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Everything posted by Mitchada04

  1. Didn't they make passholer days 5 in the end? It's technically 4 everyday this week with select rides open til 5 apart from tomorrow where there is an event taking place in the evening.
  2. It's not fair to say that Thorpe have a high disregard for their past either. The park that keeps almost everything! They've got 3 or 4 Fungle cars lying around in excellent condition, some of the old mascot heads, posters, signs, even the front of shuttle X5! Whilst the carousel will be leaving, we don't know what they'll do with the features on it. They'll probably trash the horses and keep the rangers and old ride vehicles where possible in the Thrills Workshop. I highly doubt they'll completely obliterate it all! Maybe Mr Rabbit can go rabid and try and kill you in three finale to the dark ride? Plus, if they keep all the carousel pieces then they can redo Dead End win some more of the parks history
  3. Would love to give this a go and if all my exams are out the way (and I can be bothered to sort a passport) heck why not
  4. It does not take all the engineers on Park to fix Colossus. Half the engineers probably aren't even trained to fix Colossus! It takes one or two engineers to get Slammer up in the morning so Colossus being broken won't be the reason Slammer has yet to open. And I've ridden Inferno a good 10 times this year at 9:15 with it on two trains. So yes it is just coincidence that on 90% of your visits LC that Inferno has opened on one train. I've seen Colossus open on one train or late more times this year than I have on Inferno. So every visit is different for you Inferno seems the bad one for me Colossus is the one that is hardly open on 2 trains. It always changes.
  5. http://documents.runnymede.gov.uk/AnitePublicDocs/00159371.pdf This document implies that the baggage, retail and preshow will all be incorporated in one section with the attraction building part 1 and 2 being separate. The fact it has a baggage room is good though as it means it will at least throw you around a bit unlike Duel and Tomb Blaster where you take your bags with you or have odd cars where you can't place your bags on the floor (maybe no floor?).
  6. Do you honestly think Thorpe want to have Swarm open on one train in the morning (especially over Fright Nights which it has been doing)? I know it may come across this way but it really isn't! Maybe there is something wrong with the second train in the morning meaning it is taking longer to service. And for all those times it opens on one train, other times it opens on two! Multiple time during the summer all the coasters opened by 9:30 on two trains so it just goes to show problems do occur! I went to Towers in August, Rita opened on one train at 10 then they added the second at 10:30. It's not just Thorpe. Would you rather they just didn't open Swarm until it was ready on two trains? Things break down, they try and fix them. Even if you've got the most amazing engineering team in the world things still break down you can't stop that happening. If they have to wait for a part then they have to wait. Not much they can do in that situation other than unnecessarily stock spares for ever single part of every single ride. Also they don't open rides on one train to boost Fastrack sales. Engineering have their job, to open the rides on the specified capacity for that day (which over FN is two trains so that's what they work on). Sometimes because they're too busy getting the rides up and running they don't have time to fix the effects (management would rather an open ride than a ride open 2 hours late because they were fixing a swinging blade effect). Ride hosts don't make up queue times to boost Fastrack sales, maybe they're too busy trying to operate the ride safely and at a good throughput than to be faffing around with queue times (why they now have someone walking around with an Ipad updating queue times but they can all still change so quickly).
  7. Inset days are the worst though. That's why the Friday just gone (24th) was so busy for what should have been a fairly quiet day because of inset days or people finishing college early. People who work full time as well might take the day off to go on this date as it suits them better. Basically, they won't have decided to make it a Fright Night if they weren't expecting a substantial number of people after all it is an expensive event to run due to all the actors!
  8. Dark rides can be better than roller coasters or flat rides. They give a complete experience, a story that you are part of much more, guests can be involved! Spiderman, Forbidden Journey, Tower of Terror!!!! Not boring or slow, just because dark rides in the UK aren't brilliant (although Duel isn't slow and Hex has an amazing story and experience!) Doesn't mean you should slate the fact this will be a dark ride. Much more excited by this than if they had announced a coaster (which Thorpe are obviously short of) as we've no idea what will be within this building and Thorpe can keep that up for as long as they want pretty much! HYPE
  9. It's an elephant transport system (like in RCT3) to replace the Skyway.
  10. In other news, Monday 3rd November has become a FN date
  11. They have to ensure there is enough room in the park for all prebooked. Let's say 10000 have prebooked and there are 8000 non prebooked guests on park they have to close the gates so all the prebooked people can get it.
