9 times yesterday, including the front and back on both sides...It's fab, and surprisingly intense through the final inline, it's perfect for Thorpe because it's one of two rides at the park I get off and want to go on again, especially after the first time...So first time was a 60-90 minute queue due to one train operation. However after a 20 minute odd shutdown the second train appeared and halved the queue greatly, very quickly moving although I would NOT want to go over to the other side of the island's queue. Especially as you get so close to get on only to have to vanish off to a hidden cattlepen... Ew...Went front row first time (as there was no queue) and they had no tickets. Fail. However after some communication between staff (or very lacking) we were allowed through and told the batcher we were for the front, and we were on...Getting up to the top and realising the drop's style is so different and amazing. I much prefer being flipped over on the right than the left, however both are good. It certainly builds and keeps the speed more than Raptor did, as seen by the difference in the speed the final inlines are taken at the end. The headrush through the final inline as well is brilliant (although after essentially 8 times in a row, is too much for me)...As for the area, it's nicely themed although looks unfinished due to the mass of dirt at the other end. Next 3 years needs to hurry up in that respect. But overall it does the job well. The instrumental version of the YMAS song was actually pretty good and fitted well, and the news program showed a great amount of effort had been put into it, especially as it was (I think) around a 30 minute loop. So long enough to avoid boredom.Easily the best ride in the park, even with Inferno running the best I've ever ridden it. But I need to have a think before I put it in the top 10. However it most definitely gets a 9/10...Better than Raptor? I think Raptor's overall package might give it the edge. But Swarm is more intense in ways. The rides are hard to judge in comparison because they both do well what the other one doesn't. But they are both brilliant rides and I hope the Wing-Rider becomes an extremely popular type. Because that's 2 for 2 on great rides.