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Everything posted by JackR

  1. JackR

    The Banning Game

    Banned for liking the monstrosity that is 'Up Butt Coconut'.
  2. JackR

    The Smiler

    The above picture shows pretty well just how small the Saw: The Ride station (as you all know, another Gerstlauer) actually is compared to the 100ft drop. Surely there is no need for a station as big as 100ft for SW7 if there is no desire to build some sort of key track element/manoeuvre such as a drop from Alton? The drop inside Saw is not that big, even though it does go under ground level a little bit, and that manages to turn my tummy over every time so I reckon there may be a fairly large drop inside the SW7 station. I know LiamT posted further up the page that the station is now a bit smaller, but Th13teen is only 60ft and a steep drop with a bit of speed of that height would really pack a punch if the one on Saw: The Ride is anything to go by. I can't think of any reason as to why the station would be so tall, other than to contain track and unless the queue line winds all the way up, and there is then a drop, there must be a lift hill to carry the car up to the roof of the station. Judging by the plans, we can almost guarantee the 'worlds first' gimmick is going to be inside the station building, so unless that somehow involves 100ft (or less) worth of containment, I wouldn't be surprised to see a fairly large drop and maybe even a third lift hill inside. Only a guess, but speculation none the less.
  3. JackR

    The Banning Game

    . Yours is a multiple of 5 so it's okay I guess... Now I have no admissible reason to ban you, BANNED FOR HAVING A PENGUIN AS YOUR AVATAR.
  4. I actually couldn't stop laughing when I saw it Surely she would have noticed though..?
  5. Not sure if it's been bought up, and I know this isn't really the place... But there is Stealth statues too! I'm sure there is ones for Nemesis and Oblivion as well but don't quote me on that one...
  6. Urgh. I've actually been so stressed out over the past two days. All I've spent them doing is revising and my mum has had a fit because I started too close to my exams (R.S- 15th June).The past few days she has been incredibly stressed out over every little thing and I'm not sure why, which means crossing her path is not a good idea. She has cancelled my trip to Alton on Monday because she's a moody ***** so all I have to look forward to over the next 10 days is a trip to Thorpe and lots of revision. I doubt I will be able to go out much because I don't want to ask for money and I have no way of getting it for myself because I can't find/get a job quickly enough, (I'm 14 for those of you who don't know). I'm incredibly stressed over exams/mother being stressy and as a result a rash has broken out all around my mouth which doesn't seem to go away. I know it doesn't seem that bad at all compared to what others have to deal with in day to day life, but I'm feeling tired, stressed and unable to talk to my mum or dad because all they seem to be doing is getting annoyed with me. (My Dad has sided with my mum in all of this and he won't listen to me at all because he seems to be incapable of letting me speak a single word without butting in telling me I'm being 'rude' or 'cheeky'). I fear that if my whole holiday is like this then I will not have a chance to relax, not get any effective revision done and I will go back to school stressed out and with a bright red rash on my face...
  7. JackR

    2013 Changes

    Well it would tie in I guess. Seeing that the firetruck is there and Relish place is loosely themed to The Swarm, it's not as if there would be one attraction, then a blank area by Depth Charge then another area with the same theme. (Kind of hard to put into words, but with the firetruck and theming at the food outlet present, the space between the two attractions will not be themed to Atlantis or left blank).As for Saw: Alive being re themed to a Swarm thing, how would that work? It's like saying a Nemesis Inferno Bolt on Attraction could be placed Next to Tidal Wave... Saw: Alive has been around for 2 years and it would hardly be worth spending the money re theming it already. The Saw Plaza is based around Saw, and what with the partnership agreements and how the ride is still being marketed a little bit, I'm sure putting a Sawrm ride there would not go down too well. As much of a great idea it is, I personally couldn't see it follow through.
  8. Hey All, three friends and I all have Merlin Standard Annual Passes and were hoping to attend the Easter 'Mash Up' event on Monday 9th. Will there be an extra £5 charge like at Fright Nights because for the past 3 years I have had my pass, I've never been charge for Sun Scream and that is also a special event I guess. I've looked all over the Thorpe Website and it just doesn't say, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. I voted excellent. Great theming, great ride and a great feel of devastation where ever you go on the island. Ohhhhhh, I don't think I've mentioned this yet; I actually love the toilets, despite their lack of theming! I made excuses to go in there just for the hand dryers.
  10. Minus the annoying facial expression and ear piercing, I think it was meant to be more like this guy here.
  11. Typical, I looked at all the spoilers for Sub-Terra thinking I would not be riding it any time soon and today I found out I'm going Alton in the Summer Can't wait to ride despite the fairly crap reviews.
  12. A POV for those who are interested.
  13. I saw him today a couple of times at Thorpe as it goes, once he was filming for his new YouTube channel and the other time he was getting ready to be taken by THE SWARM for the 24th time! He really is a nice guy and as you said, he is very easy to talk to. I wonder how many people come up to him at The Towers
  14. That's quite funny, I saw his Facebook status update today was something along the lines of 'about to get on Vampire' He really is a lovely person and quite interesting to talk to, even my mum (who absolutely despises rides of all kinds, except Small Small World) wanted to watch some of his videos after meeting him at Alton Towers! How long did it take for you to process your AP btw, my dad is getting one tomorrow and I don't want to waste any valuable Swarm time sitting in the Annual Pass Office.
  15. This is a quaint village that has been attacked by an alien race, not a camping site. If your talking about the Corporate Gazebo being out of place then wouldn't camping tents be too? (I know the gazebo is a different kettle of fish, but you know what I mean.) Thorpe were hardly going to move their Conference/Meeting Gazebo just for The Swarm were they? They are restricted for space as it is, and changing its location would be costly and kind of stupid because its current location is quite out of the way (well it was before The Swarm came along) and fairly picturesque in comparison to the rest of the park. Once again, The Swarm's theme is based around a small village in which the military arrived at to help people out, hence the actors dressed as soldiers. In my opinion, the idea of the shipping container shop is that it has been quickly set up by the army so that survivors can get supplies they urgently need in this time of distress. You wouldn't see a normal shop named 'emergency supplies' would you? The island is fairly tight for space, or it seems to be judging from pictures (I will make my own judgement tomorrow) and the far end of the island is an opening for Island A, the proposed area for the 2015 area. Thorpe will not invest in some buildings that will need to be moved/taken down by 2015. As for the other borders of the island, It looks like there is no room for two story buildings and they would be quite expensive to construct. Unless you are talking about cardboard cut outs which would just look tacky.I will make my judgement on the island tomorrow and might put up a review, to join the several others on here already
  16. JackR

    2013 Changes

    I could just imagine a well themed ride to tie in well with Inferno and Mr Monkey's. Some sort of jungle tribe has been discovered or a temple of some sort would be the sort of thing I could imagine for that area. That does raise the question as to what would happen to Asylum next year though because surely a decent sized flat would take up the queue area and possibly even the building that houses Asylum?
  17. You ninja'd me by over a day Val There is this cheesy documentary too, which as hard as it may seem to believe, is one of the better ones the park have produced. The first girl had the presenting skills of a fish...
  18. JackR


    I bet I can maı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨ke you wipe your screen.
  19. So for those who have now actually been on The Swarm, what do you prefer if you got the opportunity to ride both sides?
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