Sunday 23rd March
The Swarm x3
X x3
Rumba Rapids x3 (Not really sure why!)
Stealth x2
Nemesis Inferno x1
Saw: The Ride x1
Colossus x1
One train operation on all major coasters until at least 1pm (apart from Stealth). Colossus didn't even go up to two trains at all.
Slammer closed despite the park stating clearly that it was going to be open. Bollocks to that.
X having the bag drop at the entrance is stupid, creates queues where there isn't really room for them.
Very, very slow dispatches today, even once second trains had been added.
Calypso BBQ took 20 minutes to queue (wasn't even that long), then 40 minutes for our food to arrive. Plus it was freezing cold!
A member of staff went into the Asylum building today whilst we were in the Inferno shop and it has been turned into a lecture room with a screen
Parkwide audio was awful today, lots of it not on and randomly coming on for 5 minutes then going off again. Sort it out! Also, no entrance theme!
Smokers outside of designated zones, staff did nothing.
Apart from that, lovely day!