmMunItY and not just a casual Thorpe attendee. We ended up queuing 90 minutes for Stitches as I recall last year, and we started queuing 10 minutes after the evening timeslot started. Survival Games after seemed to take forever to queue for.... We got to Trailers mere minutes before it closed, meaning that we were the very last group, and had the sort of run through that only press night VIPs normally get 😅 Make no mistake, I throw no shade at any actors as they always work their socks off, but there's only so much you can do with large groups as maze staff try and clear the queues. I would have loved to have spent longer in Stitches but sadly that wasn't possible and it became a conga line with the next group. My Survival Games run through was below average because a severe lack of actors in the "arena" that's normally swarming with them for the vloggers. Anyway - new maze - it's in the Black Mirror building people have worked out from coordinates in the video/photo Thorpe posted. So what are we thinking? Evidently darkness is the theme of sorts... Vampires? spirits? Just lots of pitch black? To be fair, if done well, lots of darkness could lead to maximum scares....
  10. Blimey that spashdown looks horrific... bet that gets turned off in the near future.
  11. Must be getting near teaser time, no? I'm going for the 4 paid mazes prediction - Stitches, Survival Games, Trailers (for it's last year, I reckon) and then a 4th new maze in the old Black Mirror area. £10 a maze, but book all 4 and its £35. No Crows this year cos Hyperia M E G A Q U E U E. I know at the moment it's being housed on the Hyperia plaza, but I can't see that being big enough for peak Fright Nights? Or maybe I'm wrong - but even if they do just keep it to the Hyperia plaza, having Crows round there too is a heck of a lot of people around there - unless they run it the other way round, with the exit being at the Saw end maybe? Either way, you still have a lot of people in the same area. Interesting times.
  12. Rumba - I'm pretty sure - is one of the most expensive rides to run... so that would make sense when they are running it as adults only as I reckon they are thinking that families will ride it after lunch after doing some coasters - and obviously the numerous school trips can't ride it at all.
  13. Thorpe Park ride availability warns they cannot guarantee instant golden moments from park opening according to ride availability.
  14. Swarm is running on one train it would appear, judging by ride availability.
  15. Agree with all of the above. I don't always ride Detty, but when I do, I remember what a beast it is - and every time, I find that height intimidating, still.
  16. Saw seems to be having issues today, with engineers on the lift hill. Obvs very jealous of all the attention Hyperia is getting.
  17. Only one train at the moment 🫥
  18. I agree Marc, it a massive difference from previous down time and reopening day 2.0. I guess maybe they are trying to downplay it a bit to avoid more negative press, but I just think they probably should have pinned to the front page on the website that Hyperia was down on Wednesday and that they couldn't guarantee it would be open on Thursday but were trying their best to open (because I don't doubt that was the case for one second!) Let's be honest though, the moment this happened, even this most positive fan would have to admit Hyperia was going to almost certainly be down for at least a day, unless Thorpe were hiding a crane somewhere on site. Fingers crossed Hyperia is behaving herself come school holidays are in full swing. It's crazy that there's been only 8 days of public operation (one could argue it's more like 7 and a half with the downtime on the Saturday).
  19. I will say this again, I REALLY don't think Thorpe are making a big enough point about this. I get it, it sucks, and as much as the information is there - it's not exactly smacking you in the face unlike the previous downtime - and unfortunately, I really think it SHOULD be - forearmed is forewarned, and this is their signature attraction, that's on social media and adverts all over the place.
  20. Next Thorpe video with Alice on the thumbnail head in hands "This is the video we NEVER thought we'd have to make 😔" Jokes aside, the fact there's no pinned post or notice on their socials or website saying Hyperia is shut, is pretty poor and not at a par with their recent form...
  21. Photo stolen from the Twitters... Golden Day is getting closer....
  22. The joys of scheduled posts innit. That said, they could have just... unscheduled them? Good to see work happening so quickly - because it needs to! Thoughts and prayers for Hyperia to get to double digits of days of operation soon.
  23. Think Thorpe have dropped the ball a bit by not announcing last night that it wouldn't be open today. Appreciate that "if you know you know" and wouldn't travel down today under the circumstances, but not everyone is that savvy...
  24. I wouldn't expect so to be honest. Would love it to. They need to now, I would assume, get a mobile crane back on site to lift the train off the track. Once that's done, it then needs to get put back on the track, and I would imagine, some considerable testing again before it reopens as they won't want it happening again...
  25. From the MAP FB group - the train is indeed having a little rest next to Saw. More downtime for Saw incoming whilst they fix it's misbehaving new neighbour then...
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