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About Han30

  • Birthday 08/08/1980

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    Phantasialand & Efteling

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    More chocolate

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  1. Thorpe, Chessie and Legoland are all under 30 miles from where I live but I’m closer by a few miles to Legoland which is the hardest to get to out of the 3 by public transport (I don’t drive). I barely visit Legoland - once a year, maybe 2 at a push. I went on opening day of Minifigure Speedway and don’t have an urge to go back there anytime soon (too damned busy/hilly!)
  2. Just remembered another one I had a good few years ago where Thorpe switched rides around - I distinctly remember people going down Depth Charge in a singular swarm seat (with restraint). Pretty sure Rumba boats were going down Storm Surge and boats from Storm Surge were on Rapids.
  3. I can see why a lot of people rate it so highly - it is in my top 3 UK coasters. However I have only ridden it once on opening day so it’s hard to gauge - I feel like I need a decent amount of rides on it and front and back etc to come to that conclusion. I was very much wowed by it and look forward to (hopefully) another ride in a couple of weeks (if it’s working!)
  4. This made me laugh so much 🤣🤣 that’s some anger directed at a coaster - ”flaky bast**d had me howling 😭🤣
  5. Went today for opening day and had one of the best days at Thorpe in a long time. There was just a great energy there, guests seemed happy, staff were brilliant. It’s the first opening day I have attended for a coaster at Thorpe and I’m glad I went. Of late I have become quite critical of Thorpe and wasn’t even hugely excited for Hyperia despite following the construction but seeing it for the first time in person flying around the track was awesome. Then - riding it - wow!! It’s only my second hyper coaster and my 70th cred (which is crazy low for an old gal like me 🤣). Honestly I was blown away by the entire ride experience. Was great to see people on the trains coming out of the station genuinely excited then returning clapping and cheering - to be a small part of that was fab and I’ve sort of gone from not wanting to continue with my pass once I’m out of my 12 months to really wanting to keep it. I think Hyperia will make a massive impact on the park for a long time to come and it feels that this is exactly what Thorpe Park have needed for a good few years
  6. I have a monthly one for £20.99 which started Aug last year. I took a year off from parks the year prior and before that I had a Merlin pass since 2013 - started with Merlin Membership standard pass then they phased out the pay monthly ones so I moved to Platinum. The year before I took a break I had a Gold annual pass which never scanned and was a pain at Thorpes turnstiles. I now have platinum pay monthly and when I’m out of my contract I will either move to a Gold monthly pass or take some more time off. Back in 2002/2003 I had a Tussauds off peak 2 park pass for Chessie and Thorpe on off peak days - cost £35 and got a lot of use out of it. I live in Surrey so am only about 25 miles from Thorpe, Lego and Chessie but don’t actually visit a huge amount currently
  7. That’s pretty p1ss poor! Anyone know what’s going on with Scorpion Express while I’m here? I’ve not visited Chessie yet this year and honestly don’t feel a need to - except maybe for the sea lions…..and capybaras….and the lorikeets only if they don’t crap on me 🤣
  8. I visited DLP in 2000 and always wanted to go back - 23 years later and I’ve not yet returned. Other than that I went 11 years not visiting Thorpe Park - I had a pass in 2001/2002 and visited a fair amount then life happened. Back then I wasn’t a huge thrill seeker (Tidal Wave was my limit) but I was an enthusiast and followed the construction of Colossus then was too scared to ride it when it opened 🤣. Fast forward 11 years to 2013 and I revisited and finally put my big girl pants on (with the help of some awesome members on here) and beat my fear of heights and/or puking on some poor unsuspecting person sat next to me (god bless motion sickness meds)
  9. Han30


    I’m actually kind of gutted about this - I love water rides and haven’t ridden Viking River Splash in years as it’s always been closed with the exception of 2021 where it had an absolutely massive queue (so I think that popularity isn’t necessarily an issue?). My only criticism of it is it can be incredibly rough and I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking a child on as it hits those side with such force at time that you really have to brace yourself.
  10. I’m quite partial to a bit of Rage (adventure island)
  11. Call me harsh but I think anyone caught doing this should be swiftly kicked out - it shows zero respect and makes the place look awful.
  12. I remember pre covid going on tiger rock with a friend who had to leave the station to go to the loo - it was a busy day with a queue of well over an hour - I assumed and had no issue sharing a boat with others but they just stuck me in one by myself which is ridiculous. I love Paultons Park and I hope it continues to excel as it has been doing in recent years but this country needs more competition when it comes down to theme parks. Merlin I feel are far too complacent because they have the monopoly and in turn it feels like they really don’t care if guests have an enjoyable day or not. It’s seems to be all about £££ It does seem at the moment that Chessington doesn’t have the best reputation in terms of ride availability and ride reliability - Jumanji area looks decent enough. The fact they have a soon to be opening B&M coaster (something I never thought I’d see) is brilliant but it’s not great if majority of the other big rides aren’t available. I only visited Chessington twice last year and the last visit was unbearable - one of the worst days I’ve had at a theme park (thankfully I was with a friend, her little boy and her partner so the company was fab). Hopefully things will improve but only time will tell
  13. It’s late and I’m waiting for my meds to kick in so I had a gander - I don’t use tik tok or Snapchat and had no idea who she is. Apparently she’s a 15 year old YouTuber/Tik tok thingy thing - loads of followers, don’t know why - seems you can get famous from not doing a whole lot these days. Wow I sound like a miserable old cow 🤣
  14. *New for 2023* Rollback reimagined
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