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About Cernuschi

  • Birthday 02/25/1991

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  1. There's noting "wrong" with it - I just find the logo a bit bland, but as simple as possible seems to be the modern way, though others are a bit more clever with their design. Just feels like something is missing from it...
  2. Thorpe Park - now in my 30's I am free to travel further and even though its the closest to me, I have had very little appetite to visit for the last 10 years. Hyperia may change that - maybe it will even entice me to not wait another 10 years!
  3. Assuming its the same as last year - yes you can book individually. Went last year and only did Darkest Depths as was the only one I could convince my other half to do! Can't remember the price but I do suggest booking a timeslot as soon as you can as the evening slots do go quickly from what we experienced. Its a great event - have fun!
  4. Honestly I don't think you can be too old - its something you and possibly your kids can enjoy together. I have thought "am I too old" when visiting some parks before - mainly Thorpe and Alton, not because of the the thrill of the rides themselves, or the other guests that are in the parks, but just their general presentation. As we all know, there are many discussions and criticisms of the overall look and feel of the UK parks. Sometimes I wonder if I just wasn't as picky in my teen years as I am now. But every time I (now rarely, maybe once a year) visit our "top" UK theme parks, I'm just constantly annoyed by how dirty, old and unmaintained some of our parks have become. But then I visit parks abroad, the Europa's, Disney, Universal, etc. and then realise, not its not me - the parks in the UK just aren't up to the standard of ones abroad and that really puts me off visiting them. Being older, I am able to travel to these foreign parks as much as I wish - and I for one would rather spend my money on a park I enjoy and don't constantly think to myself "this place looks cheap and tacky". Nostalgia sometimes skews our vision of what a park once was - but I dont think in this case that is true, the UK parks just aren't what they used to be - in my eyes anyway. I was looking at some old pictures of Legoland on ThemeParkGuide the other day, what a beautiful park that used to be! So can you be too old - no - but you definitely appreciate different elements of a themepark which may, as is in my case, alter which ones you decide to visit.
  5. Can Thorpe buy it back from themselves?
  6. I agree with this. If they really are learning from the past (good and bad) - Wicker Man has been very successful and it may swing them towards a more "thrilling" version for Thorpe. Its success is probably a combination of the ride itself and the effort put into theming, but it seems to have been a winning formula for them.
  7. In all honesty what they really need to do it apply KISS principle - "keep it simple stupid". DBGT was a classic example of trying to do too much, became way to complicated, unreliable and expensive. They would be far better off just putting in something solid without any stupid gimmick. Even something like RMC Raptor which is small footprint and they have now built enough of to find any faults. I know they love having "worlds first" - but take a leaf out of the automotive world - you don't buy the first cars off the line as this where all the faults are found! Just build a credible ride which has proven history of pleasing the public. You don't need to throw millions at developing something completely new.
  8. Cernuschi

    2020 Season

    Sad to read but I can definitely relate to this. I have followed Thorpe and the forum for many years (often just a reader) - but I really feel the park just has nothing left to offer for me. Maybe I have grown out of it, but then again this shouldn't be the case for a "thrill" park, plus I love going to many other family parks, Disney, Europa, Alton to name a few. I just feel the park now has very little to offer compared to most others. It looks run down, the rides are in general ok but nothing outstanding, and I feel my money is better spent elsewhere. Yes I now have the money and freedom to travel wherever I want, but Thorpe as a business should be still trying to draw me in as a person who loves themeparks. You have to spend money to make money, and whilst they may be short of it at the moment, the money they have spent over the last few years may as well have been thrown down the drain. Poor management and poor decision have led to the park becoming what it is today, a shadow of what it once was. Even with "average rides" the look and feel of the place can make a huge difference, and all I see is poor maintenance, rapidly deteriorating quality, and a "that will do" attitude. As James May would say, it just doesn't give me "the fizz". I will still follow this forum and the park, and I do hope it can turn things around, but changes in its management and direction are clearly needed.
  9. Well its now come out that most businesses insurance won't cover them anyway, and the few ones that do - what has been said by the government already is enough. Typical insurance really, thinking you are safe when you have it, to soon be told your not covered on this occasion. Honestly you can't believe anything nowadays - medias looking for quick story to make the situation sound even worse. I do feel for so many of these businesses now going into the unknown.
  10. Ignore the commentary but look how great the new area is shaping up. Oh how I wish Paulton's made a sister adult orientated park - or I just need to have kids some time soon 🤣
  11. So it may not be Paramount (may need a topic re-name), but this park looks to still be alive after ITV (and a number of others) have signed a deal to be involved with the park. Very interesting to see if this does happen, how it will turn out. Merlin will be following this closely - it may give them the kick they need! https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/apr/29/ready-for-the-corrie-coaster-itv-signs-up-to-uks-disneyland
  12. Went on it today, German efficiency at its best I must say. Queue moved so quickly, only queued for 10 minutes including paying which for a Saturday night I thought was brilliant! The ride was awesome, faster than I expected. Really please I got to tick this one off my list!
  13. From some of the images it still looks like there is a round turntable next to the lift hill (the lift hill drops slightly at the end of the incline) but I could be wrong. Mainly going off the images on our favourite news website and there is also a video showing the lift working: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3869782/Tragedy-Australian-theme-park-four-people-CRUSHED-death-Thunder-River-Rapids-water-ride-flips-over.html
  14. To me it looks like the turntable may have stopped but the lift kept on going forcing one of the boats to rise up on the other. Sensor failure possibly. Very sad for everyone involved.
  15. The Daily Mail are at it again. It is just laughable! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3569610/Horrifying-moment-riders-heard-screaming-stuck-upside-half-hour-new-Alton-Towers-rollercoaster.html
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