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Everything posted by JackR

  1. People who spread stuff, that ends up dropping you in sh*t...
  2. Just noticed how the supports will be on land that is not accessible to the public. I remember a while back somebody mentioning how the island and plane scenery will be overwhelmed by huge supports but these plans both show that most of the supports wont be there for you to walk around. I think even though they are still there, it's not like you have to wander through a forest of supports to get to where you want.It's also interesting to see how the island will be surrounded by themed Steel Mesh fencing and the queue will have themed fencing around the parts visible to the passers by (something not on any other ride at Thorpe) and, for obvious reasons, regular Steel Mesh around the start of the lift hill. Looking at some of the plans in more detail really gives an idea as to what the area will exactly look like, such as how the food kiosk will be surrounded by tall fencing and a smaller timber queue line will be constructed for it. Also how part of the queue with grass in will be blocked off by a tall wooden fence to block the view of the toilets and back of the ride...
  3. 'STRICTLY ADVANCE BOOK 28th - 31st October', regardless of how busy it will be, I wouldn't run the risk at all. Thorpe have told us its advance booking only so it's inevitable you won't be able to get them on the gate.
  4. Has an imense knowledge of roller coasters, is a comical genius and I have had various interesting conversations involving drawing layouts for the 2015 roller coaster :lol:Edit: My post was for Sidders but Liam posted before I did... :ninja:But Liam never fails to make me laugh and is addicted to Angry Birds
  5. JackR

    Youtube Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3iOROuTuMAEdit: Sidders does an amazing impression of Salad Fingers
  6. Kitty Brucknell and the other girl group I don't know the name of are going in it later. It's gunna be on the X-tra factor btw.
  7. Waited all day to see Saw: Alive on strictly, and they showed about 5 seconds of it. What they did show was a load of **** too!Experiment 10 on X-Factor better be scarier/longer than that because I actually want to see what it looks like inside as I remember jack **** from that maze.
  8. You **** the bed and have puffy wuffy hair.....
  9. Liam and Sidders are too addicted to Angry Birds to even be sociable. As much as they are good men, their Angry Birds addictions are going too far...
  10. The past 6 things I've been sent by Liam or Lauren over Skype...
  11. ^I was about to post that! So I took the opportunity to edit it...
  12. It's been twice since I saw this worker James. First time was 2 years ago when he started singing Baby by Justin Beiber on Saw: The Ride. I also saw him earlier this year where he started singing a cheeky bit of High School Musical on Storm Surge. Two boys I was with said they saw him at Fright Nights whilst me and some others were in the mazes. He apparently shook their hands and said ''It has been an emotional roller coaster spending time with you guys'' when they left the ride they were on. It's the staff members like these that make a trip to Thorpe worthwhile and I've been looking for him every time I go now.The one thing I do hate about the staff though is that when you put your belongings in on of the blue boxes, they never move unless you actually put it in the box. I went to the desk at Stealth and asked for one of the wristbands and the man refused to give it to me unless I put my shoulder bag (which was too big to fit in) into the blue box. I know it saves them effort but if the workers are going to put the box in one of the shelves then can't they just put the bag in as the go? I was in a rush as all my mates were already by the red gate things and it just held everybody up. o.O
  13. JackR

    Youtube Videos

    man's laugh makes this video :')This is also pretty funny:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTONQkDplXE
  14. A Krake themed horror maze for Heide Park next year... A quote from a press conference:''- New horrormaze based on an old ship wreck. Visitors walk through a galley, armory, dark labyrinth and a suspension bridge. There are 20 actors in the maze to walk that scare you.- Next year is 2 million euros invested in the further thematization of the pirate area. (which includes the horrormaze)- The wreck of the drop comes from cracking. The marine wrap is + / - 5 stories high.''Should be interessting to see how this ends up compared to Saw: Alive.(Credit to Coaster Force btw)The drop to Krake will also have the mouth added to it, again from the quote and credit to Coaster Force.
  15. JackR

    Youtube Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIc1GqXvM2A6:50-7:014:28-4:305:28-5:36This man is too funny :')
  16. Good luck, they are all very good. If you have time try to see the Barry and Stuart show, that's also very good.
  17. It's all half term so you can roughly guess though. Stick to that sort of order and do Asylum first and queue before it opens because that always pulls the most queues. The do Se7en and The Curse to kinda break the longer queues down and finish off with Experiment 10. If you don't have time for them all, I'd personally recommend either Asylum or Experiment 10 because they are rated the best. Have a great time though
  18. Get to Asylum at about half 3, and even though you will wait half an hour for it to open, it's quicker than waiting afterwards!Then go to Curse and Se7en in any order and they should have half an hour queues at maximum if yesterday is anything to go by. Then go to Experiment 10 and be prepared for a long queue for that. I've done that each time I've been this season and done them all fairly quickly and efficiently with not too much of a long wait for each.
  19. At least the corkscrews have a break between them though I guess. If the Colossus ones are anything to go by, any more than 2 is enough to brake your neck...
  20. Get to Asylum first. I got there half an hour before opening and was in 5 minutes after it started. On my way out I realised the queue was full. It's better to wait half an hour to get in than 2 hours or so! The Curse and Se7en had 20 minute queues and even though E 10 started off with a queue of 2 hours but at half 6 I queued half an hour for it (although it didn't seem it) This was yesterday and providing you do roughly that, you should do all the mazes in about 2 hours without facing huge queues. We done nothing but mazes and Barry and Stuart from half 3 and had done them all by 7pm... with a cheeky little trip to KFC in between
  21. I didn't see much other than some concrete blocks in place either side of the first drop. Maybe there for the plane wings? I took a picture but my SD card broke halfway through the day so I wont be able to post it. You can get a decent view of it from the Depth Charge queue though.
  22. I know I done a review the other week but I will do one quickly now.Got there for opening time and the atmosphere was completely dead. No music, not even the usual chart music was playing which would have made the cold, wet weather slightly more enjoyable to stand around in. The I.T systems at advanced ticket collection shut down and despite it being very busy and getting into the park 45 minutes later, Stealth and Nemesis Inferno were out of that way in about 20 minutes.I'm not sure if it was due to Fright Nights or we were just lucky, but Saw: Alive was the scariest I have ever seen it! There was plenty of actors and they were all really enthusiastic, really set the mood for the mazes later on. At 03:30pm we headed to Asylum to get to the front of the queue and were in after 5 minutes of it opening. The main body of the maze was as scary as usual but the ending was horrific! Asylum managed to shake me up a lot due to the ending and really left me with a positive feel about Fright Nights.The other mazes were all good, although E 10 was not at all scary to me this time. And we then headed to Barry and Stuart. That was fairly average and although they managed to pull a few laughs and perform some weird tricks, the ending was probably the strongest part of the show.We was supposed to stay until 10:00pm to re-do all the mazes, but we left at 08:00 because we had done everything and my Vans were all soaking wet. Apart from the start of the day, the atmosphere was fairly good and the mazes, apart from E10 have made massive improvements since last week. Over all I would give this years Fright Night a 9/10 based on my views of the last two visits I have made.
  23. Did you keep the box with the conditions, because if not your best off just booking advance tickets...
  24. Check the back of the ticket and see if it allows access on those daysEDIT: You cant use them...
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