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Everything posted by JackR

  1. Because no other park has requested for them to be done.
  2. Silver Dollar City have just screwed up big time by releasing the website for their new ride 12 days early! The site was only up for 20 minutes but that was enough for people to get all of the information... I'll spoiler the info if anybody cares to read it: Credit to a poster on Coasterforce.
  3. People who don't read signs. My mum being oblivious to the fact that disobeying the things can lead to consequences is a prime example. This is how our conversation went the other day at the high street: Me: ''Mum, you can't park here. There is a sign saying you may be fined if you do so.'' Mum: ''It's okay, were only popping into a shop for 5 seconds'' We return to find a ticket with a fine for £120 on our car window because somebody thought it was okay to disregard signs for '5 seconds'. I know that is a more extreme example, but it really pisses me off when people lack common sense or do stupid things knowing full well there could be consequences. URGH, some people are complete spacks.
  4. I wasn't planning on watching it, but I ended up going to Blackheath where they had a large screen up for the public to view it all together. The atmosphere was incredible with a couple of thousand people screaming, but to be honest I was more bothered about the little funfair rides towards the back...
  5. With the current exchange rate, tickets are about £24. Makes the £35 (or near enough that) you pay for Thorpe seem extortionate...
  6. Yeah I guessed it was him when I heard a distinct voice say: ''EVERYBODY STOMP YOUR FEET!''
  7. JackR


    Like every rollercoaster, Air has a gimmick. A very good one to be honest. It was the first of its kind, and a completely new experience to most people. The thing is though, eventually new roller coasters similar to Air were built and to us enthusiasts, who tend to know about most B&Ms, there is a simple question... Would you rather this: Or this: Or this: Or this: The dive machine model has not really advanced or expanded and despite taller, faster ones being built, Oblivion remains one of the best for the tension it builds up and the unique drop. Same with the inverts. Long story short, Air is old news compared to everything else, there is better out there and because Nemesis and Oblivion are so different in their own ways, they will always come out on top. The same principle applies for Nemesis Inferno. Look at it compared to Black Mamba, Montu and even Nemesis. I know which one I would pick... Only enthusiasts take this poll, and why would they put a mediocre flyer above a invert or Dive Machine that is widely regarded to be the best out there?
  8. Visited Chessie for the first time in a good few years today and needless to say, it was a great day out! I forgot how much I loved it there and despite the hot weather, there was minimal queues. Also had a cheeky shout-out over the mic from a mysterious stalker on Cobra... I was pretty shocked when they were saying my full name and commenting on my hair!
  9. Does this count as an inversion? Credit to TPR
  10. JackR


    As somebody rightly pointed out on Coasterforce, there is always the possibility that somebody is standing underneath the launch track when the cable snaps. I'm sure it could be fatal if a thick, heavy, metal cable swung and hit somebody at a high speed...
  11. I've waited four years for this film, and it's been ruined... Anyways, going to see it at the O2 tomorrow. Shame some **** on Facebook ruined the ending for me The Amazing Spiderman was also good, I preferred it to the first movie of the Toby Maguire trilogy, hopefully number two will be as good!
  12. Didn't Alton say that the Hamble Twins were caught last year? Could suggest a new maze is on the way, regardless of what it is...
  13. Some schools have broken up already, but for most this is the last week. /random contribution
  14. Do you mind me asking where you get this info from Stokesyboy? I'm quite interested about what may be going on behind the Merlin curtains here.
  15. I think that was just Saz making a guess. As far as were all concerned before Liam posted that horrible piece of news, Asylum was very likely to stay at Thorpe. That may be some of the worst news I have heard in ages if it is true... I love Asylum! Although I do see it fitting in very well at Alton. If this does happen and Thorpe get a replacement, it better be worthwhile...
  16. Gaah, the classic 'I know a secret but I'm not telling' I place my bets on The Curse going to Mutiny Bay.
  17. With THORPE PARK asking their focus group attendees to answer the question: 'What does fear mean to you?' I reckon that the park will attempt to make the mazes much scarier. I'm really hoping for a new replacement maze this year for The Curse although that seems extremely unlikely with the introduction of E10 last season. Anyway, this got me thinking about Fright Nights and even if the topic does remain dead for a couple of months; there is no harm in making one now! Post everything about this years event here, and hopefully over the coming months some info about the event will become clear...
  18. I want them to install this over night, so people only see the finished product; not all the bits in between (minus the hole in the ground and support thingy.) I doubt it will be that way, but it certainly would catch all us enthusiasts by surprise, let alone the general public!
  19. Because it is complete and utter crap compared to everything else. There's a reason The Swarm is not the most disliked ride there... Does Storm Surge really have a fighting chance compared to the record-breaking Intamins and sexy B&Ms?
  20. Gawd I usually eat loads of fruit/veg. For those of you who would actually are to read this (probably none of you...) this is what I eat. Breakfast- A nectarine or peach. Sometimes mango. Afterschool- A plate of green and red pepper/carrots/cucumber/rocket/tomato before din dins and usually a preach or nectarine after my dinner. Then I usually have an apple or something later on in the night. So yeah, my mum tends to shove fruit and veg down my throat everyday which keeps me quite healthy I guess. Having said that, this week I've had 4 Burger Kings, 2 McDonalds and a KFC...
  21. http://www.itv.com/r...unts/do-or-die/ ^I think your right, this is the video and I'm pretty certain that it is the same parachute as the one in the Heightworks video above. Just to be pedantic, the colour of the parachute proves nothing. It COULD be evidence that suggests it was part of the show. The colour of a sheet of plastic doesn't completely 100% demonstrate that your statement is correct Now that I got that out of my system... Heightworks provide safety equipment for things like industrial climbs etc. I'd imagine that all the wires and clips that were in the video were provided by Heightworks. Here is their website incase anyone is interested: http://www.heightworks.com/home
  22. This was also posted on Cedar Point's Facebook page. Things may get pretty exciting now.
  23. The Leviathan statue also spurts steam out of the nostril holes. Just though I would say... Lets put two and two together here though... You can see in the picture that there is some sort of a metal support thing that looks like it is there to hold something up. There is also a Studio North van on site. I'm sure you can work the rest out. In all seriousness, if there was to be something here that required water or electricity, wouldn't there be some pipes/wires exposed? It looks as if any potential wires and pipes have been concreted over. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of vehicle or large chunk of debris that is placed so it looks like it has fallen from the skies. I can imagine a car of some sort that is place in the ground with its boot in the air and bonnet driven into the ground. Maybe a pit around it due to the impact with some debris and possibly even some smoke..? I may be looking too far into this, but it is speculation.
  24. I was fortunate enough to visit Towers last weekend (I'm about 5 hours away for those of you that don't know), so I got back on some of the rides for the first time since 2010. Nemesis ended up being shut as the pit flooded but it eventually reopened at the end of the day. Despite already having ridden it, everyone else in my group insisted on making air the last ride of the day as it is 'better'... DAFUQ? Anyway, here is my list: 1) Nemesis- Forceful, fun and great themeing/atmosphere 2) Oblivion- A lot of tension is built up whilst waiting. I got a couple of rides on Sheikra earlier this year and I must say, I still think Oblivion beats it in the scare department. 3) The Swarm- It's different, and that first drop 4) Nemesis Inferno- Forceful, but does leave me light headed from time to time. 5) Air- Pretty dull IMO. Nothing on Manta and the crazyness of 'flying' wares off after the concrete tunnel... And that is my list.
  25. I remember seeing some pictures of that actually. I put 'apparently' at the start because I was a bit confused myself. Still thought it was worth a mention though
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