  12. Capacity has not been decreased! The full signs are no longer up! So they've basically reopened the gates! They were just expecting with the way the gate figure was rapidly climbing in the morning to hit capacity so they had to announce it so all prebooked people could get in! Many people left a 3 (many more families as it's half term and quite a few trips) so they were expecting to hit capacity but didn't.
  13. If the main queue is 60 minutes in Fastrack you will wait 1/3 of that so 20 minutes.
  14. Colossus and Inferno were only down for 10 minutes, was just inconvenient that it was the same time Saw was also down (which they couldn't help if it breaks they need to fix it) and Stealth was down because it just was and had been the whole of Friday too! Not sticking up for Thorpe but you can't compare Thorpe's busiest day of the season (guests parked in coach park and the yellow "Thorpe Park is now full" signs ready to be used) with a standard Saturday at BPB where half their coasters only need to make it to the top of the lift Hill and stop in the station. And if they're making a loss then they aren't really beating the might of Merlin, it is a business after all!
  15. It's on two trains (or at least was when it opened).
  16. I've never made it through the full queue in 45 minutes ever! Takes about 30 to get from Quantum end to air gates so full queue is around an hour.
  17. The initial one this year on all coasters was meant to be no main queue only RnR and Fastrack. But because (even with lots of explanation of a simple to understand system, people used to use the old free fastrack scheme fine!) people just complained about not being able to queue normally, so many people that the park gave in and opened standby. Then later in the day, these people probably ended up complaining again as the main queue hardly moved as RnR got priority. Same in the summer, Inferno had a 60 minute normal queue, or walk on RnR, it's not difficult! On Friday 17th at FN, we entered the park and went to MBV. 90 minute main queue, pfft logged onto my phone outside the entrance, clicked "ride right now" on RnR and went straight in. Leaflets, signs, people, there were enough things explaining the simple system just people refusing to use it as they wanted to queue and then moan that their queue hardly moved.
  18. The path to Swarm by Roast and relish has received something nice! No longer are the flood lights needed on that path. These great little lights that change colour have been placed along the path instead! And they look great at night! Woop!
  19. What's this? Oh good Thorpe's new ride for 2015 has arrived. Guess they're just waiting to paint it black. (really this is Wilde Maus XXL in the staff car park again like it was last year)
  20. There is nothing to say this thing won't be a coaster... The Mummy is an amazing dark ride coaster combo and same looks like it can be said for the SFX coaster. They just need to be careful if they go down the dark ride coaster route to treat both aspects equally so one element doesn't overrule the other (like Wonder Mountains odd coaster section)
  21. Skyway is closed for the season. Hocus pocus is closed as it's being done up for Halloween as per usual. The rest don't open till 11/12 on off peak days as there's no need.
  22. Rumours about the Arena and stuff have been circulating for long before this one engineer said something (I've heard rumours from June). That's beside the point though It won't go through as reserved matters like everything else we've got on the current MTDP has because no matter where it goes or how large it is the MTDP doesn't state the possibility of a building (although 5000sq m floorspace for 6 years was pretty large so maybe they've been thinking about it for a while). But they have 3000+ to play around with from the MTDP bank of floorspace. All Thorpe have done so far is cut down some trees (which they're allowed to do, they're not Towers), put some markings around, rip out some seats and pull up some concrete from the Fungle site. Swarm's billboard was built before that got official permission so what they've done so far is just some general work. They don't have to get planning permission for everything (Ninferno and Colossus queue line shops never got permission because it just wasn't needed). As long as they don't cut down anything they're not supposed to they'll be fine (who's to say planning permission hasn't been submitted anyway, Runnymede can take a week or two to register the submission onto the site and stuff)
  23. Mitchada04


    It wasn't put up when the ride reopened so hasn't been there all season.
  24. Yes because Merlin are just openly going to tell a group of 50 enthusiasts their huge plans for the parks future. The guy who was adamant Smiler was going to have a washing machine element wasn't trying to be a red herring, he was just a person who thought he'd sussed it out and turned out to be wrong yet still hasn't eaten the things he said he would if the secret element wasn't a washing machine. All the SouthParks article does is show us how slow theyare at ppicking up on things much like Fish's closure.
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